Why Jennifer?

Jennifer is a young American mother and housewife (her last name is withheld at her spiritual director’s request in order to respect the privacy of her husband and family.) She was, perhaps, what one would have called a "typical" Sunday-going Catholic who knew little about her faith and even less about the Bible. She thought at one time that “Sodom and Gomorrah” were two people and that “the Beatitudes” were the name of a rock band. Then, during Communion at Mass one day, Jesus began to audibly speak to her giving messages of love and warning telling her, “My child, you are the extension of My message of Divine Mercy.” Since her messages focus more on the justice that must come to an unrepentant world, they do indeed fill in the latter part of St. Faustina’s message:

…before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice…Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary of St. Faustina, n. 1146

One day, the Lord instructed her to present her messages to the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. Fr. Seraphim Michaelenko, vice-postulator of St. Faustina’s canonization, translated Jennifer’s messages into Polish. She booked a ticket to Rome and, against all odds, found herself and her companions in the inner corridors of the Vatican. She met with Monsignor Pawel Ptasznik, a close friend and collaborator of the Pope and the Polish Secretariat of State for the Vatican. The messages were passed to Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, John Paul II’s personal secretary. In a follow-up meeting, Msgr. Pawel said, “Spread the messages to the world any way you can.”

Messages from Jennifer

Jennifer – Follow my Son

Jennifer – Follow my Son

Your time on this earth is precious and not to be wasted.
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Jennifer – Trust in Me

Jennifer – Trust in Me

Do not fear what is going on in this world...
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Jennifer – The Veil of Protection upon America

Jennifer – The Veil of Protection upon America

...is soon to be lifted.
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Jennifer – The Dividing Line

Jennifer – The Dividing Line

There are those who erase, and those who learn from history.
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Jennifer – A Vision of Drought

Jennifer – A Vision of Drought

Will this be the fulfillment of another prophecy?
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Jennifer – Nations That Are Will No Longer Be

Jennifer – Nations That Are Will No Longer Be

Pray as you have not prayed before, for the hour is at hand.
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Jennifer – When You See the Sign from Jerusalem

Jennifer – When You See the Sign from Jerusalem

...know that My Church has entered into My Passion.
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Jennifer – You Must Have Greater Vigilance

Jennifer – You Must Have Greater Vigilance

...the enemy seeks to draw you in by your past sins.
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Jennifer – Form Communities to Live in My Light

Jennifer – Form Communities to Live in My Light

You have the greatest armor...
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Jennifer – When There Appears No Restraint…

Jennifer – When There Appears No Restraint…

...this is a great sign that the time of My visitation is near.
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Jennifer – My Church, Being Torn in Two

Jennifer – My Church, Being Torn in Two

...the emptying of Peter's Chair.
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Jennifer – The Winds of Spring

Jennifer – The Winds of Spring

A prophecy on the verge?
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Jennifer – Sin Is Not An Act of Love

Jennifer – Sin Is Not An Act of Love

If your actions in love go against My creation, My plan, it is not love.
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Jennifer – You are Soon to be Witnesses to the Greatest Warning

Jennifer – You are Soon to be Witnesses to the Greatest Warning

My child, I tell My children, Do not lay down your rosaries.
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Jennifer – Praying for Your Enemies, for Those Who Condemn You…

Jennifer – Praying for Your Enemies, for Those Who Condemn You…

...is the greatest act of redemptive suffering.
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Jennifer – Your Time in Revelation Has Come

Jennifer – Your Time in Revelation Has Come

This world is crumbling and many are recognizing the evil before them.
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Jennifer – The World Has Entered the Time of Warning

Jennifer – The World Has Entered the Time of Warning

A period of warning leading to the Warning.
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Jennifer – You Are Living Out Revelation

Jennifer – You Are Living Out Revelation

Recognize evil for what it is and do not take hold of it by complying out of fear.
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Jennifer – The Great Hour is Approaching

Jennifer – The Great Hour is Approaching

When you deny what you were created as, you deny your Heavenly Father.
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Jennifer – On the Precipice of Great Change

Jennifer – On the Precipice of Great Change

The past warnings are now on your doorstep.
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Jennifer – The Antichrist is Near

Jennifer – The Antichrist is Near

Your freedoms will be stripped away...
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Jennifer – On the Precipice of Great Change

Jennifer – On the Precipice of Great Change

Hell has been emptied out upon the earth.
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Jennifer – This False Prophet

Jennifer – This False Prophet

As the passing of the true pope is shadowed by this false prophet, changes will come like boxcars...
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Jennifer – Your Priestly Vocations Will be Tested

Jennifer – Your Priestly Vocations Will be Tested

All will appear lost... then great victory will come.
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Jennifer – Darkness from Russia and China

Jennifer – Darkness from Russia and China

Rome will be surrounded by missiles. Mankind's only peace comes from trust...
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Jennifer – Those Who Interfere with Free Will…

Jennifer – Those Who Interfere with Free Will…

...do not come in My Name.
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Jennifer – This World as You See it is Passing

Jennifer – This World as You See it is Passing

Use your voices to defend truth.
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Jennifer – Mountains Will Awaken

Jennifer – Mountains Will Awaken

The earth is responding to your sins...
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Jennifer – Come and Adore

Jennifer – Come and Adore

I quietly rest in the tabernacles of the world.
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Jennifer – The Days of Mourning Will Come

Jennifer – The Days of Mourning Will Come

...but will be followed by great victory.
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Jennifer – A Call to Pray for the Unprepared

Jennifer – A Call to Pray for the Unprepared

Pray for the protection of families.
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Jennifer – The Days of Great Mourning are Coming

Jennifer – The Days of Great Mourning are Coming

Mothers and fathers will yearn and weep for their children...
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Jennifer – The World Will be Inundated With Water

Jennifer – The World Will be Inundated With Water

...with tears when people see what they have done to the little ones...
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Jennifer – I Am Not the God of Fear

Jennifer – I Am Not the God of Fear

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
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Jennifer – Where Are My Priests?

Jennifer – Where Are My Priests?

Many have trusted the false science of man.
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Jennifer – The Hour is Coming

Jennifer – The Hour is Coming

The hour when mankind will see the truth of his soul.
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Jennifer – Beads of Light

Jennifer – Beads of Light

The Rosary will pierce the darkness.
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Jennifer – Calling the Prophets

Jennifer – Calling the Prophets

Rise up and do not fear.
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Jennifer – A New Corridor in Time

Jennifer – A New Corridor in Time

A great shaking and reckoning for the blood of the innocent.
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Jennifer – The Web Will be Destroyed

Jennifer – The Web Will be Destroyed

Freedom is given to do God's Will.
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Jennifer – Where is Your Trust?

Jennifer – Where is Your Trust?

Are you quarantining Me or yourself?
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Jennifer – The Shadows of Russia and China

Jennifer – The Shadows of Russia and China

On the doorstep of America.
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Jennifer – A Great Shaking

Jennifer – A Great Shaking

The Great Hour of light is coming.
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Jennifer – Vision of the Warning

Jennifer – Vision of the Warning

They will see their soul as I see it.
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Jennifer – The Great Correction is Coming

Jennifer – The Great Correction is Coming

Mankind can no longer hide.
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Jennifer – No More Time

Jennifer – No More Time

Mankind has lost consciousness of sin.
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Jennifer – My Children Fight Over Race

Jennifer – My Children Fight Over Race

It is not the color of one’s skin that causes the division: it is sin.
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Jennifer – Wake Up My Children!

Jennifer – Wake Up My Children!

You have entered your Gethsemane.
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Jennifer – A Great Correction Comes

Jennifer – A Great Correction Comes

When My Mercy is no longer sought then justice must come.
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Jennifer – The Unraveling Has Begun

Jennifer – The Unraveling Has Begun

A great shaking is soon to come.
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Jennifer – On Refuges

Jennifer – On Refuges

I am calling My children to flee to My Most Sacred Heart, for it is only there that you will...
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Jennifer – An Era of Peace

Jennifer – An Era of Peace

Jesus to: My child, I have sent storms and earthquakes to this world before as a sign that man needs...
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Jennifer – Plagues of Insects and Disease

Jennifer – Plagues of Insects and Disease

Jesus to, November 18th, 2004: My people, the light shall come and fall upon mankind. Each ray of light that...
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Jennifer – Like Boxcars

Jennifer – Like Boxcars

Jesus to: My people, those of you who continue to ignore My pleas will soon be brought to your knees...
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Jennifer – A Great Shaking

Jennifer – A Great Shaking

Jesus to: …a great shaking is about to come forth for the earth has begun to show mankind the depth...
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Posted in Messages, Why that seer?.