Luz de Maria –願景與反思

露絲·德·瑪麗亞·德·博尼利亞 13年2020月XNUMX日:

Brothers and sisters: I share with you the details that Saint Michael the Archangel emphasized to me during this vision.兄弟姐妹:我與您分享天使長聖邁克爾在這個異像中向我強調的細節。 After finishing the完成後 13月XNUMX日留言,聖邁克爾將地球儀擺在我的眼前。 It looked different from how we can see it now via satellite, its colors being different.它的外觀與我們現在通過衛星看到的外觀不同,它的顏色也不同。



Astonished, I nodded my head affirmatively.我大吃一驚,我肯定地點了點頭。 Then he told me:然後他告訴我:

人類尚未接受這種嚴重困擾您的疾病是某些科學家和統治世界的人的貪婪的結果,他們利用這種疾病導致了邪惡並奪走了人類 人質。[1]Is this alleged word true?這個所謂的單詞是真的嗎? Former award-winning television journalist and Countdown Contributor, Mark Mallett, has produced this article packed with careful research.前獲獎電視記者兼Countdown貢獻者Mark Mallett撰寫了這篇文章,並進行了認真的研究。 You decide: read您決定:閱讀 控制大流行 在這個時候,我必須重複我們的國王和主耶穌基督以及我們的女王和母親向您重複的有關濫用技術的事:這種病毒就是證明。 Evil has very cunningly studied how to bring the People of God closer to technology, as it will be through it that the antichrist will make himself known to all humanity.邪惡非常狡猾地研究瞭如何使上帝的子民更接近技術,因為反基督者將通過它使自己成為全人類所知。 This is the reality to which children, adolescents and adults have been very easily led, and without it seeming abnormal to them.這是兒童,青少年和成人很容易被帶到的現實,對他們而言似乎沒有異常。

現在,我們母親多年前告訴您的確實實現了: 房屋將變成集中營… 這就是人類總體上正在經歷的事情。

This new form of virtual teaching that has arisen has done so with humanity's acceptance and submission;這種新的虛擬教學形式已經隨著人類的接受和奉獻得以實現。 this is resulting in disorder and violence everywhere, and humanity is viewing it as something normal;這導致到處都是混亂和暴力,人類將其視為正常現象; it is almost being said that violence is something necessary at the moment.幾乎有人說,目前暴力是必要的。 這是危險的:一個人隨時都在同胞的面前面臨死亡,而這不會導致嚴重的後果。

He showed me how empty human beings look who have little or no faith;他向我展示了幾乎沒有信仰或沒有信仰的空虛的人。 I also saw a part of humanity in the fullness of light, and Saint Michael told me:我還看到了人類在充滿光明中的一部分,聖邁克爾告訴我:



What I was really able to observe was the law of the jungle.我真正能夠觀察到的是叢林法則。 And the Word of Sacred Scripture is fulfilled: Matthew 24:8-15.聖經的話語就實現了:馬太福音XNUMX:XNUMX-XNUMX。 Saint Michael showed me hundreds of human beings who are abandoning the Faith, because the Revelations are not yet being fulfilled!聖邁克爾向我展示了數百名放棄信仰的人,因為啟示尚未實現! Then he showed me these same people in the Tribulation, groaning and pleading for Divine Help.然後,他在大災難中向我展示了這些人,哀求並祈求神的幫助。

I saw a great earthquake and I saw the sea flooding the land, and the foolish were not going to high ground but were perishing by drowning.我看到了一場大地震,我看到大海淹沒了大地,愚蠢的人並沒有高高在上,而是淹死了。 I saw many people drowned because of a volcano emerging from the seabed and creating a tsunami.我看到許多人因火山從海底冒出並造成海嘯而淹死。

The Heavens turned gray and men were running from one place to another in terror and fright, but people of Faith were kneeling and stretching out their arms in worship to God.天堂變成灰色,人們在恐懼和恐懼中從一個地方奔向另一個地方,但是信仰的人們跪下並伸出雙臂向上帝敬拜。 They were saying:他們說: “這是等待的時間! 給我們信念,天地之神,給我們信念以實現目標!”

那些日子裡,有消息會宣布超級火山爆發並造成了類似冬季的氣候……[2]比照 追逐的冬天 各國之間的航班​​和所有交通工具癱瘓了……教堂裡到處都是供認的人……


今天他們求憐憫:昨天他們在褻瀆上帝。 Man continues being haughty before God;人繼續在上帝面前高傲。 this generation is living faced with two paths: that of grace and that of slavery to sin.這一代人生活在兩條道路上:恩典的道路和奴役罪惡的道路。 許多國家將會遭受苦難; 他們的居民將與統治者,統治人類的人站起來,他們不是總統,而是領導共濟會的人,他們正在籌備單一政府,在各國製造混亂。 戰爭將宣告並開始。


人性化,不要固執:convert依! 為了將您與至聖三位一體分開,您被俘虜,沒有上帝,人類就屈服於魔鬼。 不要按照人類的自我生活; 它使您失明,使您看不見,並使您生活在驕傲中,踐踏同胞。










當人們斥責我,逼迫您,並以虛假的方式對您發出各種邪惡的攻擊時,您是有福的。 歡喜快樂,因為你們的報酬在天上是偉大的,因為他們以同樣的方式逼迫你們之前的先知。 (請參閱馬太福音5:3-10)





1 Is this alleged word true?這個所謂的單詞是真的嗎? Former award-winning television journalist and Countdown Contributor, Mark Mallett, has produced this article packed with careful research.前獲獎電視記者兼Countdown貢獻者Mark Mallett撰寫了這篇文章,並進行了認真的研究。 You decide: read您決定:閱讀 控制大流行
2 比照 追逐的冬天
張貼在 露絲·德·瑪麗亞·德·博尼利亞, 消息, 神聖的命令, 勞苦.