Luz – Queen of the End Times

Our Lady to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 29th, 2021:

Beloved children: I bless you as the Queen and Mother of the End Times.
At the conclusion of the Novena that you have dedicated to me, my Heart was filled with joy at the response of my children, knowing with certainty that what they offer me I present before the Divine Will.  I have seen people who have converted, who have taken the firm decision to meet my Son again. This novena has been a heaven on earth. Only by being humble and simple of heart can you understand that, as Queen and Mother, I am grateful for gestures born of pure and simple hearts.
Beloved children, this generation must prepare: it needs to be catechized so that it would not be lost.  The wicked Son of Perdition is already in action: he is not sending his henchmen as in the past, but he himself is setting about extending his tentacles over confused and delirious humanity.

It is this generation that is experiencing moments of pain, when this is being fulfilled before its eyes: “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death; and you will be hated by all because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” (Mt. 10:21-22) Children, at this moment there is mistrust in homes, in workplaces, among families; this is already happening without any reason and will become more pronounced.
Humanity is heading towards the point where they will leave you without freedom, unable to move or think for yourselves, and humanity will consent to everything in order to subsist.
As Mother, I invite each of you to stay where you are settled; only those who live near the coasts should move away from the coasts.  The seas will enter the land and some of them have underwater mountains which at some point will come to the surface.
It is a small number of souls who are walking as Heaven has indicated. My children are being tested again and again, being given new incentives full of lies so that they would be lost. They will suffer during the European winter.
My beloveds, I give you:

My Heart so that you would not be afraid…
My Hands so that you will not get lost…
My Feet to guide you…
My Eyes so that you would live in forgiveness and see my Son in your brothers and sisters…
My Tongue so that you would pray and plead for conversion….

Pray the Holy Rosary without ceasing, tirelessly do good. It is necessary for you to consecrate yourselves to My Heart so that It would intercede for you. It is urgent that you consecrate yourselves to My Heart: do not wait. Prepare consecrations for the month of September, before the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary: this is necessary for the good of your souls.*

Pay attention: you are losing the Faith and this leads you to fall prey to the Devil. Be simple and humble of heart so that I can help you. This is not the time to interest yourselves in matters other than growing in the spirit. Pray the Holy Rosary: it is the prayer that the Devil does not like hearing, and you keep him away by praying if you are in a state of Grace.
I bless all of you who read this call of mine and bring it to life.
Mother Mary

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

*For a particularly powerful and beautiful consecration to Our Lady, the books, Mary’s Mantle Consecration: A Spiritual Retreat for Heaven’s Help and Mary’s Mantle Consecration Prayer Journal take you deeper into the heart of God through Our Mother’s intercession by reading a short daily meditation on a virtue or Gift of the Spirit, a little bit of fasting, Confession, and consecrating (or re-consecrating) one’s life and soul to Mary. This consecration is saving and healing souls in individuals, families, and parishes across the world. People don’t want to see it end. See Click here for the audio book. Click here for the books in Spanish. 

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: Our Queen and Mother expressed to me the need for all of us to be at peace with God.  She led me to see millions of human beings praying the Holy Rosary and said to me: “Look how many children of My Son are praying”. I answered her: yes, Mother, this is how it is. Then She said to me: “Look carefully.” And when they were praying the Holy Rosary I saw how most of those who were praying withdrew from the prayer and few remained. And our Mother said to me:
“This is how My Son’s People are: they are not convinced and converted, which is why the affairs of the Father’s House weary them.”
Our Mother said to me: “Look at the infernal dragon.”
And I saw a relatively young man, well dressed, who was passing by holy places, and even in those places those who saw him made a gesture of respect to him. I asked our Mother: “Who is that man?” and she said to me: “The Son of Perdition. He is afraid of me, therefore, invoke the Precious Blood of my Divine Son and invoke me with “Hail Mary, conceived without sin…”
And our Blessed Mother blessed all humanity, blessing the Earth. Amen.


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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Marian Consecration, Messages, The Period of the Anti-Christ, Vaccines, Plagues and Covid-19.