Eduardo – Pray, Sacrifice, and Do Penance

Our Lady Rosa Mystica to Eduardo Ferreira in São José dos Pinhais, Brazil on December 31, 2023:

My children, I am here to bring the blessings of Heaven. You are open to receiving them, [but] I realize that many people are far from Grace. This makes me very sad. Do not waste time on things of this world. I wish peace to everyone you meet. If they refuse, your wish of peace will return to you. Be bearers of peace. I am the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. With love I bless you.

Our Lady Rosa Mystica to Eduardo Ferreira in São José dos Pinhais, Brazil on December 13, 2023:

Peace. On this day, I invite you to join me in praying for my sons the priests. Pray, my sons, for all the clergy, especially the Brazilian clergy. Many priests are leaving their ministry – the priesthood. I ask you to pray, sacrifice, and do penance[1]Prayer, sacrifice and penance are associated with the three roses – white, red and golden yellow respectively – worn by the Virgin Mary, Rosa Mystica, during her apparition to Pierina Gilli at Montichiari in Italy on July 13, 1947. She also called for 12 days of preparatory prayer prior to the 13th of each month. Translator’s note. for them. Do not stop doing the 13 days of prayer [trezena] each month in favor of the clergy. [2]Prayer for Priests: O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their priestly life. In their loneliness, comfort them. In their sorrows, strengthen them. If you want to have holy priests, pray much for them. This Christmas, do not forget to say a prayer by the manger. Pray in your families that the New Year would be full of blessings in your homes. With love, I bless you.

Our Lady Rosa Mystica to Eduardo Ferreira in São José dos Pinhais, Brazil on December 12, 2023:

Peace. My children, I invite you once more to pray for your families. Little children, place your affection and your trust in me. My children, I am here and I wish to help you. Trust in your mother the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. I am here to distribute the graces that are the most necessary for the soul of each person, but you ask me precisely for what is most useful for you, which most often means material and insignificant things. I am here to help you. I, your Mother, counsel you to ask for the gift of love. With this gift you will have the grace of forgiveness and charity. Little children, do not forget: if you are faithful to my messages, you will come closer to my Heart. I wish to be the guardian of your hearts and your families. With love I bless you.

Our Lady, Rosa Mystica, Queen of Peace to Eduardo Ferreira in São José dos Pinhais, Brazil on November 13, 2023:

Peace, dear children.  It is always a joy to be among you. My children, how I would love to fulfill all your requests, but often you ask me for what is not good for you. My children, I ask you to persevere in daily prayer. If you do not obtain what you ask for, rest assured that you will be given other consolations that are far more important for you and your family. My children, do not be discouraged. Pray. I have come to Sao José dos Pinhais to rescue my abandoned children and to bring them all to my divine Son Jesus. My children, do not allow the enemy to have power over your family. Put into practice what I have told you in previous messages. Pray as a family. Entrust your family to my Immaculate Heart. Do not close your hearts; give thanks to God. Stay away from all kinds of evil. Take care with superstitious objects in your homes: throw them away and renounce everything that leads you away from God. Always pray, because whoever prays from the heart grows in God’s grace. Pray also for priests that they would be strong during temptation. I am the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace. With love I bless you.

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1 Prayer, sacrifice and penance are associated with the three roses – white, red and golden yellow respectively – worn by the Virgin Mary, Rosa Mystica, during her apparition to Pierina Gilli at Montichiari in Italy on July 13, 1947. She also called for 12 days of preparatory prayer prior to the 13th of each month. Translator’s note.
2 Prayer for Priests: O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their priestly life. In their loneliness, comfort them. In their sorrows, strengthen them.
Posted in Eduardo Ferreira, Messages.