Why Luz de Maria de Bonilla?

The following is adapted from the best-selling book, THE WARNING: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience.

Luz de María de Bonilla is a Catholic mystic, stigmatist, wife, mother, Third Order Augustinian, and prophet from Costa Rica, currently residing in Argentina. She grew up in a very religious home with great devotion to the Eucharist, and as a child, experienced heavenly visits from her guardian angel and the Blessed mother, whom she considered her companions and confidants. In 1990, she received a miraculous healing from an illness, coinciding with both a visitation from the Blessed Mother and a new and more public calling to share her mystical experiences. Soon she would fall into profound ecstasy not only in the presence of her family—her husband and eight children, but also of people close to her who began to gather to pray; and they, in turn, formed a prayer cenacle, which accompanies her to this day.

After years of abandoning herself to the will of God, Luz de María began to suffer the pain of the Cross, which she carries in her body and soul. This first happened, she shared, on Good Friday: “Our Lord asked me if I wanted to participate in His sufferings. I answered affirmatively, and then after a day of continuous prayer, that night, Christ appeared to me on the Cross and shared His wounds. It was indescribable pain, although I know that however painful it may be, it is not the totality of the pain that Christ continues to suffer for humanity.”

It was on March 19 of 1992, that the Blessed Mother began to speak regularly to Luz de María. Since then, she has mostly received two messages per week and on occasion, only one. The messages originally came as internal locutions, followed by visions of Mary, who came to describe Luz de María’s mission. “I had never seen so much beauty,” Luz said of Mary’s appearance. “It’s something you can never get used to. Each time is like the first.”

Several months later, Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel introduced her to Our Lord in a vision, and in time, Jesus and Mary would speak to her of coming events, such as the Warning. The messages went from being private to public, and by divine command, she must communicate them to the world.

Many of the prophecies Luz de María has received have already been fulfilled, including the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, which was announced to her eight days in advance. In the messages, Jesus and Mary express their profound sadness over man’s disobedience of the Divine law, which has led him to align with evil and act against God. They warn the world of coming tribulations: communism and its coming peak; war and the use of nuclear weapons; pollution, famine, and plagues; revolution, social unrest, and moral depravity; a schism in the Church; the fall of the world economy; the public appearance and world domination of the antichrist; the fulfillment of the Warning, the Miracle, and the chastisements; the fall of an asteroid, and the change of terrestrial geography, among other messages. All this is not to frighten, but to urge man to turn his gaze toward God. Not all of God’s messages are calamities. There are also proclamations of the resurgence of true faith, the unity of the people of God, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the final Triumph of Christ, the King of the Universe, when there will no longer be divisions, and we will be one people under the One God.

Father José María Fernandez Rojas has remained beside Luz de María as her confessor from the beginning of her locutions and visions, and two priests work with her permanently. The messages she receives are audio recorded by two people and then transcribed by a nun. One priest makes spelling corrections, then another gives the messages a final review before uploading them to the website, www.revelacionesmarianas.com, to be shared with the world. The messages have been gathered into a book entitled, Thy Kingdom Come, and on March 19, 2017, Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara, SDB, Titular Bishop of Estelí, Nicaragua, granted them the Imprimatur of the Church. His letter began:

Estelí, Nicaragua, Year of Our Lord, March 19 of 2017

Solemnity of the Patriarch Saint Joseph

The volumes that contain “PRIVATE REVELATION” from heaven, given to Luz de María from the year 2009 to the present time, have been given to me for the respective ecclesiastic approval. I have reviewed with faith and interest these volumes entitled, THY KINGDOM COME, and have come to conclusion that they are a call to humanity to return to the path that leads to eternal life, and that these messages are an exhortation from heaven in these times in which man must be careful not to stray from the Divine Word. 

In each revelation given to Luz de María, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary guide the steps, the work, and the actions of the people of God in these times in which humanity needs to return to the teachings contained in Holy Scripture.

The messages in these volumes are a treatise of spirituality, divine wisdom, and morality for those who welcome them with faith and humility, so I recommend them for you to read, meditate upon, and put into practice.

I DECLARE that I have not found any doctrinal error that attempts against the faith, morality and good habits, for which I grant these publications the IMPRIMATUR. Together with my blessing, I express my best wishes for the “Words of Heaven” contained here to resonate in every creature of good will. I ask the Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, to intercede for us so that the will of God be fulfilled

“. . . on Earth as it is in heaven (Mt, 6:10).”


Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara, SDB

Head Bishop of Estelí, Nicaragua

Below is a presentation given by Luz de María in Esteril Cathedral in Nicaragua, with an introduction given by Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata who granted her the Imprimatur:

Click here to see the video.

Indeed, an international consensus seems to have emerged that the messages of Luz de Maria de Bonilla are worthy of consideration. There are several reasons for this, which can be summarized as follows: 

• The Imprimatur of the Catholic Church, granted by Bishop Juan Abelardo Mata Guevara of Esteril in 2017 to Luz de Maria's writings after 2009, together with a personal statement affirming his belief in their supernatural origin.

• The consistently elevated theological content and pedagogy of these messages and devotions.

• The fact that many of the events predicted in these messages (volcanic explosions in specific places, terrorist attacks in particular locations, such as Paris) have already come true with great accuracy.

• The close and detailed convergence, without a hint of plagiarism, with messages from other serious sources of which Luz de Maria seems to have been personally unaware (such as Fr. Michel Rodrigue and the visionaries in Heede, Germany during the time of the Third Reich).

• The existence of a considerable number of ongoing mystical phenomena accompanying Luz de Maria (stigmatization, crucifixes bleeding in her presence, religious images exuding oil). Sometimes these are in the presence of witnesses for which we have video evidence (see here).

To read more about Luz de Maria de Bonilla, see the book, THE WARNING: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience.

Messages from Luz de Maria de Bonilla

Luz – The Angel of Peace Is Being Sent by The Most Holy Trinity…

Luz – The Angel of Peace Is Being Sent by The Most Holy Trinity…

...to help this generation.
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Luz – Each One Of You Has Your God-Given Assignment…

Luz – Each One Of You Has Your God-Given Assignment…

...and you must fulfill it.
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Luz – You Must Decide Who You Are…

Luz – You Must Decide Who You Are…

...You cannot be lukewarm
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Luz – The Third Secret

Luz – The Third Secret

The Antichrist takes power
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Luz – Wake up

Luz – Wake up

Peace is far away!
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Luz – The Projects for the Extermination…

Luz – The Projects for the Extermination…

of part of the world's population.
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Luz – Peace Hangs by a Thread

Luz – Peace Hangs by a Thread

Humanity is endangered...
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Luz – The Earth Will Burn . . .

Luz – The Earth Will Burn . . .

. . . as if fire descended from heaven.
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Luz – Go to the Confessional

Luz – Go to the Confessional

Be converted!
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Luz – Conversion is Urgent

Luz – Conversion is Urgent

The lukewarm will be spewed out.
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Luz – How We Have Warned You . . .

Luz – How We Have Warned You . . .

. . . and you have not believed!
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Luz – Three Diseases Will Occur at the Same Time

Luz – Three Diseases Will Occur at the Same Time

This, coupled with the state of alert...
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Luz – This Is Not Just One More Message…

Luz – This Is Not Just One More Message…

...it is a call to obedience
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Luz – Money Makes You Great On Earth…

Luz – Money Makes You Great On Earth…

...but it will not give you eternal life.
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Luz – Revelation Of The Second Secret.

Luz – Revelation Of The Second Secret.

This is the Antichrist.
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Luz – It Is Not The Person Who Prays More Who Is Greater…

Luz – It Is Not The Person Who Prays More Who Is Greater…

...but is the one who gives fully to me.
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Luz – Combats Are Increasing That Cannot Be Stopped.

Luz – Combats Are Increasing That Cannot Be Stopped.

Faith is necessary.
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Luz – Everyone Must Change, Everyone Must Change!

Luz – Everyone Must Change, Everyone Must Change!

Pray, My children.
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Luz – I Am Your Mother, And I Will Be With You…

Luz – I Am Your Mother, And I Will Be With You…

... until the end of the era.
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Luz – Do Not Nourish The Devil By Being Impatient…

Luz – Do Not Nourish The Devil By Being Impatient…

...or through disobedience.
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Luz – You Are Living In The Midst Of Great Confusion…

Luz – You Are Living In The Midst Of Great Confusion…

...My Son’s Church is in confusion.
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Luz – You Should Pray, My Children, Pray For Those Who Are…

Luz – You Should Pray, My Children, Pray For Those Who Are…

... going to start the Third World War.
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Luz – You Will Receive Our Angelic Protection…

Luz – You Will Receive Our Angelic Protection…

... whenever you invoke us.
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Luz – Do Not Fear, Little Children…

Luz – Do Not Fear, Little Children…

... I am your Mother!
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Luz – Keep In Mind That Prayer Without Action…

Luz – Keep In Mind That Prayer Without Action…

... is like a rose plant without a great aroma.
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Luz – It Is Urgent That You Turn … From Works And Acts That Offend…

Luz – It Is Urgent That You Turn … From Works And Acts That Offend…

...the Most Holy Trinity.
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Luz – I Have Therefore Called You To Be Like My Mother…

Luz – I Have Therefore Called You To Be Like My Mother…

...a source of inexhaustible love.
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Luz – The Devil Will Tempt The Human Race As Never Before…

Luz – The Devil Will Tempt The Human Race As Never Before…

...in order to take with him souls that are lukewarm and weak in faith.
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Luz – As Prince Of The Heavenly Legions I Have To Tell You…

Luz – As Prince Of The Heavenly Legions I Have To Tell You…

...that you are very close to The Warning.
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Luz – My Divine Son Will Not Allow The Earth To Be Destroyed.

Luz – My Divine Son Will Not Allow The Earth To Be Destroyed.

He will come beforehand with His power and will stop humanity’s madness.
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Luz – My Love Is Infinite For Those Who Wish To Drink…

Luz – My Love Is Infinite For Those Who Wish To Drink…

...from this inexhaustible spring.
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Luz – I Come To Call You To Repent – Now!

Luz – I Come To Call You To Repent – Now!

I come to call you to pray - now!
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Luz – Be Obedient And Live This Holy Week…

Luz – Be Obedient And Live This Holy Week…

...as you have never lived it before.
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Luz – Be True Children Of My Will And Do Not Allow Fear To Enter Into You…

Luz – Be True Children Of My Will And Do Not Allow Fear To Enter Into You…

...for I, My children, will never forsake you.
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Luz – Little Children, I Call You To Stop Now…

Luz – Little Children, I Call You To Stop Now…

...and reflect on your spiritual state!
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Luz – You Must Prepare Urgently For Change…

Luz – You Must Prepare Urgently For Change…

...as you are going to be judged on love.
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Luz – I Come To Reveal The First Secret Given By Our Queen And Mother…

Luz – I Come To Reveal The First Secret Given By Our Queen And Mother…

...to her daughter Luz de Maria.
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Luz – My Beloved, You Are Not Alone; Do Not Fear…

Luz – My Beloved, You Are Not Alone; Do Not Fear…

...but fear doing evil.
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Luz – This Lent You Should Be People Devoted To Praying…

Luz – This Lent You Should Be People Devoted To Praying…

...with the heart.
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Luz – I am sent to bless you and to bring peace to those who lack peace…

Luz – I am sent to bless you and to bring peace to those who lack peace…

... to bring love to those who want to have love, and this I will do!
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Luz – The Abomination of Desolation Is Near

Luz – The Abomination of Desolation Is Near

the moment has come...
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Luz – This Very Intense Calendar Year Will Lead Some…

Luz – This Very Intense Calendar Year Will Lead Some…

...it will cause other human beings to rush towards... the Antichrist.
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Luz – He Is The Divine Food – Receive My Divine Son Now…

Luz – He Is The Divine Food – Receive My Divine Son Now…

...later you may not be able to receive Him.
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Luz – Pay Attention To News That Will Shock Humanity…

Luz – Pay Attention To News That Will Shock Humanity…

...coming from the Church of my Divine Son.
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Luz – The Way Of Faith Knows No Limits…

Luz – The Way Of Faith Knows No Limits…

...if that faith is true.
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Luz – You Are Going To Be Limited In Your Freedom…

Luz – You Are Going To Be Limited In Your Freedom…

...to work and act.
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Luz – The Soul’s Nourishment Is The Holy Eucharist…

Luz – The Soul’s Nourishment Is The Holy Eucharist…

...receive it and keep the peace.
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Luz – Antichrist Is Walking About Certain Countries…

Luz – Antichrist Is Walking About Certain Countries…

...in Europe and America.
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Luz – You Will Weep For Not Having Believed…

Luz – You Will Weep For Not Having Believed…

...because the churches will be closed.
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Luz – Be Love And The Rest Will Be Done…

Luz – Be Love And The Rest Will Be Done…

...by the Father’s House
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Luz – By Divine Will I Will Show You…

Luz – By Divine Will I Will Show You…

...what science has not yet found on the Ayate .
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Luz – Give My Blessed Mother Your Hand…

Luz – Give My Blessed Mother Your Hand…

...so that you may walk on the right path.
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Luz – My Eternal Love Wants Those Who Have Not Drawn Near To Me…

Luz – My Eternal Love Wants Those Who Have Not Drawn Near To Me…

...to do so now.
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Luz – In The Midst Of War, Antichrist Will Arrive…

Luz – In The Midst Of War, Antichrist Will Arrive…

...and provide food, medicine, everything.
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Luz – You Will See Phenomena On High…

Luz – You Will See Phenomena On High…

...that you never thought that you would see.
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Luz – The Blessed Mother Appeared in Black

Luz – The Blessed Mother Appeared in Black

a color she uses before serious events
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Luz – You Are Being Led Like Sheep to The Slaughter…

Luz – You Are Being Led Like Sheep to The Slaughter…

...in this moment of pain.
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Luz – Prayer Is Important, It Is Necessary For Your Good

Luz – Prayer Is Important, It Is Necessary For Your Good

Children, time is running out.
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Luz – Israel Will Suffer

Luz – Israel Will Suffer

...in reacting hastily, it will draw suffering.
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Luz – Water Will Appear Suddenly With Greater Force…

Luz – Water Will Appear Suddenly With Greater Force…

...causing serious devastation
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Luz – The Spectre Of War Runs Through The Middle East…

Luz – The Spectre Of War Runs Through The Middle East…

...illuminating history.
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Luz – War Has Come Unannounced…

Luz – War Has Come Unannounced…

... as it will come unannounced in other regions.
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Luz – The Great Conflict

Luz – The Great Conflict

Israel will start the spark of the Great War. 
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Luz – The Antichrist will make his entry…

Luz – The Antichrist will make his entry…

...leading the nations towards his wicked plan.
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Luz – Strengthen Your Immune System…

Luz – Strengthen Your Immune System…

... a new disease is coming with greater force.
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Luz – An Event Will Occur…

Luz – An Event Will Occur…

that will leave human beings astonished.
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Luz – Humanity Rejects My Calls to Prepare

Luz – Humanity Rejects My Calls to Prepare

I feel sorry for such people.
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Luz – Human Beings Will Be Completely Divided…

Luz – Human Beings Will Be Completely Divided…

...there will be no room for the lukewarm.
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Luz – Water Will Enter Cities

Luz – Water Will Enter Cities

The elements will arrive unexpectedly...
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Luz – I Will Assign an Additional Angel …

Luz – I Will Assign an Additional Angel …

... as long as they are doers of My Will.
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Luz – Hear the Divine Message!

Luz – Hear the Divine Message!

Everything is happening in the blink of an eye...
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Luz – Suffering Is Fast Approaching

Luz – Suffering Is Fast Approaching

Do not fear: My guardian angels are protecting and will protect you.
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Novena to the Queen and Mother of the End Times

Novena to the Queen and Mother of the End Times

by Luz de María
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Luz – Going from Aberration to Aberration…

Luz – Going from Aberration to Aberration…

...humanity is coming closer to experiencing its own purification.
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Luz – They Will Impose a Single Religion

Luz – They Will Impose a Single Religion

Persecutions will come even within families.
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Luz – I Constantly Bless You…

Luz – I Constantly Bless You…

...and you should do the same: bless one another.
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Luz – My Words Are Urgent!

Luz – My Words Are Urgent!

Pay attention, children, pay attention!
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Luz – You Must Be Humble

Luz – You Must Be Humble

The humble who know My Word are not surprised by the "wolves in sheep's clothing."
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Luz – Disobedience…

Luz – Disobedience…

...has been the cause of great contradictions due to human ambition.
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Luz – The Human race Believes What It Wants to Hear…

Luz – The Human race Believes What It Wants to Hear…

...and this is a way of rebelling against the Divine Will.
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Luz – You Lack Faith

Luz – You Lack Faith

Trust in divine providence, but first repent of your wrongful works and deeds.
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Luz – Wake Up, Before It Is Too Late!

Luz – Wake Up, Before It Is Too Late!

Everything has been prepared by those who turn the wheels of humanity so that the moment will arrive.
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Luz – You Are and Will Be Persecuted Severely

Luz – You Are and Will Be Persecuted Severely

...by the enemies of the Church.
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Luz – What Is in You?

Luz – What Is in You?

How much good dwells in you?
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Luz – Charity Is the Weapon of God’s Children

Luz – Charity Is the Weapon of God’s Children

The more humble you are, the more blessings you will receive...
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Luz – Ask for the Gifts of My Spirit Within You…

Luz – Ask for the Gifts of My Spirit Within You…

It is necessary for you to possess them.
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Luz – War is Progressing

Luz – War is Progressing

Store water in your homes . . .
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Luz – Rethink…

Luz – Rethink…

And seek Divine Mercy at all times.
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Luz – Prepare Yourselves

Luz – Prepare Yourselves

The Earth will shake forcefully . . .
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Luz – The Great Persecution

Luz – The Great Persecution

What remains of this human calendar year will be hard…
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Luz – These Human Beings will be Severely Punished

Luz – These Human Beings will be Severely Punished

On May 13, pray the Holy Rosary for them.
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Luz – Commit Yourselves to Change

Luz – Commit Yourselves to Change

The spiritual life of my children is empty…
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Luz – I Am Not Speaking to You of the End of the World…

Luz – I Am Not Speaking to You of the End of the World…

that is not here yet.
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Luz – Make Reparation for Young People

Luz – Make Reparation for Young People

This generation will be transformed spiritually after committing grave errors towards itself.
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Luz – The Real Antichrist will Appear

Luz – The Real Antichrist will Appear

Go to receive the Body and Blood of our King.
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Luz – I Am the Just Judge

Luz – I Am the Just Judge

It is time for you to be clear that good exists and evil exists.
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Luz – Adore my Divine Son and prepare for Divine Mercy.

Luz – Adore my Divine Son and prepare for Divine Mercy.

I bless you, I love you.
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Luz – My Divine Son Suffered the Indescribable!

Luz – My Divine Son Suffered the Indescribable!

Remember the words of my Divine Son on the Cross.
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Luz – Love is the Greatest Reality…

Luz – Love is the Greatest Reality…

...in the midst of the crosses.
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Luz – You Will See the Red Moon

Luz – You Will See the Red Moon

You will be protected by that faith which does not falter.
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Luz – “I Forgive You” – Mother Mary

Luz – “I Forgive You” – Mother Mary

"Repent with a firm heart."
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Luz – The Children of God Forgive…

Luz – The Children of God Forgive…

...because faith assures them that God takes care of everything.
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Luz – Fill Your Hearts with Love…

Luz – Fill Your Hearts with Love…

...and be light for your brothers and sisters at all times.
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Luz – War is Coming

Luz – War is Coming

This is a time for preparation.
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Luz – The Bear…Will Bring Out Its Arsenal…

Luz – The Bear…Will Bring Out Its Arsenal…

... and cause a surprise.
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Luz – As a Mother, I Will Not Abandon You

Luz – As a Mother, I Will Not Abandon You

I will encourage you by allowing you to perceive my heavenly aroma.
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Luz – Prepare for the Great Warning

Luz – Prepare for the Great Warning

Stand firm in the faith, without wavering.
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Luz – Cry Out for Mercy

Luz – Cry Out for Mercy

. . . change in your works and action; be creatures of goodness and prayer
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Luz – My Legions are Waiting for Just One Call

Luz – My Legions are Waiting for Just One Call

Begin this Lent as if it were your last...
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Luz – You Will Be Heard

Luz – You Will Be Heard

Come in a special way this Ash Wednesday. 
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Luz – Temptation Dwells in the Midst of Humanity

Luz – Temptation Dwells in the Midst of Humanity

Children, pray: I am calling you, not others.
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Luz – Our Reality

Luz – Our Reality

Reflection and Messages by Luz de Maria
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Luz – This Generation Must Transform Itself

Luz – This Generation Must Transform Itself

It is urgent for the human race to return to our King and Lord Jesus Christ.
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Luz – The Time is Now!

Luz – The Time is Now!

...for the fulfillment of Our Lady's revelations.
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Luz – Turkey Will Suffer to the Core

Luz – Turkey Will Suffer to the Core

Warnings from 2021...
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Luz – Confusion Will Be Widespread

Luz – Confusion Will Be Widespread

...orchestrating the platform of the Antichrist.
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Luz – You Are His Flock

Luz – You Are His Flock

Do not stray from the principles of the Gospel.
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Luz – It is Urgent That You Grow in Faith

Luz – It is Urgent That You Grow in Faith

Discern at this moment!
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Luz – Pray for the Church

Luz – Pray for the Church

She has entered into trial.
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Luz – Remain on Spiritual Alert

Luz – Remain on Spiritual Alert

Defend the faith by the hand of Our Queen and Mother.
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Luz – Adore the Infant Jesus in the Manger

Luz – Adore the Infant Jesus in the Manger

A great sign from on high is coming.
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Luz – I Come in Search of a Place to Warm My Little Defenseless Body

Luz – I Come in Search of a Place to Warm My Little Defenseless Body

I am the King of love in search of hearts of flesh to shelter Me.
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Luz – This is the Time of Prior Warning

Luz – This is the Time of Prior Warning

. . . in order for you to be believe and make amends.
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Luz – Humanity Will Enter into Chaos

Luz – Humanity Will Enter into Chaos

War is the chastisement that humanity will inflict on itself.
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Luz – Continue without Fear

Luz – Continue without Fear

This is not the time for a half-hearted spiritual life.
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Luz – Perdition Grows Greater by the Day

Luz – Perdition Grows Greater by the Day

The tiger has arisen and the lion has silently joined it.
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Luz – This Generation is in Grave Danger

Luz – This Generation is in Grave Danger

The Evil One has set out to destroy the family.
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Luz – War Will Continue

Luz – War Will Continue

The discontent of the peoples will lead them to revolt.
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Luz – My Church Will Seem Not to Recognize Me

Luz – My Church Will Seem Not to Recognize Me

Communal prayer is necessary.
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Luz – Another Sign Is Appearing before You:

Luz – Another Sign Is Appearing before You:

the moon clothed in red.
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Luz – It Is Important That You Know the Old Testament

Luz – It Is Important That You Know the Old Testament

. . . so that what is happening at this moment would not be strange to you.
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Luz – There Is a Lack of Christian Formation

Luz – There Is a Lack of Christian Formation

. . . so that you might truly be faithful children of God.
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Luz – Be Warned of False Doctrines

Luz – Be Warned of False Doctrines

The law of God cannot be changed.
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Luz – The Hunter Will Act . . .

Luz – The Hunter Will Act . . .

. . . without hesitation at the moment you least expect.
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Luz – Humanity is Hanging by a Thread

Luz – Humanity is Hanging by a Thread

The works and deeds of my Son's people must continually tend toward the good.
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Luz – Humanity Will Suffer

Luz – Humanity Will Suffer

You have neglected your spiritual state
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Luz – Be Children of Adoration . . .

Luz – Be Children of Adoration . . .

. . . before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
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Luz – Prepare for the Warning

Luz – Prepare for the Warning

You will be confronted with your actions and deeds.
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Luz – Humanity is heading toward the Antichrist’s appropriation

Luz – Humanity is heading toward the Antichrist’s appropriation

Resist – you are not alone.  
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Luz – Creation is in Turmoil

Luz – Creation is in Turmoil

This is the time of fulfillment.
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Luz – Evil Approaches

Luz – Evil Approaches

The monument of liberty will fall into the sea.
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Luz – Be Doers of the Father’s Will

Luz – Be Doers of the Father’s Will

Do not ignore the suffering of your brothers and sisters.
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Luz – Pray for America and Russia . . .

Luz – Pray for America and Russia . . .

. . . they are spreading conflicts.
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Luz – The City of Lights Will Be Extinguished

Luz – The City of Lights Will Be Extinguished

My children will cry out.
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Luz – War is Positioning Itself

Luz – War is Positioning Itself

My Son’s People must constantly grow in the spiritual life
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Luz – A New Virus Will Appear

Luz – A New Virus Will Appear

Do not separate yourselves from me.
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Luz – Do Not Lose Your Soul

Luz – Do Not Lose Your Soul

The microchip in the bodies of my children is the seal . . .
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Luz – A Crown Will Roll

Luz – A Crown Will Roll

The bear will awaken fiercely . . .
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Luz – My Angel of Peace Will Arrive

Luz – My Angel of Peace Will Arrive

after the Antichrist appears.
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Luz – Humanity is Going to Suffer

Luz – Humanity is Going to Suffer

the country represented by the bear will react unexpectedly.
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Luz – Pray for Mexico

Luz – Pray for Mexico

. . . its soil will shake forcefully.
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Luz – Unite In Prayer . . .

Luz – Unite In Prayer . . .

. . . so that the intensity of the great earthquake would be diminished.
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Luz – You must change now . . .

Luz – You must change now . . .

. . . and be willing to be totally new creatures.
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Luz – This famine is necessary for the Antichrist

Luz – This famine is necessary for the Antichrist

finally he will dominate them
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Luz – You Need the Food of the Eucharist

Luz – You Need the Food of the Eucharist

This time and its events are putting you to the test . . .
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Luz – The Warning is Rapidly Approaching

Luz – The Warning is Rapidly Approaching

Convert, pray, offer sacrifices and fast . . .
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Luz – The Moon Will Turn Red

Luz – The Moon Will Turn Red

The times are urgent; evil does not wait . . .
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Luz – Freemasonry Has Entered the House of God

Luz – Freemasonry Has Entered the House of God

The Antichrist is moving freely on Earth . . .
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Luz – The Changes Have Begun . . .

Luz – The Changes Have Begun . . .

. . . and yet few mention them.
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Luz – Maintain Your Trust

Luz – Maintain Your Trust

America will be shaken . . .
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Luz – Repent and Persevere in the Faith

Luz – Repent and Persevere in the Faith

Natural disasters will increase in strength.
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Luz – Stay Away from Those Who Make Rash Judgments

Luz – Stay Away from Those Who Make Rash Judgments

Fast, pray, discern!
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Luz – Extremely Serious Times are Coming

Luz – Extremely Serious Times are Coming

Evil is rapidly taking possession of humanity.
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Luz – Confusion Has Taken Hold

Luz – Confusion Has Taken Hold

Enter into inner silence, far from worldly things...
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CRITICAL WWIII ALERT: Pray the Five First Saturday Devotion and for the Pope’s Consecration

CRITICAL WWIII ALERT: Pray the Five First Saturday Devotion and for the Pope’s Consecration

Our Lady of Fatima has told us what will bring peace or war
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Luz – A New Religion Comes…

Luz – A New Religion Comes…

...created so that the Antichrist might dominate you.
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Luz – Hard-Hearted Children

Luz – Hard-Hearted Children

You are experiencing the fruits of disobedience concerning My Mother’s request.
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Luz – The Madness of Men

Luz – The Madness of Men

...will make my children succumb to the madness of war.
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Luz – The Warnings on Russia

Luz – The Warnings on Russia

...and the grief of Jesus.
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Luz – We are in Mourning

Luz – We are in Mourning

...for what will spread to the rest of the world.
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Luz – Do Not Despair at the Slightest News

Luz – Do Not Despair at the Slightest News

Be of immovable faith.
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Luz – Urgent Call to Conversion

Luz – Urgent Call to Conversion

Nourish yourselves with the Body and Blood of the Divine son.
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Luz – You Have Surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah

Luz – You Have Surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah

...the cause of the schism of the Church.
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Luz – There Will Be a Babel

Luz – There Will Be a Babel

Confusion and chaos from man's rejection of God.
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Luz – Now is the Time!

Luz – Now is the Time!

Pay attention to the signs and signals.
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Luz – Rumors of War…

Luz – Rumors of War…

...now cease to be rumors.
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Luz – Respect One Another

Luz – Respect One Another

You have become a darkened humanity among whom loyalty does not exist...
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Luz – Communism is Advancing

Luz – Communism is Advancing

...with great freedom, granted by humanity itself.
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Luz – Take Refuge in the Ark of Salvation

Luz – Take Refuge in the Ark of Salvation

...against the economic powers that have set out to spread despair on earth.
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Luz – Conversion is Continuous

Luz – Conversion is Continuous

It concerns every moment.
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Luz – Come to This Mother

Luz – Come to This Mother

You do not stand alone.
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Luz – Anoint Your Doorways

Luz – Anoint Your Doorways

...and surrender to the Divine Will.
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Luz – The Earth Will Flow with Milk and Honey

Luz – The Earth Will Flow with Milk and Honey

...with Trinitarian love.
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Luz – The Time of Fulfillment of the Great Prophecies

Luz – The Time of Fulfillment of the Great Prophecies

The Warning will be the greatest act of mercy.
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Luz – Like the Tower of Babel

Luz – Like the Tower of Babel

Humanity is confused, being led to slavery.
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Luz – Be an Extension of the Divine Will

Luz – Be an Extension of the Divine Will

Continue to become more spiritual.
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Luz – Invoke Me Day and Night

Luz – Invoke Me Day and Night

The Church is heading toward total schism.
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Luz – Famine is Looming

Luz – Famine is Looming

I call you to continually pray the Holy Rosary and Chaplet.
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Luz – Disorder Comes from the Ego

Luz – Disorder Comes from the Ego

Be humble.
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Luz – The Arm of God Cannot Hold Back

Luz – The Arm of God Cannot Hold Back

...but He will defend His children.
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Luz – The Machine of Communism

Luz – The Machine of Communism

It has risen to degrade and oppress mankind.
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Luz de Maria – You Must Fight to Keep the Faith

Luz de Maria – You Must Fight to Keep the Faith

Do you have no food? Has famine arrived? Turn to Divine Providence.
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Luz – Queen of the End Times

Luz – Queen of the End Times

The Son of Perdition is already in action.
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Luz – You Will Go Back to Subsistence Living

Luz – You Will Go Back to Subsistence Living

But you are not alone.
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Luz – Communism is Advancing

Luz – Communism is Advancing

Your generation will fulfill My will.
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Luz – You Are Unmovable

Luz – You Are Unmovable

Persecution has begun . . .
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Luz –  This Crucial Time

Luz – This Crucial Time

The elements have risen up against man.
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Luz – The Urgency for Intimacy with Jesus

Luz – The Urgency for Intimacy with Jesus

Difficult times are closer than you think.
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Luz – The Youth Have Fallen

Luz – The Youth Have Fallen

Change into what you should be.
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Luz – Unity Restrains Evil

Luz – Unity Restrains Evil

United, you will triumph.
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Luz – Proclaim Your Faith in God

Luz – Proclaim Your Faith in God

The purification of humanity is continuing.
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Luz – You Must Remain Attentive

Luz – You Must Remain Attentive

How many are forgetting the proximity of the Warning...
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Luz – Like Sheep Without a Shepherd

Luz – Like Sheep Without a Shepherd

Evil is relentlessly stalking you...
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Luz – Thermometer of the Interior Life

Luz – Thermometer of the Interior Life

Your personal works and behavior.
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Join us Tuesday, June 15! Livestream Flame of Love Rosary.

Join us Tuesday, June 15! Livestream Flame of Love Rosary.

St. Michael is calling for a Global Day of Prayer
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Luz – Not a Time for Entertainment

Luz – Not a Time for Entertainment

...but a time for contemplation.
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Luz – Not the End of the World

Luz – Not the End of the World

This generation is being purified.
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Luz – A Decisive Time for Humanity

Luz – A Decisive Time for Humanity

The son of perdition is waiting to appear.
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Luz – Warned of Vaccines Years Ago

Luz – Warned of Vaccines Years Ago

Nourish yourselves with knowledge!
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Luz – History is Converging

Luz – History is Converging

Conversion must happen now!
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Luz – Generation of the Purification

Luz – Generation of the Purification

Your greatest impediment: spiritual blindness.
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Luz – A Plan to Depopulate the Earth

Luz – A Plan to Depopulate the Earth

Chaos comes through the sickness of body and spirit...
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Luz – Evil has Muzzled You

Luz – Evil has Muzzled You

...making you afraid to declare that you are Divine Property!
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Luz – What you believe is far away…

Luz – What you believe is far away…

...is closer than you think.
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Luz – Look at Yourself in Truth

Luz – Look at Yourself in Truth

Enter into interior silence.
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Luz – Conversion is Personal

Luz – Conversion is Personal

Do not be passive.
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Luz –  When the Seal of the Beast Comes

Luz – When the Seal of the Beast Comes

Who will be faithful to my Son?
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Luz de Maria – Enough Half-Hearted Commitments

Luz de Maria – Enough Half-Hearted Commitments

Purity of heart is urgent.
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Luz de Maria – A New Plague Will Come

Luz de Maria – A New Plague Will Come

Returning to normal is not your reality.
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Luz de Maria – Communism is Advancing

Luz de Maria – Communism is Advancing

You are rushing toward the Antichrist.
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Luz de Maria – The Sun Will Change

Luz de Maria – The Sun Will Change

The Ark has been built.
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Luz de Maria – On Manipulating Minds

Luz de Maria – On Manipulating Minds

New technologies that affect the mind...
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Luz de Maria – You Are So Close to the Events

Luz de Maria – You Are So Close to the Events

This Lent will be lived in purification.
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Luz de Maria – The Church Will be Shaken

Luz de Maria – The Church Will be Shaken

Do not fear, keep your faith.
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Luz de Maria – I Will Shorten the Time

Luz de Maria – I Will Shorten the Time

The days will rush by; you must prepare yourselves.
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Luz de Maria – Prepare Your Homes

Luz de Maria – Prepare Your Homes

I am the defender of families.
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Luz de Maria – Cornered by a Global Power

Luz de Maria – Cornered by a Global Power

...preparing humanity to voluntarily request the mark of the beast.
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Luz de Maria – The Harvest is Approaching

Luz de Maria – The Harvest is Approaching

...not the Final Judgment of the Nations, but of this generation.
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Luz de Maria – Abortion is a Crime

Luz de Maria – Abortion is a Crime

Do you feel the fulfillment of prophecy is far off?
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Luz de Maria – Keep Your Lamps Burning

Luz de Maria – Keep Your Lamps Burning

I call you to be part of the Holy Remnant.
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Luz de Maria – Humanity Will Face Catastrophes

Luz de Maria – Humanity Will Face Catastrophes

This generation will be imminently facing tests of Faith.
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Luz de Maria – Times of Scarcity Approach

Luz de Maria – Times of Scarcity Approach

Prepare yourselves for the collapse of the economy
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Luz – Call to Urgent Conversion

Luz – Call to Urgent Conversion

More on the Great Shaking...
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Luz de Maria – A Great Shaking

Luz de Maria – A Great Shaking

The great shaking revealed by this Mother is coming...
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Luz de Maria – Rivers of Disobedience

Luz de Maria – Rivers of Disobedience

...are leading humanity to the Antichrist.
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Luz – The Nations are Preparing the Third World War

Luz – The Nations are Preparing the Third World War

I am here to protect you, but you must turn away from evil.
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Luz – Rivers of Confusion

Luz – Rivers of Confusion

Do not wait for signs—they are in your midst.
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Luz – The Dense Fog

Luz – The Dense Fog

Evil has spread over humanity.
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Luz de Maria – Make Reparation Today

Luz de Maria – Make Reparation Today

Do not remain passive.
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Luz de Maria – Do Not Wait

Luz de Maria – Do Not Wait

My Holy Remnant are being chosen.
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Luz de Maria – I am Preparing You

Luz de Maria – I am Preparing You

...for what is standing at the gate.
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Luz de Maria – Sifting the Wheat

Luz de Maria – Sifting the Wheat

We are being tested.
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Luz de Maria – Vision & Reflection

Luz de Maria – Vision & Reflection

Humanity, do not be obstinate!
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Luz de Maria -The Purification of Humanity is Accelerating

Luz de Maria -The Purification of Humanity is Accelerating

Prepare yourselves! What will happen will be more bearable for man if he remains in God...
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Why We Cannot Take “The Chip.”

Why We Cannot Take “The Chip.”

Luz de Maria on the microchip...
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Luz de Maria – Creation Itself is Deploying Against Man

Luz de Maria – Creation Itself is Deploying Against Man

So that man would return to God and acknowledge Him.
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Luz de Maria – Life Will Never be the Same Again

Luz de Maria – Life Will Never be the Same Again

Have no fear: all the Celestial Legions are waiting
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Luz de Maria – Humanity Proceeds Without Recognizing the Signs

Luz de Maria – Humanity Proceeds Without Recognizing the Signs

Trinitarian Love is shaping a new event
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Luz de Maria – The Time is “Now”!

Luz de Maria – The Time is “Now”!

Prepare for the Great Shaking.
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Luz de Maria – Take Responsibility for Your Sin

Luz de Maria – Take Responsibility for Your Sin

You must see yourselves as you are.
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Luz de Maria – Do not Fear, Though Evil is Lurking

Luz de Maria – Do not Fear, Though Evil is Lurking

I am not telling you about the end of the world, but the purification of this generation.
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Luz de Maria – Be Love

Luz de Maria – Be Love

The Love of My Son should be recognizable in My true children.
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Luz de Maria – Communism Advances

Luz de Maria – Communism Advances

Seeking global chaos under the cover of famine.
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Luz de Maria – The Devil has Infiltrated the Church

Luz de Maria – The Devil has Infiltrated the Church

You find yourselves at the moment foretold: the fulfillment of the revelations.
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Luz de Maria – Remain on Spiritual Alert

Luz de Maria – Remain on Spiritual Alert

Plagues, pestilences and pandemics, which not only infect the body, but also the spirit, will not stop.
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Luz de Maria – You Are Living Within the Countdown

Luz de Maria – You Are Living Within the Countdown

...to your encounter with what I have prophesied for humanity.
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Luz de Maria – The Dragon is Mobilizing

Luz de Maria – The Dragon is Mobilizing

It is necessary for My Mother to be acknowledged as the Mother of Humanity, Co-redemptrix and Mediatrix of all graces.
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Luz de Maria – Jesus Will Never Abandon You

Luz de Maria – Jesus Will Never Abandon You

His people are like sheep without a shepherd.
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Luz de Maria – The Virus is Only a Prelude

Luz de Maria – The Virus is Only a Prelude

The People of God find themselves in Gethsemane.
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Luz de Maria – Sheep among Wolves

Luz de Maria – Sheep among Wolves

Our Lord to on June 13, 2020:   Beloved People: Continue on the path of conversion. Remain within my love,...
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Luz de Maria – Universe in Chaos

Luz de Maria – Universe in Chaos

Persevere, do not take Heaven's words lightly.
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Luz de Maria – Trials Will Not Delay

Luz de Maria – Trials Will Not Delay

Remain faithful above all else.
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Luz de Maria – A Response

Luz de Maria – A Response

Are "health authorities above God"?
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Luz de Maria – Human Madness is Surfacing

Luz de Maria – Human Madness is Surfacing

The battle is leading to a world war.
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Luz de Maria – Recognize the Signs of the Times!

Luz de Maria – Recognize the Signs of the Times!

Resist the "wave of ideas"...
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Luz de Maria – The Warning Nears

Luz de Maria – The Warning Nears

Pray, as the Act of My Mercy is close to humanity...
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Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants

The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a sensible man will not despise them.
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Luz de Maria – Remain Safe in My Heart

Luz de Maria – Remain Safe in My Heart

Remaining safe does not mean being freed from what will come, but facing it in peace.
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Luz de Maria – Domination Through Fear

Luz de Maria – Domination Through Fear

The Masonic strategy has been planned so as to dominate humanity through fear.
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Luz de Maria – This is the Time that is No Time

Luz de Maria – This is the Time that is No Time

This is the time that is no time...
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Rite from the Roman Ritual for the Exorcism Blessing of Salt and Water

Rite from the Roman Ritual for the Exorcism Blessing of Salt and Water

Formal prayers of blessing.
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Combating Viruses and Disease…

Combating Viruses and Disease…

Utilizing God's creation to boost our immunity.
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Blessed Grapes for Times of Famine

Blessed Grapes for Times of Famine

"Their fruit is used for food, and their leaves for healing." (Ezekiel 47:12)
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Luz de Maria de Bonilla – Pray Against the Virus

Luz de Maria de Bonilla – Pray Against the Virus

Our Lady to, March 15th, 2020: Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: I bless you at this moment when humanity...
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Luz de Maria de Bonilla – Volcanoes Purify

Luz de Maria de Bonilla – Volcanoes Purify

St. Michael the Archangel to: Children, humanity will be surprised by the fury of volcanoes still unknown. Man will again...
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Posted in Messages, Why that seer?.