埃德森·格劳伯(Edson Glauber)–强烈祈祷

我们的夫人 埃德森·格劳伯 29年2020月XNUMX日:

At 4:00 pm, the Blessed Mother came again from heaven, at the time of her usual afternoon apparition.下午XNUMX:XNUMX,有福的母亲再次从天上来,正好是她下午的幻影仪式。 She had the Baby Jesus in her arms and the two of them came accompanied by St Michael, St Gabriel and St Raphael.她怀里有小耶稣,两个人在圣米迦勒,圣加百列和圣拉斐尔的陪同下走来。 She gave us another message:她给了我们另外一条信息:
我的孩子们,我您的母亲不知疲倦,我邀请您祈祷和悔改。 奉献给上帝和天国,因为只有他才能给您救恩和永生。 顺服主的呼召; 越来越多地祈祷以弥补世界上的罪过的男人和女人。 醒来。 改变你的生活,听我的电话,因为也许以后你将没有上帝现在给你的恩典和机会。
我的孩子们相信上帝的爱,因为他的爱可以使世界免遭大祸害,并可以改变您的生活。 祈祷,祈祷,祈祷,因为极大的痛苦和逼迫将很快到来,所有永远生活在上帝恩典中的人将感到快乐。 改变生活,回归上帝。
我祝福大家:奉父,子,圣灵的名。 阿们!
The Blessed Mother woke me at 03:00 and talked with me until 05:30.这位有福的母亲在XNUMX:XNUMX唤醒了我,并与我交谈直到XNUMX:XNUMX。 I heard her voice telling me this message and other personal things which I cannot write about, related to her work, about people who are acting in secret, about whom I must be careful, and about the destiny of the world.我听到她的声音告诉我这则消息以及我无法写的其他个人事情,涉及她的工作,秘密行事的人,我必须小心的人以及世界的命运。 As a loving and caring Mother, she instructed me and asked me to convey her message to the people present in the Sanctuary.作为一个充满爱心和关怀的母亲,她指示我并要我向在圣所的人们传达信息。
My son, I have come from heaven to grant you my blessing.我的儿子,我来自天堂,是为了祝福你。 I have come from heaven to tell the whole world that God exists and is no longer loved, adored or even respected.我从天堂来告诉全世界,上帝存在,不再受到爱戴,崇拜甚至尊敬。
主最近受到了许多侮辱和冒犯,只有很少的人[奉献给他]并努力向他提供公正和应有的赔偿。 许多人按照自己的意愿而不是耶和华的意愿行事。 他们尚未悔改,离救赎还很远。
那些没有祈祷精神,没有conversion依欲望而拜访我的圣地的人,就不能得到上天的祝福或恩典,因为他们在主面前像伪君子一样行事。 他们需要上帝的祝福和帮助,但他们没有丝毫的努力去纠正自己的错误和罪过。 Without conversion there is no salvation.没有悔改就没有救赎。 Without a change of life and without sincere repentance for your sins, leaving behind you all wrong things and the life of sin, you cannot merit the kingdom of heaven.没有生活的改变,没有对自己的罪的真诚悔改,把所有错误的事情和犯罪的生活抛在身后,就无法拥有天国。
我现在问每个在这里的孩子,每个人一个人:您来这里做什么? 您是否以上帝的真心孩子或世俗的孩子的身份进入上帝的圣所,跟随着通往地狱之火的灭亡之路? 您是否进入了上帝的圣所要真正悔改,还是仍在跟随恶人的劝告,走在罪人的路上,与the脚者聚在一起?[1]圣诗篇1:1
Lord, who will enter your sanctuary?主啊,谁会进入你的圣所? Who can dwell on your Holy Mountain?谁能住在您的圣山上? Those who are upright in their conduct, who practise what is just and who speak the truth from their heart, who do not use their tongue to defame, do no harm to their fellow men and do not slander their neighbor.品行端正,奉行公义,自以为是的人,不以舌头为名的人,不会伤害同胞,也不会毁邻居。[3]诗篇15:1-3
耶稣基督昨天,今天和永远都是一样的。[4]希伯来13:8的With my Son Jesus Christ, united to his love, everything will always be possible.有了我的儿子耶稣基督,结合他的爱,一切都会成为可能。 Without him, you will be carried away by every kind of strange doctrine,没有他,您会被各种奇怪的教义所吸引,[5]的以弗所书4:14 因为没有宽容之心的人将永远没有抵抗邪恶的力量,将永远陷入罪恶,背离真理,生活在谎言中和拒绝上帝的生活。
I am calling you to God.我在呼唤你向上帝。 Convert without delay.立即转换。 I bless you, my son, and I give you my peace!我祝福你,我的儿子,我给你我的平安!

2020 年 9 月 20 日

My children, this is not the time for doubts and uncertainties, but the time for you to commit yourselves to God, to change your hearts in his love and to live out your conversion in a life of surrender and holiness.我的孩子们,这不是怀疑和不确定的时候,而是您投身于上帝,改变他对爱的内心,在投降和圣洁的生活中实现悔改的时候。 I have already given you so many signs: now be children of prayer and faith and set an example of completely belonging to me.我已经给了你很多迹象:现在成为祈祷和信仰的孩子,并树立完全属于我的榜样。
Be truly Eucharistic souls in order to be truly my children who are united to my Immaculate Heart.成为真正的圣体圣灵,才能真正成为我的孩子,团结我的圣心。 The more you worship my Son in the Eucharistic Sacrament, the more the Holy Spirit will unite with you and enlighten you, showing you the way forward and what to do.您在圣体圣礼中敬拜我的儿子的次数越多,圣灵就会越多地与您团结并启发您,向您展示前进的道路和做什么。
我祝福大家:奉父,子,圣灵的名。 阿们!

2020 年 9 月 19 日

我的儿子,天堂再次对您说话; 上帝再次允许你与天堂联合,以得到爱,和平,祝福和恩典。 在这些遭遇中,没有人能理解主的仁慈和伟大。
God speaks to you through me: God calls you and all humanity to conversion.上帝通过我对你说话:上帝呼唤你和全人类悔改。 God desires the sanctity of all his children, that they might live a life of conversion and sincere repentance before the terrible day of his justice arrives, which will punish every sin and every action committed against his divine will.上帝渴望所有儿女的圣洁,以使他们可以在他可怕的正义之日到来之前过着conversion依和真诚悔改的生活,这将惩罚一切违法行为和违背上帝旨意的一切举止。 
Pray, my son, pray for those who have abandoned God and his holy way.我的儿子,为那些抛弃了上帝和他的圣道的人祈祷。 Pray for those who no longer want to know about heaven, but live obsessed by the world, by its false joys and pleasures that save nothing but lead to the fires of hell.为那些不再想了解天堂,而是被世界迷恋的人们祈祷,他们因其虚假的欢乐和享乐而得救,除了挽救地狱之火以外,别无他法。
Satan is destroying many souls with sin;撒但正在用罪恶摧毁许多人。 many of them are caught in his hellish traps and have no strength to break free from his clutches.他们中的许多人被困在他的地狱陷阱中,无力挣脱他的魔掌。 Pray and sacrifice yourself for the conversion of sinners, so that many souls would repent of their sins, would ask God for forgiveness and return to the right path.为罪人的悔改祷告并牺牲自己,以便许多人悔改自己的罪过,祈求上帝的宽恕并返回正确的道路。
Souls are precious to God and to me, his Mother in Heaven.灵魂对上帝和我(天上的母亲)都是宝贵的。 Save them with your prayers, with your sacrifices and penances, helping them to find the holy path of heaven that leads to the Heart of my Son Jesus.用您的祈祷,您的牺牲和pen悔来拯救他们,帮助他们找到通往我儿子耶稣之心的天堂之圣路。
I am at your side to grant you my love and my maternal assistance.我在你的身边,要给予你我的爱和母亲的帮助。 I love you and I give you my love, so that you would take it to all my children who need it: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.我爱你,我给你我的爱,所以你会把它带给我所有需要它的孩子:奉父,子,圣灵的名。 Amen.阿们 



1 圣诗篇1:1
2 诗篇1:4-5
3 诗篇15:1-3
4 希伯来13:8的
5 的以弗所书4:14
张贴在 埃德森和玛丽亚, 在线消息.