Queen of the Rosary and Peace on September 12, 2020:
Peace, my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother invite you to live in love, in order to be safe within the Heart of my Son Jesus, who loves you so much and who is your safe refuge and protection. In the Heart of my Son, belonging to him, listening to the beating of his Heart, which is a call of love that He makes every day to each soul, through me, you will learn how to love and to do God’s will. You will not be afraid of anything—neither of the cross, nor of the trials, nor of the persecutions that will come to the world. You will be united to my Son and my Son will be united with each one of you, granting you many graces and blessings that will change your lives and give you the strength to fight all evil in the power of his Holy Name.
Pray, my children, pray much, for prayer is life and strength for each of you. Those who pray will never be brought down by evil, but will emerge victorious in every battle fought. May the prayer of the Rosary be recited daily in your homes with love, and thus, you who listen to me and who accept my appeals in your hearts will have the assurance that all heaven will be united to you, and all of you will be united with heaven and will be part of it one day, in the glory of my Son.
Our Lord on September 6, 2020:
Peace to your heart!
My son, write my holy words and warn souls:
They, the agents of Satan, will make many accept a false Eucharist that does not come from me, your God.
Everything starts with false human fraternity, false brotherly communion, and afterwards they arrive at the false Eucharist invented by them. Satan is acting fiercely within my Church to uproot the Great Treasure from among you, to trample on my love, my gifts and my graces, because the servants who do not love me have allowed themselves to be corrupted by him because of money, power and impurity. Whoever does not eat My Flesh and drink My Blood will not have part of the glory of My kingdom.
This wicked and loveless generation is deserving of a great punishment because of their terrible sins. Be strong. Testify to the truth, proclaiming My eternal words to souls, so that I might heal and restore them with My love. It is only those who are faithful to the end who will receive the eternal reward and the crown of glory. Free yourself from all cowardice. Do not be afraid. I AM loves you. I, Almighty God, am with you. I am always united with all those who love me and who receive My holy words in their hearts.
I bless you!
Queen of the Rosary and Peace on September 6, 2020:
Peace, my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother never tire of giving you my blessing, I never tire of coming from heaven to bring you the love and peace of my Son. Allow me to guide you by the hand and to lead you to the Heart of my Son. He loves you and is visiting His families at this moment to seal them with His love, placing them inside His most holy wounds so that they would be protected against every attack of the infernal enemy. God loves you, and today He is granting each one of you great gifts and graces from heaven for you to be able to endure these difficult times courageously. Do not be disheartened. Do not lose faith. God is with you and I am by your side to help you and to guide you in everything.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Before leaving, the Blessed Mother said:
When is an apparition true? When it bears witness to the truth, defending it. The Holy Spirit cannot be in favor of error, lies and sin, but He confirms and reveals my Son and Hhis words of eternal life to souls.
Queen of the Rosary and Peace on September 5, 2020:
Peace, my beloved children, peace!
My children, it is time to change your hearts in the love of my Son Jesus, it is time to choose the path that leads to heaven. Be of the Lord, ask for forgiveness of your sins. Do not be deaf and disobedient to my voice. God is calling you and wants your hearts to open. Learn to listen to the Lord’s call, learn to be obedient to His Divine Will. His Sacred Heart is full of love and He wants to give you this love. Return, return to the Lord with a repentant heart, and my Son will heal your hearts, and with them, your bodies will also be healed; and you will be happy and peaceful people. May the prayer of the Rosary never be lacking in your homes. May it be prayed with dedication, with faith and with confidence, in the certainty that God hears your prayers and grants you many graces.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Posted in Edson and Maria, Messages.