Fr. Ottavio – A New Era of Peace

Fr. Ottavio Michelini was a priest, mystic, and member of the Papal Court of Pope St. Paul VI (one of the highest honors bestowed by a Pope on a living person) who received many locutions from Heaven. Among them are the following prophecies of the Advent of Christ’s Kingdom upon earth:

On December 9, 1976:

…it will be men themselves who will provoke the imminent conflict, and it will be I, Myself, who will destroy the forces of evil to draw good from all this; and it will be the Mother, most holy Mary, who will crush the head of the serpent, thus beginning a new era of peace; IT WILL BE THE ADVENT OF MY KINGDOM UPON EARTH. It will be the return of the Holy Ghost for a new Pentecost. It will be My merciful love that will defeat Satan’s hatred. It will be truth and justice that will prevail over heresy and over injustice; it will be the light that will put to flight the darkness of hell.

The next day, he was told:

Hell will be defeated: My Church will be regenerated: MY KINGDOM, that is a kingdom of love, of justice and of peace, will give peace and justice to this humanity, subjected to the powers of hell, which my Mother will defeat. A LUMINOUS SUN WILL SHINE upon a better humanity. [1]Here, the allegorical language of Scripture is implied: “On the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall, the light of the moon will be like that of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven times greater (like the light of seven days)” (Is 30:25). “The sun will become seven times brighter than it is now.” —Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius, The Divine Institutes Courage, therefore, and do not fear anything.

On November 7, 1977:

The shoots of the announced springtime are already springing up in all places, and the ADVENT OF MY KINGDOM and the victory of the Immaculate Heart of My Mother are at the doors…

In my regenerated Church, there will no longer be so many dead souls that are numbered in My Church today. This will be My proximate coming to the earth, with the ADVENT OF MY KINGDOM IN SOULS, and it will be the Holy Ghost who, with the fire of His love and with His charisms, will maintain the new Church purified that will be eminently charismatic, in the best sense of the word… Indescribable is its task in this intermediate time, between the first coming of Christ to earth, with the mystery of the Incarnation, and His Second Coming, at the end of time, to judge the living and the dead. Between these two comings that will manifest: the first the mercy of God, and the second, divine justice, the justice of Christ, true God and true man, as Priest, King, and universal Judge — there is a third and intermediate coming, that is invisible, in contrast to the first and the last, both visible. [2]cf. The Middle Coming This intermediate coming is the Kingdom of Jesus in souls, a kingdom of peace, a kingdom of justice, that will have its full and luminous splendor after the purification.

On June 15, 1978, St. Dominic Savio revealed to him:

And the Church, placed in the world as a Teacher and Guide of the nations? Oh, the Church! The Church of Jesus, that issued from the wound of His side: she also has been contaminated and infected by the poison of Satan and of his wicked legions — but it will not perish; in the Church is present the Divine Redeemer; it cannot perish, but it must suffer its tremendous passion, just like its invisible Head. Afterwards, the Church and all of humanity will be raised up from its ruins, to begin a new path of justice and of peace in which THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL TRULY DWELL IN ALL HEARTS — THAT INTERIOR KINGDOM THAT UPRIGHT SOULS HAVE ASKED FOR AND IMPLORED FOR SO MANY AGES [through the petition of the Our Father: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”].

On January 2, 1979, a soul by the name of “Marisa” revealed to him that, indeed, this Era is the fulfillment of the Fiat Voluntas Tua of the Our Father prayer:

Brother Don Ottavio, even if men in their culpable blindness do not see — because in their pride they refuse to see — what we see clearly, neither believing what we believe, this changes absolutely nothing concerning the Eternal Decrees of God, because the immense swarm of men who cover the Earth and who are in convulsive agitation, enveloped in darkness, are only a handful of dust that will soon be dispersed by the wind, and the Earth, which they trample with their arrogant footsteps, will be made barren and desolate, then “purified” by fire, in order subsequently to be made fertile by the honest work of the Righteous, spared by Divine Goodness at the fearful hour of Divine Wrath.
“Afterwards”, brother Don Ottavio, there will be the Kingdom of God in souls, that Kingdom for which the righteous have been asking the Lord for centuries with the invocation “adveniat Regnum tuum” [“thy Kingdom come”].
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1 Here, the allegorical language of Scripture is implied: “On the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall, the light of the moon will be like that of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven times greater (like the light of seven days)” (Is 30:25). “The sun will become seven times brighter than it is now.” —Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius, The Divine Institutes
2 cf. The Middle Coming
Posted in Era of Peace, Messages, Other Souls, The Era of Peace.