
耶稣 瓦莱里亚·科波尼(Valeria Copponi) 九月30,2020:

My daughter, I am not the one punishing you, but you yourselves with your evil actions are attracting Satan and all other evil spirits.我的女儿,我不是惩罚你的人,但你们自己的邪恶行为正吸引着撒但和所有其他邪恶的灵魂。 You, my little remnant, make it clear to those closest to you that I do not want to punish you for your sins, for your shortcomings, any more than what you are bringing upon yourselves!您,我的小小残余,向与您最亲近的人表明,我不想为您的罪行,您的缺点而惩罚您,而不仅仅是给自己带来什么! Do not do evil even to those who do not deserve your goodness;即使对那些不配你的善良的人也不要作恶。 I suggest that you pray greatly for these far-off children of mine;我建议你为我这些遥远的孩子们祈祷。 through your sacrifice many souls may be saved.通过你的牺牲,许多灵魂可以得救。 I always lead you to the conquest of goodness;我总是带领你征服善良。 your good works touch my heart and then I seek to heal many of the sick among you.您的善举感动了我的心,然后我设法治愈了你们中间的许多病人。 Diseases of the body are nothing compared to the evil that tortures many souls;与折磨许多人的邪恶相比,身体的疾病简直是无稽之谈。 you know full well that far from God there is no happiness but only sadness.您完全知道,远离上帝,没有幸福,只有悲伤。 Be bearers of peace;保持和平; you are realizing that peace is found only in God, so treasure this awareness of yours and help, as much as you can, those children of mine who prefer to take their own lives in the face of very heavy trials.您会意识到只有在上帝中才能找到和平,因此,请珍惜对您的了解,并尽最大可能帮助那些愿意在严峻的考验中度过生命的我的孩子。 I love you and I desire that with your good works you might bring sinners back to my heart, especially those who no longer know of My sacrifice offered, above all for them, on the Cross.我爱你,我希望你的善行能使罪人回到我的心中,尤其是那些不再了解我的牺牲的人,尤其是在十字架上为他们提供的。 Entrust these hard hearts to Me, offer Me prayers and sacrifices, and I will use all My mercy towards them.将这些坚硬的心托付给我,向我祈祷和牺牲,我将全力以赴。 
The earth will no longer give you fruit, the sky will be covered with clouds, your hearts will close even more and Satan will carry off my disobedient children.大地将不再给你结出果实,天空将被白云覆盖,你的心将更加关闭,撒但将把我不听话的孩子们带走。 My children, pray and ask continuously for forgiveness for all the offenses of my disobedient children.我的孩子们为我不听话的孩子们的所有罪行不断祈祷并请求宽恕。 I bless you from high up on My Cross.我在高高的十字架上祝福你。
张贴在 在线消息, 瓦莱里亚·科波尼(Valeria Copponi).