Why Pedro Regis?

Visionary of Our Lady of Anguera

With 4921 messages allegedly received by Pedro Regis since 1987, the body of material associated with the purported apparitions of Our Lady of Anguera in Brazil is extremely substantial. It has attracted the attention of specialist writers such as the well-known Italian journalist Saverio Gaeta, and has lately been the subject of a book-length study by researcher Annarita Magri. At first glance, the messages may appear repetitive (an accusation also frequently levelled at those in Medjugorje) in terms of their consistent emphasis on certain central themes: the necessity to devote one's life wholly to God, faithfulness to the True Magisterium of the Church, the importance of prayer, the Scriptures and the Eucharist. However, when considered over a longer span, the Anguera messages touch on a wide variety of subjects containing nothing incompatible with Church teachings or approved private revelations. 

The position of the Church towards the Anguera apparitions is understandably one of caution; as with Zaro di Ischia, a commission has been established for the purposes of evaluation. However, it should be said that the position of Msgr. Zanoni, the current Archbishop of Feira de Santana, with diocesan responsibility for Anguera, is broadly supportive, as can be seen from this short interview (in Portuguese with Italian sub-titles): Click here

And Archbishop Zanoni has appeared publicly in Anguera alongside Pedro Regis, and blessing pilgrims.

It should be obvious that the content of these messages cannot have a demonic origin because of their strict theological orthodoxy. It is true that the influential Canadian Dominican François-Marie Dermine has accused Pedro Regis in the Italian Catholic media of receiving the messages by "automatic writing.” The seer, himself, has rebutted this hypothesis directly and convincingly (click here). To view Pedro sharing The messages he has received, click here.

On closer inspection of the opinions of Fr. Dermine with respect to the general question of contemporary private revelation, it quickly becomes apparent that he has a theological a priori against any prophecy (such as the writings of Fr. Stefano Gobbi) and considers the coming of an Era of Peace a heretical view. As for the possibility that Pedro Regis could have invented nearly 5000 messages over a period of nearly 33 years, it has to be asked what possible motivation he could have for doing so. In particular, how could Pedro Regis have imagined the extensive message #458, which he received publicly while kneeling for nearly two hours on November 2, 1991? And how could he have written it down onto over 130 sheets of paper numbered in advance, with the message stopping perfectly at the end of page 130? Pedro Regis, himself, was also unaware of the meaning of some of the theological terms employed in the message. It is estimated that around 8000 witnesses were present, including TV journalists, because Our Lady of Anguera had promised the previous day to give a "sign" to skeptics.

Messages from Pedro Regis

Pedro – When You Feel Weak, Call on Jesus.

Pedro – When You Feel Weak, Call on Jesus.

Always seek Him in the Eucharist and you will be victorious.
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Pedro – Great Suffering From the King’s Currency

Pedro – Great Suffering From the King’s Currency

Pay attention in order not to be deceived.
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Pedro – Great storms will come and the great vessel will be struck.

Pedro – Great storms will come and the great vessel will be struck.

As in the past, only Jesus will save the vessel from shipwreck.
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Pedro – Babel will grow

Pedro – Babel will grow

but the time of the great fall will come.
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Pedro – Death Will Be Present in the House of God

Pedro – Death Will Be Present in the House of God

The enemies will find open doors.
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Pedro – A Time of Great Spiritual Confusion

Pedro – A Time of Great Spiritual Confusion

Be men and women of prayer.
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Pedro – Do Not Allow the Devil to Deceive You

Pedro – Do Not Allow the Devil to Deceive You

... through the fascinating things of this world
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Pedro – Perennial Teachings Will Be Thrown Away

Pedro – Perennial Teachings Will Be Thrown Away

... but God is in control of everything
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Pedro – False Blessings Will Spread

Pedro – False Blessings Will Spread

In God there is no half-truth
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Pedro – Keep the Flame of Your Faith Alight

Pedro – Keep the Flame of Your Faith Alight

Those who remain faithful until the end will be protected.
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Pedro – The Enemies Will Act

Pedro – The Enemies Will Act

But no one will be able to oppose the Lord's plans
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Pedro – Key From Hand to Hand Will Open the Door for the Enemies

Pedro – Key From Hand to Hand Will Open the Door for the Enemies

The Church is heading towards Calvary
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Pedro – The Devil’s Smoke Has Spread

Pedro – The Devil’s Smoke Has Spread

This will be the time of separation of the wheat and the chaff.
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Pedro – Traitors Will Multiply

Pedro – Traitors Will Multiply

Great will be the multitude of the unfaithful
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Pedro – Remember the Wonders Performed in Fatima

Pedro – Remember the Wonders Performed in Fatima

Contribute to the definitive Triumph
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Pedro – Wide Doors Will Open

Pedro – Wide Doors Will Open

... causing doubts among my poor children.
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Pedro – Do Not Allow the Devil to Deceive You

Pedro – Do Not Allow the Devil to Deceive You

... with the deadly poison of false doctrines
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Pedro – Let Your Lives Speak More Than Words

Pedro – Let Your Lives Speak More Than Words

This is the time for your sincere and courageous testimony.
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Pedro – All Lies Will Fall

Pedro – All Lies Will Fall

Do not lose your hope
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Pedro – You Will Seek the Precious Food

Pedro – You Will Seek the Precious Food

... and find it in few places.
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Pedro – You Will Be Persecuted

Pedro – You Will Be Persecuted

But do not allow the traitors to the faith to win
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Pedro – A Future of Great Slavery

Pedro – A Future of Great Slavery

Humanity has put the creature in the place of the Creator.
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Pedro – The Way To Heaven

Pedro – The Way To Heaven

...is through the Cross.
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Pedro – The Seed Sown in the Past Will Bring Joy

Pedro – The Seed Sown in the Past Will Bring Joy

God will act.
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Pedro – Draw Near to the Confessional

Pedro – Draw Near to the Confessional

Everything in this life passes, but the grace of God within you will be eternal.
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Pedro – Dogmas Will Be Ignored

Pedro – Dogmas Will Be Ignored

False doctrines will spread.
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Pedro – The Bread of the Enemy…

Pedro – The Bread of the Enemy…

...is only bread. Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity are in the Eucharist alone.
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Pedro – Traitors to Faith Will Unite

Pedro – Traitors to Faith Will Unite

Strong men will fall
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Pedro – Wolves Will Find Open Doors

Pedro – Wolves Will Find Open Doors

... they will attack.
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Pedro – Do Not Leave the Church of My Jesus

Pedro – Do Not Leave the Church of My Jesus

True teachings and dogmas will be denied...
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Pedro – The Devil Divides

Pedro – The Devil Divides

The Lord will raise up men and women of faith...
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Pedro – Lambs Will Become Wolves

Pedro – Lambs Will Become Wolves

Avoid the innovations that are spreading everywhere.
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Pedro – The Great Vessel Will Go Adrift

Pedro – The Great Vessel Will Go Adrift

...due to the fault of the commander.
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Pedro – There Will Be Victory for the Church

Pedro – There Will Be Victory for the Church

Courage! Do not turn away from her.
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Pedro – Foggy Mirrors and False nets

Pedro – Foggy Mirrors and False nets

Through the fault of bad shepherds, many souls will walk towards a great spiritual abyss.
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Pedro – The Devil Will Cause Great Confusion

Pedro – The Devil Will Cause Great Confusion

Do not be deceived. Flee from false gods
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Pedro – Men Have Defied the Creator

Pedro – Men Have Defied the Creator

Turn around quickly.
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Pedro – A Great Storm is Approaching

Pedro – A Great Storm is Approaching

This is the time to choose: whom do you want to serve?
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Pedro – Do Not Forget the Lessons of the Past

Pedro – Do Not Forget the Lessons of the Past

Calm your hearts and remain faithful.
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Pedro – Those Who Love And Defend Truth Will be Thrown Out

Pedro – Those Who Love And Defend Truth Will be Thrown Out

Revenge will come from the throne.
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Pedro – Silence Strengthens the Enemies of God

Pedro – Silence Strengthens the Enemies of God

The quagmire of false ideologies will cause great spiritual blindness.
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Pedro – Bad Shepherds Will Open Wide Doors

Pedro – Bad Shepherds Will Open Wide Doors

Whatever happens, remain faithful
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Pedro – The Broken Key

Pedro – The Broken Key

... will not open the true door.
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Pedro – This Time of Great Spiritual Confusion

Pedro – This Time of Great Spiritual Confusion

Defeat will come for the false church.
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Pedro – God Is Making Haste And The Time Has Come…

Pedro – God Is Making Haste And The Time Has Come…

...for the Great Return.
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Pedro – Days Will Come When Men Will Walk…

Pedro – Days Will Come When Men Will Walk…

... like the blind leading the blind.
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Pedro – Division In the House of God

Pedro – Division In the House of God

The enemies will act to extinguish the splendor of the truth.
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Pedro – Humanity Heading Towards Abyss of Self-destruction

Pedro – Humanity Heading Towards Abyss of Self-destruction

Men have prepared it with their own hands...
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Pedro – Remain in the light of my Son.

Pedro – Remain in the light of my Son.

Do not let the things of the world take you away from the path that I have shown you.
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Pedro – The Son of the Wolf Will Act With Great Fury

Pedro – The Son of the Wolf Will Act With Great Fury

Pray for the Church
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Pedro – Men and Women of Faith Will Lose Their Freedom

Pedro – Men and Women of Faith Will Lose Their Freedom

Serve the Lord with joy!
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Pedro – Men and Women of Faith will Search for the True Treasure…

Pedro – Men and Women of Faith will Search for the True Treasure…

...but the true treasure will be hidden.
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Pedro – Do Not Abandon the Lessons of the Past

Pedro – Do Not Abandon the Lessons of the Past

Truth will be extinguished...
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Pedro’s Messages on the Great Shipwreck

Pedro’s Messages on the Great Shipwreck

The Great Vessel will deviate from the safe harbor...
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Pedro Regis – Turn away from innovations that lead you to perdition…

Pedro Regis – Turn away from innovations that lead you to perdition…

...and remain faithful to the true Magisterium.
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Pedro Regis –  Defend Jesus…

Pedro Regis – Defend Jesus…

...and the teachings of the true Magisterium of His Church.
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Pedro – Outside of Jesus There is No Salvation.

Pedro – Outside of Jesus There is No Salvation.

Humanity is heading towards the abyss of spiritual destruction.
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Pedro – Courage!

Pedro – Courage!

Do not put off what you have to do until tomorrow.
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Pedro – Do Not Forget

Pedro – Do Not Forget

Difficult days will come for the Church.
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Pedro – Humanity Needs to be Healed

Pedro – Humanity Needs to be Healed

To human eyes, all seems lost.
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Pedro – Do not be Discouraged

Pedro – Do not be Discouraged

Return to the truth.
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Pedro – When You Are Weak

Pedro – When You Are Weak

...seek strength in the sacrament of Confession and in the Eucharist.
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Pedro – Time of the Great Return

Pedro – Time of the Great Return

Do not put off what you have to do until tomorrow.
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Pedro – Only a Small Number Will be With Jesus

Pedro – Only a Small Number Will be With Jesus

You belong to the Lord and He loves you.
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Pedro – Your Weapons of Defense

Pedro – Your Weapons of Defense

Prayer, Confession, Eucharist, Holy Scripture, the Holy Rosary, and faithfulness...
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Pedro – Turn Around

Pedro – Turn Around

Take care of your spiritual life.
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Pedro – Great Persecution Will Spread Everywhere

Pedro – Great Persecution Will Spread Everywhere

Do not follow the mire of false doctrines.
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Pedro – Do Not Turn Away From the Lord

Pedro – Do Not Turn Away From the Lord

When you are away, you become a target for the Devil.
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Pedro – Humanity is Sick

Pedro – Humanity is Sick

What I say must be taken seriously.
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Pedro – Do Not Lose Hope

Pedro – Do Not Lose Hope

My Lord is in control of everything.
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Pedro – Behold, the Times Foretold Have Come

Pedro – Behold, the Times Foretold Have Come

Only those who pray will withstand the weight of the cross.
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Pedro – Many Consecrated Persons Will Walk …

Pedro – Many Consecrated Persons Will Walk …

...like the blind leading the blind.
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Pedro – A Man of Silence and Prayer

Pedro – A Man of Silence and Prayer

I ask you to listen to the voice of Jesus.
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Pedro – After all the pain, God’s victory will come…

Pedro – After all the pain, God’s victory will come…

...and you will see the wonders of the Lord everywhere.
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Pedro – Be Righteous

Pedro – Be Righteous

Always seek Him in the Eucharist
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Pedro – I Will Lead You to Victory

Pedro – I Will Lead You to Victory

Live Lent in the presence of my Son Jesus
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Pedro – Great Treasures Will be Buried

Pedro – Great Treasures Will be Buried

My poor children will weep and mourn.
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Pedro – The Enemy Will Act Against Confession and the Eucharist

Pedro – The Enemy Will Act Against Confession and the Eucharist

Do not allow the Devil to deceive you.
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Pedro – The Great Treasure Will be Scorned

Pedro – The Great Treasure Will be Scorned

Do not depart from the truth. Do not retreat.
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Pedro – Doors Will Open

Pedro – Doors Will Open

... and the enemies will advance.
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Pedro – Key from Hand to Hand

Pedro – Key from Hand to Hand

... the pain will be great for the faithful.
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Pedro – Lights Will Go Out

Pedro – Lights Will Go Out

Churches will be in darkness
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Pedro – Those Devoted to Me Will be Protected

Pedro – Those Devoted to Me Will be Protected

Whatever happens, do not leave the Church of my Jesus.
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Pedro – A Great Hindrance

Pedro – A Great Hindrance

The Great War will come...
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Pedro – All That is False Will Fall

Pedro – All That is False Will Fall

Humanity is contaminated
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Pedro – Listen to me

Pedro – Listen to me

I have not come from Heaven in jest.
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Pedro – When God Speaks, He Wants to be Heard

Pedro – When God Speaks, He Wants to be Heard

For many, it will be too late.
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Pedro – The Silence of the Righteous

Pedro – The Silence of the Righteous

...strengthens the enemies of God.
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Pedro – Humanity is Contaminated With Sin

Pedro – Humanity is Contaminated With Sin

You are heading for a future of great discord.
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Pedro – Everything In This Life Will Pass

Pedro – Everything In This Life Will Pass

...but the grace of God within you will be eternal.
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Pedro – The Enemies Will Propose an Alliance

Pedro – The Enemies Will Propose an Alliance

Its fruits do not come from God.
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Pedro – A Future of Grave Conflicts

Pedro – A Future of Grave Conflicts

The Devil has entered God's Holy Temple
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Pedro – Don’t be Discouraged by Your Difficulties

Pedro – Don’t be Discouraged by Your Difficulties

Confession, Eucharist, Holy Scripture and the Holy Rosary: weapons for the Great Battle.
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Pedro – Reject the Easy Solutions

Pedro – Reject the Easy Solutions

Take up your true role as Christians.
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Pedro – Truth Will be Present in Few Places

Pedro – Truth Will be Present in Few Places

Only through the power of prayer will humanity find peace.
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Pedro – My Lord Will Set His People Free

Pedro – My Lord Will Set His People Free

There is no victory without the Cross.
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Pedro – Always Choose the Narrow Door

Pedro – Always Choose the Narrow Door

Stand firm on the path that I have pointed out to you. Courage!
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Pedro – Pray for Souls in Purgatory

Pedro – Pray for Souls in Purgatory

Their suffering is great.
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Pedro – You are Living the Great Tribulation

Pedro – You are Living the Great Tribulation

...and the time of the Great Return.
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Pedro – Turn back quickly!

Pedro – Turn back quickly!

Do not live far from His grace.
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Pedro – Be attentive!

Pedro – Be attentive!

A faithful servant will act and contribute to the salvation of the Church.
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Pedro – You Will See Horrors on Earth

Pedro – You Will See Horrors on Earth

But the definitive Triumph of my Immaculate Heart will come.
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Pedro – Courage! Do not retreat

Pedro – Courage! Do not retreat

Steadfast in prayer, seek the Light of the Lord.
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Pedro – Confusion in the House of God

Pedro – Confusion in the House of God

The days will come when men will seek the truth and find it in few places.
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Pedro – In Many Hearts, There Will Not be Light

Pedro – In Many Hearts, There Will Not be Light

Do not allow spiritual darkness to take hold of your soul.
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Pedro – The Devil’s Smoke Will Spread Everywhere

Pedro – The Devil’s Smoke Will Spread Everywhere

Those who rise up against God's chosen ones will be defeated.
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Pedro – If You Happen to Fall

Pedro – If You Happen to Fall

...do not lose your hope. Call out for Jesus.
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Pedro – You are Important

Pedro – You are Important

...for the realization of my plans.
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Pedro – The Abyss of Self-Destruction

Pedro – The Abyss of Self-Destruction

You will yet see horrors in the House of God.
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Pedro – A Poisonous Project

Pedro – A Poisonous Project

...but the true Church of my Jesus will never be destroyed.
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Pedro – Fight against the enemy

Pedro – Fight against the enemy

The true Church of my Jesus will be persecuted and ridiculed.
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Pedro – Many Faithful Will be Contaminated

Pedro – Many Faithful Will be Contaminated

...and go against the truth.
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Pedro – Witness to My Son Jesus

Pedro – Witness to My Son Jesus

You are living in the time of the great spiritual battle.
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Pedro – Judas Betraying Judas

Pedro – Judas Betraying Judas

Confusion will spread everywhere.
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Pedro – I Do Not Want to Force You

Pedro – I Do Not Want to Force You

...but what I say must be taken seriously.
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Pedro – Serve the Lord With Joy

Pedro – Serve the Lord With Joy

Devote part of your time to prayer.
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Pedro – Many Will Seek the Easy Path

Pedro – Many Will Seek the Easy Path

Wide doors will be offered and many souls will be lost.
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Pedro – Many Will Repent

Pedro – Many Will Repent

...but it will be late!
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Pedro – The Church Will Go Back…

Pedro – The Church Will Go Back…

When all seems lost, God's Victory will come for you.
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Pedro – The Fault of Bad Pastors

Pedro – The Fault of Bad Pastors

You will yet see horrors... but do not retreat.
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Pedro – Many Will Lose the True Faith

Pedro – Many Will Lose the True Faith

He who opposes Christ will act and cause great confusion.
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Pedro – The Seed of Evil Will Spread Everywhere

Pedro – The Seed of Evil Will Spread Everywhere

You are important for the realization of my plans.
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Pedro – I Have Not Come in Jest

Pedro – I Have Not Come in Jest

Only those who pray will withstand the weight of the cross.
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Pedro – Peter Will Not Be Peter

Pedro – Peter Will Not Be Peter

You cannot understand now what I am telling you.
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Pedro – Defend the Truth

Pedro – Defend the Truth

Men have turned away from the Creator.
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Pedro – The Just Judge

Pedro – The Just Judge

you must testify to your faith.
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Pedro – Difficult Times Will Come . . .

Pedro – Difficult Times Will Come . . .

. . . but you will not be alone.
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Pedro – Onward Without Fear

Pedro – Onward Without Fear

Dear children, My Jesus loves you.
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Pedro – Prayer, Confession and Eucharist . . .

Pedro – Prayer, Confession and Eucharist . . .

. . . these are the weapons for the great spiritual combat.
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Pedro – Live Turned Towards Paradise

Pedro – Live Turned Towards Paradise

Seek the glories of Heaven . . .
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Pedro – The False Key . . .

Pedro – The False Key . . .

. . . will not open the true door.
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Pedro – You Are Not Alone

Pedro – You Are Not Alone

Give me your hands and I will lead you . . .
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Pedro – Do Not Lose Your Hope

Pedro – Do Not Lose Your Hope

Remain faithful to the teachings of the true Magisterium . . .
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Pedro – Bend Your Knees In Prayer

Pedro – Bend Your Knees In Prayer

Do not live in the darkness of false doctrines.
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Pedro – The Church of My Jesus Wins

Pedro – The Church of My Jesus Wins

Brave soldiers will act . . .
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Pedro – The Keys Will Be Passed from Hand to Hand

Pedro – The Keys Will Be Passed from Hand to Hand

Onward without fear!
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Pedro – Be Faithful to Jesus

Pedro – Be Faithful to Jesus

Without the Eucharist there is no Church . . .
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Pedro – Be Men and Women of Prayer

Pedro – Be Men and Women of Prayer

There are many with the courage of Judas.
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Pedro – Many Will be the Martyrs

Pedro – Many Will be the Martyrs

My Jesus needs your public and courageous witness.
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Pedro – Great Spiritual Blindness Will Spread

Pedro – Great Spiritual Blindness Will Spread

Seek the Mercy of my Jesus through the sacrament of confession...
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Pedro – The Mirror is Blurred

Pedro – The Mirror is Blurred

Seek strength in the Eucharist...
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Pedro – Be in the Midst of People

Pedro – Be in the Midst of People

...in the desert of suffering.
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Pedro – Strive to be Faithful

Pedro – Strive to be Faithful

Be like Jesus in everything.
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Pedro – You Are Living the Great Battle

Pedro – You Are Living the Great Battle

A Great Storm will strike the Church of my Jesus.
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Pedro – The Ferocious Bear

Pedro – The Ferocious Bear

It will reach Rome, and there, leave its mark...
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Pedro – Contempt for the Truth

Pedro – Contempt for the Truth

Bad shepherds will cause great spiritual blindness and pain.
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Pedro – Confusion in the House of God

Pedro – Confusion in the House of God

Babel will spread everywhere... If the hands are not anointed, there is no Presence of Jesus.
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Pedro – My Poor Children Will Hunger

Pedro – My Poor Children Will Hunger

...for the Food of Truth.
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Pedro – Do Not Depart from the Church

Pedro – Do Not Depart from the Church

Bad shepherds will embrace what has always been darkness.
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Pedro – Silence Strengthens the Enemies of God

Pedro – Silence Strengthens the Enemies of God

Give your best in defense of the truth.
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Pedro – There is No Peace Without Jesus

Pedro – There is No Peace Without Jesus

You are living in the times of sorrow... a terrible religious dictatorship will spread everywhere.
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Pedro – Brave Soldiers in Cassocks

Pedro – Brave Soldiers in Cassocks

...will fight for the one, true Church.
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Pedro – Love and Defend the Truth

Pedro – Love and Defend the Truth

Those who sow half-truths will not enter the Eternal Sanctuary.
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Simona – Listen to Me

Simona – Listen to Me

...when I tell you to love Jesus with all your heart.
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Pedro – A Man-Made Abyss

Pedro – A Man-Made Abyss

Be a Sign of Christ's Presence.
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Pedro – The Lord Will Rescue His Own

Pedro – The Lord Will Rescue His Own

There will be a great war.
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Pedro – Do Not Throw Away Freedom

Pedro – Do Not Throw Away Freedom

There will be many martyrs.
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Pedro – You Will be Brought Before Courts

Pedro – You Will be Brought Before Courts

...but do not retreat.
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Pedro – The Divine Laws Will be Abandoned

Pedro – The Divine Laws Will be Abandoned

The future will be better for the righteous.
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Pedro – God First

Pedro – God First

Do not live far from prayer.
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Pedro – The Devil Will Act With Fury

Pedro – The Devil Will Act With Fury

...against Our Lady's children. Be not afraid!
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Pedro – Jesus Needs Your Courageous Witness

Pedro – Jesus Needs Your Courageous Witness

Do not depart from the the teachings of His Church.
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Pedro – Humiliated and Despised

Pedro – Humiliated and Despised

...but He did not retreat.
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Pedro – For Those Devoted to Me

Pedro – For Those Devoted to Me

...the light will never go out.
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Scripture – The Day of the Lord

Scripture – The Day of the Lord

Near is the Day of the Lord.
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Pedro – I Have Not Come in Jest

Pedro – I Have Not Come in Jest

The smoke of the Devil will cause spiritual blindness among many ministers of God.
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Pedro – You Are Living in a Time Worse than the Flood

Pedro – You Are Living in a Time Worse than the Flood

Be reconciled with God.
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Pedro – Your Great Friend

Pedro – Your Great Friend

Trust in Jesus.
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Pedro – The Great Persecution

Pedro – The Great Persecution

Few will remain firm in the faith.
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Pedro – The Great Spiritual Battle

Pedro – The Great Spiritual Battle

Be alert. Courage!
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Pedro – A Great Spiritual Storm

Pedro – A Great Spiritual Storm

The Great Vessel will be struck.
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Pedro – The Times of Sorrow

Pedro – The Times of Sorrow

A great shipwreck of faith.
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Pedro – Do Not Be Discouraged

Pedro – Do Not Be Discouraged

My Jesus is beside you.
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Pedro – Humanity on the Path of Self-Destruction

Pedro – Humanity on the Path of Self-Destruction

This is the time of sorrows.
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Pedro – The Men of Terror Will Act

Pedro – The Men of Terror Will Act

Listen to Jesus, accept His Gospel.
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Pedro – You Have Freedom

Pedro – You Have Freedom

Do not let the Devil enslave you.
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Pedro – To the Vineyard Managers

Pedro – To the Vineyard Managers

Jesus expects much from you. Do not retreat.
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Pedro – Imitate John

Pedro – Imitate John

Do not retreat!
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Pedro – Do Not Fold Your Arms

Pedro – Do Not Fold Your Arms

You are Our Lord's Possession. Courage!
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Pedro – Proclaim the Gospel

Pedro – Proclaim the Gospel

Defend the truth.
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Pedro – You Are a Target

Pedro – You Are a Target

...when you neglect prayer.
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Pedro – The Great Persecution

Pedro – The Great Persecution

There is no victory without the Cross.
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Pedro – Great Persecution Ahead…

Pedro – Great Persecution Ahead…

...you will have to make choices...
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Pedro – Humanity is Contaminated with Sin

Pedro – Humanity is Contaminated with Sin

Turn away from the world.
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Pedro – Jesus Needs Your Courageous Witness

Pedro – Jesus Needs Your Courageous Witness

Seek strength in prayer and the Eucharist.
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Pedro – Jesus, the Living Bread

Pedro – Jesus, the Living Bread

In Him alone is your victory.
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Pedro – A Time of Great Confusion

Pedro – A Time of Great Confusion

Onward in defense of the truth!
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Pedro – Men Will Change the Word of God

Pedro – Men Will Change the Word of God

Be attentive in order not to be deceived.
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Pedro – No Defeat for the Righteous

Pedro – No Defeat for the Righteous

Be like Jesus in everything.
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Pedro – Do Not Live Far from Prayer

Pedro – Do Not Live Far from Prayer

In everything, God first.
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Pedro – On Easy Solutions…

Pedro – On Easy Solutions…

...offered by false shepherds.
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Pedro – Few With the Courage of John the Baptist

Pedro – Few With the Courage of John the Baptist

You are heading towards a future with many Judases...
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Pedro – Be Attentive

Pedro – Be Attentive

Humanity will be controlled...
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Pedro – The Great Return

Pedro – The Great Return

Babel will spread everywhere.
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Pedro – Even in Tribulation

Pedro – Even in Tribulation

...testify that you are the Lord's.
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Pedro – You Will be Persecuted

Pedro – You Will be Persecuted

Trust fully in the power of God.
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Pedro – The Church Must Guard the Real Presence

Pedro – The Church Must Guard the Real Presence

Many will depart from the truth.
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Pedro – Polluting the Soul & Creation

Pedro – Polluting the Soul & Creation

Jesus is the Living Water.
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Pedro – The Shepherd’s Staff Will be Broken

Pedro – The Shepherd’s Staff Will be Broken

The Babel promoted by false pastors will cause division.
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Pedro – A Great Darkness is Approaching

Pedro – A Great Darkness is Approaching

You are living a time worse than the Flood.
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Pedro – Jesus is the Way

Pedro – Jesus is the Way

Do not seek shortcuts.
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Pedro – What is False Will Fall

Pedro – What is False Will Fall

The Great Vessel will sail upon mud.
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Pedro – Humanity is Sick

Pedro – Humanity is Sick

...walking on paths of self-destruction prepared with their own hands.
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Pedro – You Are Important

Pedro – You Are Important

Be attentive.
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Pedro – I Know You by Name

Pedro – I Know You by Name

Men and women of faith will be protected.
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Pedro – Testify: You Are of the Lord

Pedro – Testify: You Are of the Lord

This is the right time to proclaim the Gospel.
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Pedro – Do Not Go Far from Prayer

Pedro – Do Not Go Far from Prayer

There will be no defeat for the righteous.
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Pedro –  Call to True Repentance

Pedro – Call to True Repentance

Open your hearts... courage!
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Pedro – Few Will Remain in the Faith!

Pedro – Few Will Remain in the Faith!

Whatever happens, stay with Jesus.
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Pedro – Accept His Gospel

Pedro – Accept His Gospel

Testify to the wonders of God with your life.
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Pedro – Jesus Needs the Courageous!

Pedro – Jesus Needs the Courageous!

But you will be thrown out for defending the truth.
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Pedro – Jesus Overcame Death

Pedro – Jesus Overcame Death

Do not allow false ideologies to contaminate you.
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Pedro – Say “Yes” to His Call

Pedro – Say “Yes” to His Call

The Victory of my Jesus is your victory.
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Pedro – Value the Eucharist

Pedro – Value the Eucharist

Love and pray for priests.
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Pedro – Be Faithful to the True Magisterium

Pedro – Be Faithful to the True Magisterium

I have come to lead you to my Son Jesus.
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Pedro – You Will Drink the Bitter Cup

Pedro – You Will Drink the Bitter Cup

Jesus will be with you. Courage!
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Pedro – Seek Heaven

Pedro – Seek Heaven

This is your goal.
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Pedro – Listen to Me

Pedro – Listen to Me

Humanity is heading toward a great abyss.
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Pedro – You Are Important to the Triumph

Pedro – You Are Important to the Triumph

The silence of the righteous strengthens the enemies of God.
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Pedro – Choose the Narrow Gate

Pedro – Choose the Narrow Gate

Few will remain steadfast.
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Pedro – The Time of the Great Battle

Pedro – The Time of the Great Battle

Let nothing stop you from following Jesus.
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Pedro – This is the Right Time

Pedro – This is the Right Time

...for your return.
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Pedro – My Jesus is Walking With You

Pedro – My Jesus is Walking With You

He will wipe away your tears.
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Pedro – Testify to My Presence

Pedro – Testify to My Presence

I have come from Heaven to help you.
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Pedro – Half-truths Will Spread

Pedro – Half-truths Will Spread

Do not be swept by the mire of false doctrines.
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Pedro – When All Seems Lost

Pedro – When All Seems Lost

... the Great Victory of God will come for you.
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Pedro – When You are Weak

Pedro – When You are Weak

Seek strength in prayer and the Eucharist.
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Pedro – Discover His Will for Your Lives

Pedro – Discover His Will for Your Lives

Seek strength in prayer and in the Eucharist.
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Pedro – Only Those Who Pray…

Pedro – Only Those Who Pray…

...will be able to bear the weight of the cross.
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Pedro – The Truth Will be Despised

Pedro – The Truth Will be Despised

Do not allow the world to contaminate you.
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Pedro – Humanity is Sick

Pedro – Humanity is Sick

...but the Lord will be by your side.
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Pedro – The Great Storm

Pedro – The Great Storm

A great shipwreck will affect those far from the faith.
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Pedro -This is the Time for Your Return

Pedro -This is the Time for Your Return

You are heading for a future full of obstacles.
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Pedro – Bend Your Knees in Prayer

Pedro – Bend Your Knees in Prayer

Only by the power of prayer can you bear the weight of the trials to come.
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Pedro – You Will be Persecuted

Pedro – You Will be Persecuted

After the Cross will come the victory.
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Pedro – Turn Around, Pray

Pedro – Turn Around, Pray

Without prayer, you will wander.
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Pedro – The Triumph Will Come

Pedro – The Triumph Will Come

...through those devoted to me.
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Pedro – Make a Deep Examination of Conscience

Pedro – Make a Deep Examination of Conscience

Forgiveness leads you to liberation.
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Pedro – Accept the Teachings of the True Magisterium

Pedro – Accept the Teachings of the True Magisterium

Those who do not will be dragged into the abyss of false doctrines.
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Pedro – The Great Vessel Will Deviate from the Safe Harbor

Pedro – The Great Vessel Will Deviate from the Safe Harbor

Defeat will come for the false church.
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Pedro – Loved, One by One

Pedro – Loved, One by One

You are called to holiness.
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Pedro – Remove Every Obstacle

Pedro – Remove Every Obstacle

Seek strength in prayer.
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Pedro – After All the Pain

Pedro – After All the Pain

There will be great joy.
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Pedro – You Are Free

Pedro – You Are Free

Do not allow the devil to enslave you.
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Simona – Love Jesus

Simona – Love Jesus

...and love Him in others.
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Pedro – This is the Right Time

Pedro – This is the Right Time

Seek the Mercy of My Jesus in Confession.
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Pedro – Humanity is Sick

Pedro – Humanity is Sick

You will search for the Precious Food and not find it.
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Pedro – Listen to Jesus

Pedro – Listen to Jesus

Remain on the path of truth.
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Pedro – Pay Attention

Pedro – Pay Attention

...in order not to be deceived.
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Pedro – The Price of Silence

Pedro – The Price of Silence

The silence of the righteous strengthens the enemies of God.
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Pedro – When All Seems Lost, the Victory Will Come

Pedro – When All Seems Lost, the Victory Will Come

Do not forget: in your hands the Holy Rosary and Sacred Scripture.
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Pedro – Men Will Abandon God’s Laws

Pedro – Men Will Abandon God’s Laws

...and be slaves to the New Order.
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Pedro – Mire of False Doctrines

Pedro – Mire of False Doctrines

Many chosen to defend will be deceived.
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Pedro – The Great Persecution

Pedro – The Great Persecution

The mire of false doctrines will spread everywhere.
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Pedro – When the Walls Fall

Pedro – When the Walls Fall

The enemies will advance and cause great damage in the House of God.
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Pedro – The Great Battle

Pedro – The Great Battle

Your weapon of defense is love for the truth.
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Pedro – A Future of Confusion and Division

Pedro – A Future of Confusion and Division

Only through prayer can you bear the weight.
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Pedro Regis – Great Babel Will Spread Everywhere

Pedro Regis – Great Babel Will Spread Everywhere

Your weapon of defense is in the Gospel and true Magisterium.
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Pedro – Great Vessel, Great Shipwreck

Pedro – Great Vessel, Great Shipwreck

This is the cause of suffering.
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Pedro – Do Not Retreat

Pedro – Do Not Retreat

Do not allow the devil to steal your peace.
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Pedro – Contributing to the Triumph

Pedro – Contributing to the Triumph

Seek Jesus in prayer and in the Eucharist.
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Pedro – Whatever Happens

Pedro – Whatever Happens

Remain firm in the faith.
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Pedro – Great Division in God’s House

Pedro – Great Division in God’s House

In God there is no half-truth.
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Pedro Regis – Do Not Allow the Devil’s Darkness to Lead You

Pedro Regis – Do Not Allow the Devil’s Darkness to Lead You

Whatever happens, stay with the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus.
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Pedro – Do Not Allow the Devil’s Darkness

Pedro – Do Not Allow the Devil’s Darkness

Humanity is sick and needs to be healed.
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Pedro – Heading for War

Pedro – Heading for War

Stay with Jesus.
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Pedro Regis – Tell Everyone that God is Making Haste

Pedro Regis – Tell Everyone that God is Making Haste

Do not leave for tomorrow what you have to do.
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Pedro Regis – Return Promptly!

Pedro Regis – Return Promptly!

Do not live far from the Lord.
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Pedro Regis – A Great Crisis of Faith

Pedro Regis – A Great Crisis of Faith

You are heading towards a future of great contempt for the Sacred.
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Pedro Regis – After the Tribulations the Church will be Victorious

Pedro Regis – After the Tribulations the Church will be Victorious

Humanity has become contaminated with sin and needs to be healed.
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Pedro Regis – Your Fears are Interference from My Adversary

Pedro Regis – Your Fears are Interference from My Adversary

Nobody can do anything against you if you place your trust and hope in the Lord.
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Pedro Regis – The Plan of God’s Enemies is to Destroy the Sacred

Pedro Regis – The Plan of God’s Enemies is to Destroy the Sacred

Bend your knees in prayer and you will be capable of bearing the weight of the trials to come.
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Pedro Regis – Sincere and Courageous “Yes”

Pedro Regis – Sincere and Courageous “Yes”

The silence of the righteous strengthens the enemies of God.
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Pedro Regis – Men Will Change the Laws

Pedro Regis – Men Will Change the Laws

The light of truth will never be extinguished in the faithful.
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Pedro Regis – Do Not Fear the Weight of the Trials

Pedro Regis – Do Not Fear the Weight of the Trials

Your weapon of defense is sincere prayer.
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Pedro Regis – Give the Best of Yourselves in the Mission

Pedro Regis – Give the Best of Yourselves in the Mission

Contribute to the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart
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Pedro Regis – Testify to the Wonders of the Lord

Pedro Regis – Testify to the Wonders of the Lord

In everything, God first. Courage.
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Pedro Regis – Traitors of the Faith Will Unite

Pedro Regis – Traitors of the Faith Will Unite

Defenders of the true Magisterium will be thrown out.
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Pedro Regis – Humanity is Sick and Needs to be Healed

Pedro Regis – Humanity is Sick and Needs to be Healed

Give me your hands and I will lead you to victory.
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Pedro Regis – Strengthen Yourselves in the Gospel

Pedro Regis – Strengthen Yourselves in the Gospel

There will be great persecution for those who love and defend the truth.
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Pedro Regis – Pray Much Before the Cross

Pedro Regis – Pray Much Before the Cross

The cross will be heavy for those of faith.
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Pedro Regis – Long Years of Hard Trials

Pedro Regis – Long Years of Hard Trials

Be filled with hope. The future will be better for the righteous.
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Pedro Regis – Proclaim Jesus Everywhere

Pedro Regis – Proclaim Jesus Everywhere

Enemies will increasingly unite in order to keep you from the truth.
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Pedro Regis – The Truth Will be Found in Few Places

Pedro Regis – The Truth Will be Found in Few Places

Whatever happens, remain faithful to the true Magisterium of the Church of My Jesus.
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Pedro Regis – The Glories of This World Pass

Pedro Regis – The Glories of This World Pass

Seek what comes from God.
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Pedro Regis – Those Devoted to Me will be Protected

Pedro Regis – Those Devoted to Me will be Protected

I need your sincere and courageous "Yes".
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Pedro Regis – Do Not Depart From Prayer

Pedro Regis – Do Not Depart From Prayer

When you are away, you become the Devil's target.
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Pedro Regis – Many Will be Contaminated through False Teachings

Pedro Regis – Many Will be Contaminated through False Teachings

The devil will act to keep you from the truth.
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Pedro Regis – There Will be a Great Persecution

Pedro Regis – There Will be a Great Persecution

Be filled with hope. Whoever is with the Lord will never experience the weight of defeat.
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Pedro Regis – The Smoke of the Devil

Pedro Regis – The Smoke of the Devil

Humanity is walking along the paths of destruction.
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Pedro Regis – New Heavens, New Earth

Pedro Regis – New Heavens, New Earth

After all the pain, the Lord will dry your tears.
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Pedro Regis – Jesus Will Not Abandon You

Pedro Regis – Jesus Will Not Abandon You

Imitate John the Baptist and defend what is of God.
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Pedro Regis – Worse than the Flood

Pedro Regis – Worse than the Flood

Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
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Pedro Regis – Great Babel

Pedro Regis – Great Babel

Take care of your spiritual life.
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Pedro Regis – Defend The Eucharist

Pedro Regis – Defend The Eucharist

Wolves will spread great spiritual confusion.
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Pedro Regis – Half-truths and Lies

Pedro Regis – Half-truths and Lies

Persevere toward the Great Victory.
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Pedro Regis – Great Confusion

Pedro Regis – Great Confusion

Few will remain firm in the faith.
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Pedro Regis – Onward Defending Truth

Pedro Regis – Onward Defending Truth

Thick darkness will fall on the Church.
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Pedro Regis – Stay on the Path

Pedro Regis – Stay on the Path

Days will come when many will deny the faith out of fear.
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Pedro Regis – The Time has Come

Pedro Regis – The Time has Come

I am making an extraordinary rain of grace fall upon you from Heaven.
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Pedro Regis – Defend the Great Treasure

Pedro Regis – Defend the Great Treasure

The enemies will act to extinguish the light of the Eucharist.
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Pedro Regis – Many Will Lose the Faith

Pedro Regis – Many Will Lose the Faith

Many will make a covenant with the enemy.
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Pedro Regis – A Great Persecution Comes

Pedro Regis – A Great Persecution Comes

Trust in Him and you will be victorious.
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Pedro Regis – Great Confusion

Pedro Regis – Great Confusion

Do not allow the devil to deceive you and keep you from the truth.
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Pedro Regis – Many Will be Deceived

Pedro Regis – Many Will be Deceived

Humanity is walking in spiritual blindness.
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Pedro Regis – A Great Battle Comes

Pedro Regis – A Great Battle Comes

The Church will be fiercely persecuted.
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Pedro Regis – Love and Defend Truth

Pedro Regis – Love and Defend Truth

The silence of the righteous strengthens the enemies of God.
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Pedro Regis – Do Not Retreat

Pedro Regis – Do Not Retreat

Disorder will be present everywhere...
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Pedro Regis – A Great Storm Comes

Pedro Regis – A Great Storm Comes

Stay faithful... you will not be dragged away by the mire of false doctrines.
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Pedro Regis – Pray, Pray, Pray

Pedro Regis – Pray, Pray, Pray

Humanity is heading towards the abyss of self-destruction that men have prepared with their own hands.
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Luz de Maria – The Wolves are Hungry

Luz de Maria – The Wolves are Hungry

The Antichrist will be worshiped as the Messiah.
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Pedro Regis – Something Astonishing Comes

Pedro Regis – Something Astonishing Comes

Many will have their faith shaken.
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Pedro Regis – The Enemies Appear to be Good

Pedro Regis – The Enemies Appear to be Good

Jesus is your only Way.
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Pedro Regis – A Shipwreck of Faith

Pedro Regis – A Shipwreck of Faith

Those who remain faithful until the end will be proclaimed Blessed of the Father.
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Pedro Regis – On Prayer and Purgatory

Pedro Regis – On Prayer and Purgatory

Keep away from everything that keeps you from Jesus.
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Pedro Regis – A Great Storm Will Come

Pedro Regis – A Great Storm Will Come

You are heading for a future of great tribulations.
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Pedro Regis – Rosary and Sacred Scripture

Pedro Regis – Rosary and Sacred Scripture

Give me your hands and I will lead you to Jesus.
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Pedro Regis – Keep Your Faith Alight

Pedro Regis – Keep Your Faith Alight

Let yourselves be guided by the Light of the Lord.
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Pedro Regis – Trust in the Power of God

Pedro Regis – Trust in the Power of God

Your victory will come by the power of prayer.
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Pedro Regis – Onward in Defense of Truth

Pedro Regis – Onward in Defense of Truth

The enemies will throw out great truths of the faith.
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Pedro Regis – Love and Defend the Truth

Pedro Regis – Love and Defend the Truth

Turn away from the world in order not to be enslaved by the devil.
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Pedro Regis – Trust in Jesus

Pedro Regis – Trust in Jesus

He is the Light that illuminates your lives...
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Pedro Regis – The Greatest Gift

Pedro Regis – The Greatest Gift

The greatest attacks will come against the Priesthood and the Eucharist.
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Pedro Regis – Keep the Flame of Faith Alive

Pedro Regis – Keep the Flame of Faith Alive

Keep the flame of faith alive... Whatever happens, stay with Jesus.
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Pedro Regis – Encourage One Another

Pedro Regis – Encourage One Another

Encourage one another and testify to My Presence among you.
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Pedro Regis – Listen to Me

Pedro Regis – Listen to Me

Listen to Me. I am your Mother and I have come from Heaven to lead you to Heaven.
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Pedro Regis – Pay Attention

Pedro Regis – Pay Attention

I do not want to force you, but pay attention.
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Pedro Regis – Darkness Covers the Whole Earth

Pedro Regis – Darkness Covers the Whole Earth

Dear children, you are living in a time of great spiritual confusion.
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Pedro Regis on the Era of Peace

Pedro Regis on the Era of Peace

I want to make you saints for the glory of the reign of God. Open your hearts! Very soon the...
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Pedro Regis – The Earth Will Shake

Pedro Regis – The Earth Will Shake

Jesus to: Humanity is heading towards a sorrowful future. The earth will shake and abysses will appear. My poor children...
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Pedro Regis – Disorder in the Church

Pedro Regis – Disorder in the Church

Our Lady Queen of Peace to, January 1st, 2020: Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace and I have...
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Posted in Messages, Why that seer?.