
玫瑰經與和平女王 埃德森·格勞伯 on 月4,2020:

My children, trust in the love of my Son Jesus.我的孩子們,要相信我兒子耶穌的愛。 This pure, holy and divine love heals your wounded hearts and gives you peace.這種純潔,神聖和神聖的愛可以治愈您受傷的心靈,並給您帶來和平。 Allow my Son to reign in your families as the only Lord of your lives, and your families will be healed, receiving a shower of grace and blessings coming from his Sacred Heart.讓我的兒子作為您生命中的唯一主宰您的家庭,您的家庭將得到醫治,從他的聖心那裡得到恩典和祝福。 Pray intensely so that you might have a deep desire for God and for heaven, entrusting yourselves into his hands to do his divine will in this world.強烈祈禱,使您對上帝和天堂有深切的渴望,將自己託付在他的手中,以履行他在這個世界上的神聖旨意。 Whoever is not united to God can never overcome the trials and difficulties of life, because the Lord alone is the rock of defense for each soul.誰不與上帝聯合,誰也無法克服生活的考驗和困難,因為只有主才是每個靈魂的防御之石。 Without that rock in your life, you will never overcome.沒有生命中的那塊石頭,您將永遠無法克服。 With it and united to it, nothing will bring you down.有了它並團結起來,沒有什麼會讓您失望的。 I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.我祝福大家:奉父,子,聖靈的名。 Amen!阿們!


My son, pray for the conversion of sinners, of scoffers, of those who persecute the works of God with actions, words and in secret.我的兒子為罪人,sc竊者,那些用行動,言語和秘密迫害上帝的行為的人的悔改祈禱。 God sees everything.上帝看到了一切。 Have they forgotten that the Lord is the Almighty?他們是否忘記了耶和華是全能的? Offer up everything into the hands of God and the Lord will fight for you [singular];把一切都交在上帝手中,主必為你而戰(單數); as for you, there is nothing that you need to do至於你,你不需要做任何事情 (出14:14 *)。 When His arm acts against those who persecute you, glorify Him, bless Him and praise Him, for He knows how to cast down the mighty from their thrones and exalt the humble.當他的膀臂向那些逼迫你的人行事時,榮耀他,祝福他並讚美他,因為他知道如何從他們的寶座上甩下強大的人,高舉謙卑的人。 Have faith and trust, for those who trust in the Lord are pleasing to Him, as He always loves and blesses those whom He has called and who serve Him.要有信心和信任,因為那些信靠主的人會取悅他,因為他總是愛護和祝福那些他所呼召並侍奉他的人。 我祝福你:奉父,子,聖靈的名。 阿們!
[*替代翻譯:“您只需要保持靜止”(出14:14,NRSVCE)。 譯者註。 ]


My son, you already have everything in your life: the love of my Son who always accompanies you, my blessing as a Mother and my maternal gaze that always protects you.我的兒子,您已經擁有了生活中的一切:永遠伴隨著您的兒子的愛,母親的祝福和永遠保護您的母親凝視。 All other things are of no use if you are not under this very great grace that God has granted you.如果你不在上帝所賜給你的極大恩典下,其他所有事情都沒有用。 Pray, pray, pray and God will give you the strength, the wisdom and the discernment to know how to resist these bad times that are plaguing the Holy Church and the entire world.祈禱,祈禱,祈禱,上帝會給您力量,智慧和智慧,使您知道如何抵禦困擾著聖教會和整個世界的艱難時期。
我的聖子教堂遭到分裂和錯誤的嚴重傷害。 她走路時沒有力量,蹣跚,試圖站起來。 她的敵人想要盡快擊中致命一擊,以徹底摧毀她的基礎,將盡可能多的靈魂引向地獄之路。 祈禱,祈禱,多祈禱,以便與一切邪惡作鬥爭和克服。 A great scandal and persecution will take place within the House of God and many will lose their faith.上帝的殿堂將發生重大醜聞和迫害,許多人將失去信心。 This will happen because of the agreements made in secret with the enemies of the faith.之所以會這樣,是因為與信仰的敵人秘密達成了協議。 There can no agreement with those who fight against the truth, in order not to be complicit in their works of darkness;為了不參與他們的黑暗行徑,不能與那些反對真理的人達成協議。 they must rather be fought against so that all error and evil would be banished from the Holy Church and souls so dear to God.他們必須與之抗爭,以免一切錯誤和邪惡都被聖教會和神所珍愛的靈魂驅逐出去。 我請我所有的孩子們祈禱和賠償,以便盡快消除許多罪惡,否則大的苦難就會到來,許多人會哭泣。 我祝福你,我的寶貝兒子和全人類: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.以父親,兒子和聖靈的名義。 Amen!阿們!


那些背著沉重十字架的人是最堅強的靈魂,那些被呼召執行偉大使命的人。 出於對我兒子的愛而背負您的(單身),他們都會變得溫和而輕快,您將為天國拯救許多靈魂。 永遠不要忘記主的應許和我的母親的話。 他們將在您一生中最艱難的時刻為您提供力量。 我祝福你!
張貼在 埃德森和瑪麗亞, 消息.