
Several seers on Countdown to the Kingdom from different countries speak of the coming fall of America.来自不同国家的数位“倒计时王国”的观察者谈到了美国即将灭亡。 Given that the United States has been one of the most powerful countries in the world, is this collapse found in the Scriptures?鉴于美国一直是世界上最强大的国家之一,这种崩溃是否在圣经中被发现?

从美国基金会深厚的混杂历史中构建 巴比伦之谜, Mark Mallett explains how even the collapse of America—and the spiritual condition preceding it—may be in black and white in the Book of Revelation.马克·马利特(Mark Mallett)解释了《启示录》中甚至是美国的崩溃及其之前的精神状况。 Read读 美国即将崩溃 at 现在的话.

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