馬可·法拉利(Marco Ferrari)–選擇關注對象

我們的女士 Marco Ferrari 27年2020月XNUMX日在布雷西亞Paratico的幻影山上

我親愛的親愛的小孩子們,我今天和你在一起,我很高興在禱告中找到你。 Pray, children, pray more and live the commandments of love, doing good to your brothers and sisters.祈禱,孩子們,多祈禱,活出愛的誡命,對兄弟姐妹們做得好。 Beloved children, live the Gospel of Jesus, love God and love your brothers and sisters!親愛的孩子們,活著耶穌的福音,愛上帝,愛你的兄弟姐妹! Beloved children, God loves you but you are not returning His love!親愛的孩子們,上帝愛你,但你沒有回報他的愛!
My children, the world is living in darkness: the evil surrounding you is distancing you from God, distancing you from His love, bringing despair to your hearts and making you believe that there is no tomorrow, that there is no true love.我的孩子們,世界生活在黑暗中:周圍的邪惡正在使您與上帝隔離,使您與上帝的愛隔離,使您感到絕望,並使您相信沒有明天,就沒有真正的愛。 My children, it is up to you to decide, it is up to you to choose whom to follow, whom to love and whom to believe.我的孩子們,取決於您決定,取決於您選擇跟隨誰,愛誰和相信誰。 My children, follow Jesus, welcome Jesus into your lives.我的孩子們跟隨耶穌,歡迎耶穌進入您的生活。 Please, children, welcome Jesus… Evil brings division, insecurity, confusion, and takes away peace and serenity.請孩子們,歡迎耶穌……邪惡帶來了分裂,不安全感,混亂,並剝奪了和平與安寧。 我愛你我的孩子們,我愛你們所有人,我想看到你們所有人都被保存了,都團結了,都屬於我,都屬於耶穌。
My children, when returning to your homes, take my message, become witnesses to prayer and true love;我的孩子們回到家中時,接受我的信息,成為禱告和真愛的見證; remember that it is not enough to pray if you do not follow Jesus in your choices.請記住,如果您沒有選擇跟隨耶穌,僅僅祈禱是不夠的。 I am with you and I invite you to take my blessing to the world in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love.我與你同在,我邀請你以父的上帝,兒子的上帝,愛的精神的上帝的名義向世界祝福。 Amen.阿們 再見,我的孩子們。
張貼在 Marco Ferrari, 消息.