Simona – Pray With Your Heart

Our Lady of Zaro di Ischia to Simona , Christmas Message 2022:

I saw Mother, she was all dressed in white, on her head were the crown of twelve stars and a white mantle that also covered her shoulders and went down to her feet, on which she was wearing a pair of simple sandals. In her arms, tightly wrapped in the mantle, Mother had Baby Jesus. May Jesus Christ be praised…
Behold the Light of the world; the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it; the Light of the world comes to light the way, in order to give joy, peace, love. Kiss Him, children, love Him, cherish Him, cradle Him, swaddle Him with your love, hold Him in the humility of your heart, let Him be born within you. He, the King of heaven and earth, made Himself small among the small, humble among the humble, for you, in order to give you everything, His whole self. Daughter, let us make silent adoration.
I silently adored Jesus in Mother’s arms, then Mother resumed.
My children, I love you and ask you to let yourselves be loved; be bearers of peace, bearers of love. Let my beloved Jesus be born in your hearts; let Him guide your steps; walk in His light. My children, only by following Jesus can you find true peace. I love you, children, I love you. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me.

On December 26, 2022:

I saw Mother; she was all dressed in white, on her head was a delicate veil studded with gold dots and a crown of twelve stars; a wide white mantle covered her shoulders and went down to her feet, which were bare and placed on the world. Tightly wrapped in the mantle, Mother had Baby Jesus in swaddling clothes, sleeping blissfully. May Jesus Christ be praised…                   
Behold, children, I come to show you the way, the way that leads to the Lord, the only True Way. My children, let us silently adore the Light of the world. My children, teach children to pray; teach them the true value of Christmas; teach them about the coming of the Lord, His immense love. My children, pray and get them to pray; humble your ego and extol God. When you pray, children, do not get lost in a thousand empty words: pray with your heart, pray with love. My children, learn to pause before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar: there my Son awaits you, alive and true, my children. I love you, children, and I ask you again for prayer: pray, children, pray. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me.
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Posted in Messages, Simona and Angela.