An Unlikely Soul – You Must be Simple

Our Lady to An Unlikely Soul on November 4th, 1992:

This message is one of many locutions that were given to a weekly prayer group. Now the messages are being shared with the world:

Hello, my children. I, your Mother, come to you today with a very special gift. I have asked Him to come to you to speak of prayer, and He has consented. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is in your presence. Bow your heads and offer up to Him your hearts.

Our Lord 

Sons and daughters, it is I, your Lord Jesus, Who speaks to you now. I have come to you now at the request of My Mother to tell you about prayer. My children, when you pray, always pray for the virtue that opposes the challenge that you meet. If you feel despair, ask for the prayer of joy. When you feel challenged by pride, ask for the prayer of humility. When you feel challenged by the world and its complicated axioms and formulas, ask for the prayer of simplicity. When you feel anger, when you feel distress and hatred, ask for the prayer of love. It is written: those who ask shall receive. [1]Matt. 7:7-8 It is through this asking and continuing to advance in your prayer life that I pour many graces upon you. As these graces flow, your strength increases, and you bear the burdens that I allow to be placed upon you. As you bear these burdens, you glorify Me, you glorify Me to the Father. In matters of generosity, can any one of you compare to the Father? So as you glorify Me, the bounteous way He will glorify you, you do not understand.

You must be simple, My children. In the Old Testament, the Father was not impressed with burnt offerings. It was contrite hearts that He yearned for. So today, it’s not complicated litanies and continuous prayers of words from stony hearts that I demand, but prayers of love and joy.

When you are dry, when you feel prayer difficult, this is the time that you ask for special graces, and you continue. You make Me joyful because it is through this trial that the graces flow and you see My light. When you see My light, it fills you; it fills your hearts. As it fills you, My children, it is seen by others . . . it is seen by others and affects them. This is part of the Father’s plan. This is meant to be from the beginning of time, that My Spirit will fill My children and go out as a light to all nations. You, My children, will affect the people around you. You must have faith. You must have hope. These graces flow through Me, and all you have to do is ask for simplicity.

I love you all, My children, and I ask you to go forth and shine like lamps to My people. My Mother and I now go, and We leave you with Our peace.  

This message can be found in the book: She Who Shows the Way: Heaven’s Messages for Our Turbulent Times. Also available in audiobook format: click here

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1 Matt. 7:7-8
Posted in An Unlikely Soul, Messages.