Weeping… All Over the World

Many years ago, I heard an evangelical missionary retell his encounter with someone from the African continent. The African was amazed at the sterility and lack of childlike faith in the West — accompanied by a lack of supernatural phenomena.
“Don’t you see angels?” asked the African.

“No, hardly anyone does,” replied the missionary.

“Ah, we see them all the time!” 
Rationalism is one of the tragic infections of the Western mind that has spread like a contagion from the Enlightenment period, even among the Church’s most theologically tuned. 

Rationalism holds that reason and knowledge alone should guide our actions and opinions, as opposed to the intangible or emotion, and especially, religious beliefs. Rationalism is a product of the so-called Enlightenment period, when the “father of lies” began to sow one “ism” after another over the span of four centuries—deism, scientism, Darwinism, Marxism, communism, radical feminism, relativism, etc. —leading us to this hour, where atheism and individualism have all but supplanted God in the secular realm.

But even in the Church, rationalism’s toxic roots have taken hold. The past five decades, in particular, have seen this mindset tear away at the hem of mystery, bringing all things miraculous, supernatural, and transcendent under a dubious light. The poisonous fruit of this deceptive tree infected many pastors, theologians, and eventually lay people, to the extent that the Liturgy itself was drained of signs and symbols that pointed to the Beyond. In some places, church walls were literally white-washed, statues smashed, candles snuffed, incense doused, and icons, crosses, and relics closeted (see On Weaponizing the Mass).

Worse, far worse, has been the neutering of childlike faith in vast portions of the Church such that, often today, anyone who displays any kind of real zeal or passion for Christ in their parishes, who stands out from the status quo, is often cast as suspect (if not cast out into the darkness). In some places, our parishes have gone from the Acts of the Apostles to the Inaction of the Apostates—we are limp, lukewarm, and devoid of mystery… a childlike faith. O God, save us from ourselves! Deliver us from the spirit of rationalism!  —from Rationalism and the Death of Mystery (Mark Mallett)

One of the curiosities in Western culture when it comes to prophecy is that religious thinkers tend to approach seers with a mindset to prove why alleged revelations are “fake” rather than divinely inspired. They see the human element as an obstacle if not a “gotcha” moment as opposed to one of the mysterious ways in how God works through creatures.[1]eg. Medjugorje, and the Smoking Guns As noted in Prophecy in Perspectiveeven the Saints’ mystical literature is not without error:
It may come as a shock to some that nearly all mystical literature contains grammatical errors (form) and, on occasion, doctrinal errors (substance)—Rev. Joseph Iannuzzi, mystical theologian, “Newsletter, Missionaries of the Holy Trinity”, January-May 2014
St. Hannibal, the spiritual director to both Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the seer of La Salette, Melanie Calvat, warned:

Conforming to prudence and sacred accuracy, people cannot deal with private revelations as if they were canonical books or decrees of the Holy See… For example, who could ratify in full all the visions of Catherine Emmerich and St. Brigitte, which show evident discrepancies? —Letter to Fr. Peter Bergamaschi who had published all the unedited writings of Benedictine mystic, St. M. Cecilia

Perhaps all this is precisely why God has, mercifully, left this unbelieving generation with unmistakable confirmations of His divine stamp on many seers — from the stigmata, to miracles, to weeping icons and statues in their homes or presence. (Note: whenever you see a seer’s name highlighted on our website, just click the name and a window will pop up that often includes these details [see, eg. Luz de Maria de Bonilla or Luisa Piccarreta ]).

In this vein, our translator Peter Bannister, MTh, MPhil, put together a  list of links to weeping icons in the Eastern Church that have, or are occurring throughout the world. Given the overwhelming existence of this phenomenon (the number of them is a sign in itself), our immediate question shouldn’t be “how” this is happening, but “why”:

My sense is that the Christian East (including Eastern Rite Catholics, of course) is far less corroded by rationalism than the West, and this may just be Christianity’s salvation during the generalized apostasy… —Peter Bannister


Jesus said to them,
“A prophet is not without honor
except in his native place and
among his own kin and in his own house.”
So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there,

apart from curing a few sick people
by laying his hands on them.
He was amazed at their lack of faith.
(Matt 6:4-6)

You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears,
you always oppose the Holy Spirit; you are just like your ancestors.
Which of the prophets did your ancestors not persecute?
(From today’s first Mass Reading,
St. Stephen, Acts 7:51-52)

—Mark Mallett


The Literal “Signs” of the Times:

https://orthodoxtimes.com/weeping-icon-of-panagia-parigoritissa-in-vyronas/ (“myrrh” exuding from an icon of the Virgin (“Panagia”) in Vyronas, Greece, immediately upheld by the local Orthodox Metropolitan, September 2020)
https://bialostockie.eu/suprasl/28045-cud-w-supraslu-to-nie-jest-przypadkowe (myrrh exuding from an icon in an Orthodox monastery in Poland, 2020)
https://orthochristian.com/124401.html (4 lacrimations of myrrh in Moscow, authenticity upheld by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev)
https://orthochristian.com/122414.html (lacrimation of myrrh in Lviv, Ukraine)
https://orthochristian.com/121441.html (weeping icon of St Michael the Archangel, Serbian Orthodox monastery in Croatia, 2019)
https://www.pravmir.com/281197-2/ (Homer Glen compared with other weeping icons, 1987 – )
https://www.fronda.pl/a/zapowiedz-kataklizmu-ikony-na-ukrainie-i-w-rosji-placza,35046.html (multiple instances of weeping icons in Russie and Ukraine, 2013/2014: Polish article by Tomasz Terlikowski, author of a book on the Marian apparitions in Akita, Japan, 1973)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVi28K77x4w (weeping icon of St Michael the Archangel, Rhodes, 2013)
https://www.uocofusa.org/news_171116_1 (icon of the Virgin Mary in Taylor, Pennsylvania, 2017)
https://www.archiepiskopia.be/old/Fra/nouvelles/2006/16072006.htm (myrrh exuding from an icon of St Nicholas in Antwerp, 2006)
http://www.appel-du-ciel.org/?page_id=405 (oil exuding from an icon in Garges-lès-Gonesse, France, 2006)
https://blog.obitel-minsk.com/2017/09/an-interview-about-miraculous-icon-of.html (famous case of an icon of St Anne that began exuding oil on Mother’s Day, May 9, 2004 in an Orthodox church in Philadelphia)
Occurring presently: exudation of tears from an icon of the Virgin in a monastery in Sil’tse in the Zakarpattia region, Ukraine. Affirmed as miraculous by Metropolitan Feodor of the Mukachevo diocese.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ACOsTECNCQ&t=6s (exudation of “myrrh” – Orthodox term for oil, often fragrant – from an icon in the Zakarpattia region, 2020)
https://orthochristian.com/135716.html (exudations of myrrh from four icons in the church of St Seraphim of Sarov in Arakan on the island Mindanao in the Philippines)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SHEoFUfxzs (icones exuding oil for years in the church of St Michael the Archangel, Voron-Lozokva. Russian TV report, 2020)
https://orthochristian.com/130096.html (article in English with photos/vidéos)
https://orthodoxtimes.com/metropolitan-of-rhodes-recommends-humility-for-icon-that-seems-to-be-weeping/ (weeping of an icon of Saint Paraskevi in the church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Apollo, Rhodes, 2020)
http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/5615512.html (lacrimations of blood and myrrh from an icon of the Virgin in the church of the Epiphany, Urosovo (Tula diocese), Russia, February 2020, confirmed by Archpriest Nikolai Dudin. 
https://orthochristian.com/119404.html (18 icons exuding myrrh in Solodniki, Astrakhan province, Russia. Article in English).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfUfR-dHKsE (lacrimation of blood from an icon of the Virgin of Tikhin, Belarus, 2017)

https://pravoslavie.ru/102396.html (icons of St Matrona exuding oil in Belgorod, 250 miles from Moscow, 2017)

https://pravoslavie.ru/102443.html (lacrimation from an icon of the Virgin in Sibiu, Romania, 2017)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5qthwQnoKk (lacrimation of blood from an icon of the Virgin of Smolensk, January 2015, confirmed by laboratory testing as having the same chemical composition as human blood)
https://pravoslavie.ru/82049.html (exudation of oil from two icons in a convent in Khabarovsk in Siberia, 2015)
https://orthochristian.com/78263.html (exudation of oil from an icon of St Michael the Archangel in Trikala, Greece, 2015)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uo-bixCAiU&t=143s (exudation of oil from an icon of St Michael the Archangel on the island of Rhodes, 2013)
https://pravoslavie.ru/65937.html (article in English on the same topic)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XytJgPkXb9Q (series of exudations/lacrimations of icons in Russia and Ukraine, 2013)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYpZytuCxJw (lacrimations of myrrh from an icon of the Virgin in the Maniavskyi monastery, Ukraine) 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEbHjbfPc3E (lacrimation of an icon of the Virgin manufactured in Italy, Greco-Catholic church of Horodenka, Ukraine, 2010)


In the small Orthodox church of St Alexandra the Roman in Stanislawow near Warsaw airport, an icon exudes oil on May 10, 2017. Ratified by a commission presided by Metropolitan Sawa of Warsaw and all Poland 
In Terespol in Eastern Poland, five icons are said to have wept simultaneously in 2010: three in Orthodox churches, two in private homes. The events began when 16 year-old Lukasz Poplawski asked his priest to bring a copy of the icon of the Mother of God, Prompt Fulfiller of Requests (“Skoroposlusznicy”) from Mount Athos in Greece. The Polish-language article also refers to analogous events in Prehoryla in 1937 at the time of the destruction of Orthodox churches in the Chelm region.  
http://archiwum.przegladprawoslawny.pl/articles.php?id_n=2864&id=8 (exudations of myrrh near Odessa, Ukraine – Polish-language article regarding events in 2007)

https://pravoslavie.ru/69463.html (lacrimation of blood from an icon of Jesus in Zugdidi, Georgia, March 2014) 

https://pravoslavie.ru/91260.html (lacrimation of blood from an icon of the Virgin of Kazan, Church of St Peter & Paul in Log nr. Volgograd, Russia, 2003 – )
https://redakcjapartyzant.wordpress.com/2014/12/13/w-gruzji-mirotoczy-placze-ikona-sw-gabriela-ugrebadze/ (weeping icon of St Gabriel Ugrebadze, Georgia, 2014. The icon is subsequently blessed by Patriarch Elijah II.)
https://pravoslavie.ru/76866.html (article in English on the same topic)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gjlngJ1G_Q (59(!!!) icons exude oil in the Churkinsk Monastery (Чуркинский монастырь) in the province of Astrakhan, Russia)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd9bx-ngeHk (an icon of the Virgin exudes oil in a recently-consecrated (2005) church in Vladivostok)
https://pravoslavie.ru/92145.html (lacrimations of blood from an icon of the Saviour, April 4, 2000 in Orenburg, Russia. The icon is subsequently blessed by Patriarch Alexei of Moscow. Analyses carried out by three laboratories point to human blood of the same group as that found on the Turin Shroud. 

https://www.visionsofjesuschrist.com/weeping24.htm (lacrimations of oil from an icon of the Virgin and Child in a Greek Orthodox church in Ramallah, 1998)


French scientist Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2008, investigated the miracles of Lourdes as an agnostic in 2009. His conclusion, stated in the book Le Nobel et le moine (“The Nobel prize and the monk”) written in dialogue with the Cistercian monk Michel Niassaut, bears repeating:
“When a phenomenon is inexplicable, if it really exists, then it is useless to deny it.”

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