Luz de Maria –篩選小麥

大天使聖邁克爾 露絲·德·瑪麗亞·德·博尼利亞 25年2020月XNUMX日:

Beloved People of God: May the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity descend upon each one of you.上帝敬愛的子民:願至聖三一的祝福降臨在你們每個人身上。 The People of God are faithful at all times, attached to the true Magisterium of the Church, committed to living in the Way, the Truth and the Life, staying far away from evil and everything that offends the Most Holy Trinity.上帝的子民始終忠於教會的真心大殿,致力於生活在道路,真理和生命中,遠離邪惡和一切冒犯至聖三一的事物。
At this moment, and little by little, Divine Love is separating the wheat from the chaff;此時此刻,Divine Love正在一點一點地從穀殼中分離出小麥。 our King and Lord Jesus Christ will not allow the chaff to end up with the wheat我們的國王和主耶穌基督將不允許穀殼以麥穗結束 (比照13:24-30)。 取而代之的是,兩者都經過考驗,以便使某些人充滿與神聖之愛一起生活的需要,從而使另一些人有機會回到成為聖殘餘的一部分。 [1]關於聖蹟:閱讀… The possibility stands before you of being among those souls who offset the pains that ought to be suffered by this whole generation, which is offending the Sacred Hearts over and over again with each passing moment.在你面前的可能性是,那些靈魂可以抵消這一代人本應遭受的痛苦,而這些靈魂每時每刻都在一次又一次地冒犯聖心。 People who remain attached to their human ego will not be able to ascend spiritually, but will sink down into the mud, and without noticing it, through their own pride, they will condemn themselves.固守人類自我的人們將無法在精神上提升,但會沉入泥濘之中,並且在沒有意識到的情況下,會因自己的驕傲而譴責自己。
我緊急呼籲你們生活和承認真正的信仰,被召喚以精神和真理跟隨基督。 (比照約4:1-6) It is not enough to repeat prayers from memory;僅僅從記憶中重複禱告是不夠的。 at this time man must give birth within himself to the love for which Our King and Lord Jesus Christ has been waiting and which human beings have not given Him.在這個時候,人必須在自己心中生出我們的國王和主耶穌基督一直在等待的愛,而人類卻沒有給予他。 這一代人必須屈服於人類先前拒絕給予的至聖三位一體,屈從於錯誤的意識形態,迷失於屬於魔鬼的現代創新之中,從而陷入了從成為上帝的生物到被賦予生物的轉變過程。走向惡魔,依靠魔鬼。
所有人都接受風,太陽的光,並且所有人都被月亮照亮,但並非所有人都意識到人類的生命受到這些元素的滋養。 精神就是這樣:所有人都聽神聖聖經的聖言; 他們讀了它,但並非所有人都以此為養。 他們接受它,但不是所有人都將其應用到自己身上:不是所有人都用它來養育自己或使它栩栩如生。 因此,並非所有人都會以同樣的方式被淨化,區別在於他們生活和實踐上帝律法誡的方式…… 你是按照上帝的形像造的 (比較創1:26)……你如何活出神的形像? Degrading it or making it grow?退化還是使其成長? 每個人都對此負責,每個人都為自己的未來和收穫的成果負責。
The forces of nature have been altered by the same convulsive forces found in the center of the Earth and those coming from the Universe, hence natural disasters and those coming from Space are more frequent and more severe.自然力已經被在地球中心和來自宇宙的動盪力所改變,因此自然災害和來自太空的自然災害更加頻繁和嚴重。 Coastal regions need to be vigilant and prepared: the waters of the seas will rise up mysteriously, flooding them;沿海地區必須保持警惕並做好準備:海洋水域將神秘地升起,淹沒它們; bear in mind that water purifies, and nature wishes to purify the evil that man is pouring out upon earth.記住水是淨化的,大自然希望淨化人類傾瀉在地上的邪惡。 The seasons are being shortened and are being repeated one after another, taking man by surprise.季節被縮短,一個接一個地重複,使人感到驚訝。 [2]巨大的行星變化:閱讀…
Pray, children of God, pray, the immorality of this generation will make it suffer to the core.祈禱,上帝的兒女們祈禱,這一代人的不道德將使它遭受核心的折磨。 The Antichrist敵基督者 [3]關於敵基督者:閱讀… 會在上帝的子民面前高舉自己,而上帝的許多子民會因為恐懼和無知而墮落。
Chile will be shaken and the people of Argentina will rise up in turmoil and great suffering;智利將動搖,阿根廷人民將在動盪和巨大苦難中站起來; in turn, humanity will experience that suffering and some people will seek refuge in this southern land.反過來,人類將遭受痛苦,一些人將在這片南部土地上尋求庇護。
Beloved People of God: Wait actively, not standing still in the spirit.上帝所愛的人:積極等待,不要固步自封。 Humanity needs to grow, to come closer to self-knowledge, and needs to surrender to the Divine Will;人類需要成長,更加接近自我知識,並且需要屈服於神聖的意志; otherwise you will not be preserved, you will fall in the face of the weight of evil.否則,您將不會被保存,您將面對邪惡的重壓。 Wake up, wake up, wake up!醒來,醒來,醒來! Victim souls are suffering, offering up and giving themselves for those who are living in sin.受害者的靈魂在苦難,為生活在罪中的人獻身並獻上自己。 Sin seeks sin, good seeks the good.罪惡尋求罪惡,善良尋求善惡。 Be one in the Sacred Hearts.在聖心中成為一位。




The sea rises, stirred up by a force that does not come from nature, but which is caused by man himself;大海不是由自然產生而是由人本人引起的,它在洶湧澎rise的海浪中升起。 it is a sort of wave that passes under the sea floor and shakes everything in its path, and as it advances, the force increases and there is a fierce movement that alters some tectonic faults, as a result of nuclear testing.它是一種波,經過海底並搖晃其路徑中的所有物體,隨著其前進,力增大,並且由於核試驗,劇烈運動改變了某些構造斷層。
Momentarily I see the earth's surface and roads, buildings and houses being moved by force;瞬間,我看到地球的表面和道路,建築物和房屋被強行移動。 some collapse, there is a moment of noise and then shuddering silence followed by people wailing.有些崩潰,有片刻的喧鬧聲,然後是顫抖的寂靜,接著是人們的哭泣。 I see various countries in sequence that I am able to identify and where great earthquakes are expected.我能順序地看到各個國家,並確定可能發生大地震的國家。
突然,他向我展示了人們,有些人放在乾淨的籃子裡,有些人放在泥濘的籃子裡,他對我說:看裡面。 我看...
My God!天哪! The mud is burning like lava from an erupting volcano and within it I can see human beings blaspheming against God, in the other basket I see people praying in the midst of tribulations;泥土從噴發的火山中像熔岩一樣燃燒,在裡面,我可以看到人類在褻瀆上帝,在另一個籃子裡,我看到人們在大災難中祈禱。 they do not stop, but pray to God with great love, and they are helped and guarded because of not ceasing in their prayers.他們不停下來,而是懷著極大的愛向上帝祈禱,他們因不停止祈禱而得到幫助和守護。


張貼在 露絲·德·瑪麗亞·德·博尼利亞.