Why Simona and Angela?

Visionaries of Our Lady of Zaro

The alleged Marian apparitions in Zaro di Ischia (an island near Naples in Italy) have been ongoing since 1994. The two current visionaries, Simona Patalano and Angela Fabiani, receive messages on the 8th and 26th of each month, and Don Ciro Vespoli, who provides spiritual guidance to them, was himself one of a group of seers during the initial phase of the apparitions, before he became a priest. (It is Don Ciro who, at least until recently, would read out the messages written down by Simona and Angela after they emerged from their supposed ecstasies or "resting in the Spirit—riposo nello Spirito").

The messages from Our Lady of Zaro may not be well known in the English-speaking world, but a case can be made for treating them seriously on a number of grounds. The first is that the diocesan authorities are actively studying them and in 2014 established an official commission tasked, among other things, with collecting testimonies of healings and other fruits associated with the apparitions. The visionaries and their apparitions, therefore, are therefore subject to intense scrutiny, and to our knowledge, there have been no allegations of malpractice. Don Ciro, himself, has pointed out that he could not have been ordained by Msgr. Filippo Strofaldi, who had been following the apparitions since 1999, had the monsignor judged the apparitions either diabolic or the result of mental illness. A third factor in favor of taking the Zaro apparitions/messages seriously is the clear evidence that in 1995, the visionaries had what appears to have been a precognitive vision (published in the magazine Epoca) of the 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers* in New York. (It was this that attracted the attention of the national press to Zaro). As regards the often sobering content of the messages,** there is a striking convergence between them and other serious sources, with no theological errors.




Video documentary (Italian) including archival 1995 footage of the seers (among them Ciro Vespoli):

Messages from Simona and Angela

Simona and Angela – Pray for Peace

Simona and Angela – Pray for Peace

This world is increasingly in turmoil
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Simona – Be Flames of Love Burning for the Lord

Simona – Be Flames of Love Burning for the Lord

Let every house be scented with prayer.
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Angela – These Are the Times I Have Long Predicted

Angela – These Are the Times I Have Long Predicted

These are the times of trial and pain.
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Simona and Angela – Let Yourselves be Loved

Simona and Angela – Let Yourselves be Loved

I will not leave you on your own
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Simona and Angela – Do Not Walk Away

Simona and Angela – Do Not Walk Away

He will give you the grace and strength you need.
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Simona – Pray in Reparation

Simona – Pray in Reparation

... for outrages and sacrileges.
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Simona and Angela – This is a Time for Prayer

Simona and Angela – This is a Time for Prayer

... not for futile requests or questions.
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Simona and Angela – Be Vigilant

Simona and Angela – Be Vigilant

Do not be confused by the false beauties of this world.
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Angela – Pray Much for the Vicar of Christ

Angela – Pray Much for the Vicar of Christ

...pray that the authentic Magisterium of the Church would not be lost.
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Angela – These Are the Times I Foretold

Angela – These Are the Times I Foretold

...I weep for the Church on the path of division.
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Simona and Angela – I Come To You To Show You…

Simona and Angela – I Come To You To Show You…

...the road that leads to the Lord.
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Angela – Churches Empty, Robbed

Angela – Churches Empty, Robbed

Pray, not only for the universal Church, but also for the local Church.
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Simona – Hard Times Await You

Simona – Hard Times Await You

I tell you this is to prepare you, not to frighten you.
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Simona and Angela – Good Always Wins, Evil Will Not Prevail.

Simona and Angela – Good Always Wins, Evil Will Not Prevail.

Pray much for priests... Pray for the Holy Father.
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Angela – Judgment is Not Up to You

Angela – Judgment is Not Up to You

Pray that the true Magisterium of the Church would not be lost.
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Simona – Do Not Follow the World’s False Beauties

Simona – Do Not Follow the World’s False Beauties

My children, run to the church: there my Son is alive and true...
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Angela – Many Are Leaving the Church

Angela – Many Are Leaving the Church

The forces of evil will not prevail. My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
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Simona – Run to Him

Simona – Run to Him

There, in church, Jesus awaits you.
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Angela – Here You Will be Safe

Angela – Here You Will be Safe

These are times of trial and division, but do not be afraid.
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Simona – Make your lives a continuous prayer

Simona – Make your lives a continuous prayer

Entrust yourselves to the Lord.
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Simona – My Heart is Torn

Simona – My Heart is Torn

Be silent and pray.
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Angela – Pray and Watch With Me

Angela – Pray and Watch With Me

This day is coming to an end...
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Simona – Follow all the Way to The Foot of His Cross

Simona – Follow all the Way to The Foot of His Cross

...follow Him on Calvary.
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Simona and Angela – Pray for the fate of this world…

Simona and Angela – Pray for the fate of this world…

...increasingly threatened by war.
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Angela – Look At My Son Jesus

Angela – Look At My Son Jesus

Pray much for my beloved Church
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Angela – Prepare for the Great Battle

Angela – Prepare for the Great Battle

Take refuge, all of you, in my Immaculate Heart.
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Simona –  A Vision of the Remnant Church

Simona – A Vision of the Remnant Church

Pray for priests that they would be ready for battle.
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Angela – The Word is to be Lived

Angela – The Word is to be Lived

...not changed or interpreted.
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Simona – I Gather an Army to Fight Evil

Simona – I Gather an Army to Fight Evil

There is no weapon against evil stronger than prayer.
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Angela – The Church is in Great Danger

Angela – The Church is in Great Danger

Do not fear, the forces of evil will not prevail.
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Angela – Trials Will be Many

Angela – Trials Will be Many

...but not all of you are ready to endure them.
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Simona – Pray With Your Heart

Simona – Pray With Your Heart

...and teach your children.
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Angela – Do Not Blame God

Angela – Do Not Blame God

God is love, God is peace, God is joy.
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Simona – I Come to Gather My Army

Simona – I Come to Gather My Army

...an army to fight against evil.
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Simona – These are Hard Times

Simona – These are Hard Times

...but also a time of expectation and great graces.
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Angela – Threatened by the Powerful of the Earth

Angela – Threatened by the Powerful of the Earth

Pray for peace... the Rosary, a powerful weapon.
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Simona – This is Not an Amulet

Simona – This is Not an Amulet

...but a strong weapon against evil if you use it with love and faith.
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Angela – Convert, Do Not Waste Any More Time

Angela – Convert, Do Not Waste Any More Time

...hard times await you.
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Simona – Be One Fold Under One Shepherd

Simona – Be One Fold Under One Shepherd

The head is one, it is Christ.
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Angela – Pray for the Holy Father

Angela – Pray for the Holy Father

Do not judge.
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Simona – There Will be a Great Split in the Church

Simona – There Will be a Great Split in the Church

Pray for the true magisterium of the Church.
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Simona – I am Gathering My Army

Simona – I am Gathering My Army

Be ready, children.
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Angela – My Children, Where is Your Faith?

Angela – My Children, Where is Your Faith?

Where is it, children?
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Angela – I Appear To Prepare My Little Army

Angela – I Appear To Prepare My Little Army

I am here by the Father's immense grace.
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Angela – Please, children, listen to me!

Angela – Please, children, listen to me!

Do not make judges of yourselves but pray.
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Simona – Open the Door Of Your Hearts

Simona – Open the Door Of Your Hearts

There is no space for me in your lives.
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Simona and Angela – A Great Schism

Simona and Angela – A Great Schism

The Church will have to face bad times.
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Simona and Angela – Let Yourselves Be Loved

Simona and Angela – Let Yourselves Be Loved

Abandon yourselves into my arms . . .
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Simona – Let Yourselves Be Loved

Simona – Let Yourselves Be Loved

Let Him fill you and mold you as He wills . . .
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Angela – Please Return to God

Angela – Please Return to God

I have been among you for a long time but nothing has changed.
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Simona and Angela – Hard Times Await You

Simona and Angela – Hard Times Await You

My children, the world is invaded by evil . . .
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Simona and Angela – Pray Much for the Vicar of Christ

Simona and Angela – Pray Much for the Vicar of Christ

and for all my chosen and beloved sons .
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Simona and Angela – Thick Black Smoke Covers the Holy Church of God

Simona and Angela – Thick Black Smoke Covers the Holy Church of God

Witness boldly and without fear.
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Angela – Be Peacemakers

Angela – Be Peacemakers

How can you ask for peace if your hearts are not at peace?
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Simona – Teach Children to Pray

Simona – Teach Children to Pray

They are the world's future.
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Angela – I Beg You to Convert

Angela – I Beg You to Convert

Change, before it is too late.
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Angela – Good Will Triumph

Angela – Good Will Triumph

Afterwards, everything will shine brighter than before.
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Simona – Turn from Sorcery

Simona – Turn from Sorcery

Pray in order to be strong when the Storm comes.
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Simona – How Great is God’s Love!

Simona – How Great is God’s Love!

Prayer is like water quenching the parched land of a dry soul.
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Angela – Look at His Face

Angela – Look at His Face

He is Love.
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Simona – Pray for Unity

Simona – Pray for Unity

Be flooded with the love of Christ.
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Angela – On the World of the Occult

Angela – On the World of the Occult

Jesus is the sole salvation.
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Angela – There Will be Hard Days to Overcome

Angela – There Will be Hard Days to Overcome

Pray and do not be afraid.
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Simona – On Pleasures Before Prayer…

Simona – On Pleasures Before Prayer…

Prayer is a strong weapon against evil.
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Angela – I am Sad

Angela – I am Sad

...the world is gripped in the forces of evil.
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Simona – I Love and Sustain You

Simona – I Love and Sustain You

...in your hardest moments.
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Simona – I Come to Gather My Army

Simona – I Come to Gather My Army

Strengthen your faith through the Sacraments.
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Angela – Do Not be Discouraged

Angela – Do Not be Discouraged

Stretch your hands out to me.
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Angela – Without Priests…

Angela – Without Priests…

...the Church is dead. Pray for holy vocations.
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Simona – Why Do You Say “Lord, Lord”?

Simona – Why Do You Say “Lord, Lord”?

...but close your hearts to His Will?
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Simona – Just the Beginning of Hard Times

Simona – Just the Beginning of Hard Times

The Rosary is your weapon.
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Angela – Darkness Wants to Obscure the Light

Angela – Darkness Wants to Obscure the Light

It will be hard to be saved if you are not prepared.
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Angela – This is Your Weapon

Angela – This is Your Weapon

...together with the Sacraments.
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Simona – Seek Jesus on the Altar

Simona – Seek Jesus on the Altar

Look for Him in the churches!
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Simona – Create Cenacles of Prayer

Simona – Create Cenacles of Prayer

Teach children to pray—they are the future.
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Angela – Jesus Came to Serve

Angela – Jesus Came to Serve

A vision of Our Lady's protection over the Church.
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Angela – Do Not Tire of Praying

Angela – Do Not Tire of Praying

Hole the chain of the Rosary tightly.
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Simona – Pray for My Favored Sons

Simona – Pray for My Favored Sons

If only you understood God's love for each of you.
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Simona – The Father is Good

Simona – The Father is Good

It is up to you to draw near.
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Angela – You Will Fall…

Angela – You Will Fall…

...but get up again, I am here!
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Angela – You Still Don’t Listen

Angela – You Still Don’t Listen

Not all of you are ready.
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Simona – Jesus, the God Beggar

Simona – Jesus, the God Beggar

He awaits you with outstretched hand.
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Angela – The Weapon of Victory

Angela – The Weapon of Victory

Do not let yourselves be seduced by evil.
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Angela – Rise With Me

Angela – Rise With Me

Do not lose hope, even in the darkest moments.
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Angela – Pray for My Beloved Church

Angela – Pray for My Beloved Church

Stay with me beneath the Cross.
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Simona – Trust in Good Times and Bad

Simona – Trust in Good Times and Bad

He will not delay in coming.
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Angela – The Trial has Now Come

Angela – The Trial has Now Come

Pray the Storm moves away from your families...
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Simona – The Strong Weapon Against Evil

Simona – The Strong Weapon Against Evil

Pray, my children, pray.
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Angela – A Great Dragon

Angela – A Great Dragon

Men trust more in science than God.
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Simona – Running After False Prophets

Simona – Running After False Prophets

Seeking peace and love down wrong paths.
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Simona & Angela – The Church is in the Smoke of Satan

Simona & Angela – The Church is in the Smoke of Satan

Pray for my chosen sons, that they would stop causing scandal.
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Simona – Make Room for God

Simona – Make Room for God

The Lord has painted a path for you.
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Angela – Please Listen to Me

Angela – Please Listen to Me

Do not be frightened of the cross.
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Simona – Pray for Peace

Simona – Pray for Peace

Prayer is a powerful weapon against evil.
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Angela – Love of Many Will Grow Cold

Angela – Love of Many Will Grow Cold

Peace is threatened by the powerful.
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Angela – You Resemble Victims of Evil

Angela – You Resemble Victims of Evil

...and you no longer recognize it.
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Angela – If You Are Not Ready

Angela – If You Are Not Ready

...you will not be able to overcome the trials.
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Simona – Please Open Your Hearts

Simona – Please Open Your Hearts

Let Jesus into your life.
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Simona – A Vision of St. Peter’s

Simona – A Vision of St. Peter’s

...and a remnant of faithful priests.
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Angela – So Many Are Leaving the Church

Angela – So Many Are Leaving the Church

But I am close to you.
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Angela – The Church Needs Prayer

Angela – The Church Needs Prayer

Pray so that the true faith would not be lost.
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Simona – Hard Times Await You

Simona – Hard Times Await You

Pray for my favored sons, the priests.
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Simona – Love, Children, Love

Simona – Love, Children, Love

It is up to you alone to decide about your life.
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Angela – Read God’s Word

Angela – Read God’s Word

He must be known in Scripture.
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Simona & Angela – Pray for the Pope

Simona & Angela – Pray for the Pope

Grave decisions depend on him.
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Angela – Hard Times Await You

Angela – Hard Times Await You

What saddens me most is that you are not all ready.
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Simona and Angela – Now is the Time to Choose

Simona and Angela – Now is the Time to Choose

Either you are with Christ or you are against Him.
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Simona and Angela – There Will be Days of Darkness

Simona and Angela – There Will be Days of Darkness

The times are short.
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Angela – There is No More Time

Angela – There is No More Time

Please listen to me and stop worrying about unnecessary things.
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Angela – Falling Priests

Angela – Falling Priests

Do not judge; pray for them.
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Angela – You Need Prayer

Angela – You Need Prayer

Do not believe you can solve your problems on your own.
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Simona – Give Everything To Jesus

Simona – Give Everything To Jesus

He will not delay in comforting and embracing you.
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Simona – Mother or Mercy

Simona – Mother or Mercy

Jesus waits with open arms.
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Angela – Pray for the Vicar

Angela – Pray for the Vicar

The Church must face trials and tribulations.
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Angela – Humanity is Thirsting for Justice

Angela – Humanity is Thirsting for Justice

...but increasingly moving away from grace.
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Simona – The World Needs Prayer

Simona – The World Needs Prayer

Only prayer can move mountains.
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Angela – Do Be Not Afraid

Angela – Do Be Not Afraid

I enfold you all with my mantle.
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Simona – I Come to Gather My Army

Simona – I Come to Gather My Army

Be ready, my children, steadfast and strong in faith.
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Simona – I am Gathering My Army

Simona – I am Gathering My Army

Only the Risen Lord Jesus will be able to give you the strength to start again.
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Simona – Be in Constant Prayer, be Flames of Love

Simona – Be in Constant Prayer, be Flames of Love

My children, in these hard times be even more constant in prayer, be flames of love.
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Simona – Time to Decide

Simona – Time to Decide

Our Lady of Zaro, Italy to Simona, February 26th, 2019: My children, do not let yourselves be deceived by the...
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Posted in Messages, Why that seer?.