Francine Bériault – La Fille du Oui à Jésus

“La Fille du Oui à Jésus” (literally “The Girl/Daughter of Yes to Jesus”), Francine Bériault, was born into a Catholic family of 13 children. A mother of three, she began to receive locutions (in French and occasionally in English) from Jesus and the Virgin Mary shortly before to the death of her husband Maurice in 2001. Francine is the author of a series of books entitled Amour pour tous les Miens, Jésus (Love For All My Children, Jesus) which have become some of the best-known contemporary private revelations in the Francophone world. They have been translated into several languages and were recently sent to Rome for official study. Her spiritual direction has been provided by Fr Clément Provencher.

While the language of Francine’s locutions is simple and their parlance unique, their content is wide-ranging, varying from practical advice on matters of daily living to eschatological messages which converge strongly with those received by other respected prophetic voices across the world. More importantly, her messages are consistent with the Early Church Fathers and Scripture. 

Although several Canadian dioceses have asked Francine not to speak in public (an instruction with which she has complied out of obedience), she continues to speak in private gatherings. Some years ago she met with Cardinal Marc Ouellet in Quebec who blessed her and told her to continue her mission.  

While we hope to have more messages up from Francine in the future, we begin by presenting a selection of excerpts which emphasize the fact that these messages, which have been given over the course of almost two decades now, strongly confirm the prophetic consensus of Heaven’s messages that Countdown to the Kingdom exists to proclaim.

(Note: these messages from Jesus are taken from Francine’s Volumes that are not individually dated. Therefore, the following are cited with their message number and/or the publication month/year of the Volume they are taken from.)


On The Purification:

And now, because of your sins, you are grappling with viruses that are going to worsen; they are spreading all over the earth and you are the victims of these viruses. —Message 296. June, 2004

MARY: Children who are living catastrophes must know how important prayer is! If they were to pronounce their yes to The Love, this would help them and they would discover that it is only through My graces that they are capable of enduring their pain. …Live this in the Divine Will, pray in Jesus, everything is in Him. Only He can do anything, for He is omnipresent. The Divine Will is in all things, for all things, at all times. A prayer in the Divine Will is to give your “yes” to the Power who sets Himself in motion to make of your prayer a divine prayer.

JESUS: …Society is dominated by people without faith. Violence is rampant everywhere. Schools have rejected my Presence. New diseases have replaced the plague. My Presence in your families is not accepted. My children of Light are ridiculed, for the great apostasy is widespread. My Mother announced a great chastisement to you and you place no importance upon it. My own priests do not even believe in it. They do not want to frighten My children in case this does not occur and, in the meantime, you can witness the division reigning in the very heart of My Church. …You must gather in your homes to pray. Noah, he listened to God, while the others laughed at him. When the time of the flood arrived, no one was ready, except Noah’s family. You are behaving as they behaved. You mock My messages and those of My gentle Mother … —August 10, 2001

On the Warning:

My children, behold the time of the Warning is about to pierce your night. This word “warning” seems so unrealistic to the minds of certain of My children, that this prevents them from realizing that they must be in a state of alert so that they might take the means to prepare themselves to avoid suffering…. You will be within yourselves and God will show Himself to you, and before your Saviour, you will be before Him with all you are… It is you yourselves who will see the smallest details of your actions and the smallest of your thoughts: all will be shown to you. —Message 281. August, 2002

On the Antichrist:

All children [i.e. all people] will be marked with a sign on their hands or on their foreheads, this will identify them. This sign will allow them to obtain what they need. [1]Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.” —n. 675 All will be done with subtlety, without frightening people too much; children will see nothing wrong in all this. They will no longer be able to be free, for the hand of Satan will be upon them; they will be caught in the trap: the mark of the Beast. The leaders will be under his power and those who will not submit to him will have to resign in the face of the combination of problems all over the world. All will be shaken, My dear Church will suffer greatly, for the wicked are already at the very heart of the ecclesiastical state, ready to make it topple. They will harm My faithful children by attacking My cardinals, My archbishops, My bishops, My priests, who will be faithful to My teachings of love. This will be done with hypocrisy in order to make My Church fall, for their goal is to remove God’s love and the love for one’s neighbour from the hearts of all My children.

My faithful children will be forced into idolatry, for the false christ will direct My Church and My children will suffer greatly. But, I will be there to protect them. Unfaithful children will be sentinels, they will spy on those who will not adore the false christ, and as their hearts will be hardened by the mark on their hands or their foreheads, they will betray their brothers and their sisters, for this will take place through inner signals they will receive through the mark. Many children will be under the power of the Beast, who will be pitiless towards God’s children, for it will desire the death of their soul. All will take place in broad daylight and only the children of the Light will see the evil around them, for they will have refused the mark. They will not be able to buy anything since they will not have the mark, but they will help one another mutually, for I will multiply My graces according to their needs and they will remain at peace. The children of evil will be with My children of love for a short time; there will be nothing that will be able to save them, for they will carry a “no” to The Love within them. The children who will have been marked by the Beast will see themselves as they are only at the Great Purification. [2]this is distinct from the Illumination and presumably corresponds to the Chastisement mentioned in Garabandal.

…This is why I am asking you to pray to Mary, My Daughter, so that she may pour into you graces of humility that We have given her for you: she is the Bestower of all graces. It is through her that Satan will be crushed; she will use her children of the Light: you are the heel of Mary, your Mother. You must not be afraid for tomorrow; God is letting you know what is coming to show you that He knows all and that He has already seen to everything for your coming into yourselves, so that you may be ready for the Great Purification…Message 317. February, 2003

Through my son, Paul, what concerns you, the non-believers, came out of his mouth: the great apostasy. “When men will no longer believe in anything, the false christ will present himself as the elected one. He will avail himself of his power and will seat himself upon Peter’s throne in my sanctuary.” It is you, without your realizing it, who have permitted his entry into My Church, for his plan was to seduce you. As long as there was faith within you, he did not find that the moment was favourable; now that you have lost faith, he no longer worries about his victory over Me, the Son of God. It is through your refusal to believe in the Church that this is happening; you will not be able to escape all that will happen. The Church will be persecuted. I will be denied, I who am the Church. My Presence will be trampled. You will not be able to avail yourselves of the right to adhere to My holy Church, which is faithful to My Gospel, My Word; they will want to excommunicate you for treason. You will not be able to show yourselves as My faithful servants, for all those who will not adore the false christ will be considered traitors. You will be against the mass of the unfaithful who will have turned to idolatry. You will not be able to fight on your own, I will be with you. Do not fear for your lives, whoever loses it will be in My Father’s Kingdom; He will welcome you with open arms. —Message 276. August, 2002.

On Refuges:

After the Great Purification, all those who will have said “yes” to The Love will recognize one another. They will cohabit on earth for a short time with the children of evil. Those children will no longer have goodness within them, they will be evil in its purest state; they will self-destruct and those who remain will undergo the great chastisement that will wipe them from the face of the earth, for the earth will be ready to swallow them so they may never harm you again. They will return, along with all those who are already in hell, for the Great judgement before all the just of Heaven and before you, who will be My children of Love. (cf. Rev 20:11-15)

…God knows that this loveless world will want the ruin of My children of the Light. The impious will seek them out to kill them, but they will be blinded, for My angels will steer them away from them; in this way, they will not find the path nor the place where My children will be… God will extend his protection over them, My children of the Light, but evil will cause ravages in the hearts of those who will not have been wary of Satan and of his acolytes… —Message 317. February, 2003

On the Three Days of Darkness

Are you going to wait for the days of darkness to be upon you in order to live what has already been accomplished? Those three days of darkness are for your time. It is time to live what I have done for you…

Are the three days of darkness of the purification your judgment ? No, during those three days when time will move at three times the normal pace, you will see yourselves as you truly are: either children of God who accept the graces of the Purification, or children who refuse the graces of the Purification – therefore, this group of children will refuse to see themselves as being children of God. This moment, which only God knows, will take place according to the justice of God: no one on earth shall escape what is to come, for I, the Son of God, will have warned every child of God, and the wrath of God shall be upon those who will have said “no” to God. —August, 2002

On the Era of Peace:

Those who will be delivered from the spell of the Angel of death will be happy to have pronounced their “yes”. What joy for all My chosen to have My graces! My priests will nourish them with the Body and Blood of Christ. They who will have said “yes”, as well as the children of the Light [3]i.e. non-Christians as well as Christians, will see wonders before their eyes. They will be open to the love of God and their neighbour. They will be at peace and in a state of happiness because of finding their place among My children of the Light. My children of the Light will evangelize them, for they will have a thirst to know all they refused to hear beforehand. What they will hear will be a delight to them; they will be baptized in the name of God, like the Son of man allowed Himself to be baptized by John the Baptist. My children, you will all have faith within you, you will no longer need proof, for you will know that all I have said to you is there in your lives; you will taste love and you will go forward in My New Earth in peace, joy, and love… no more fear, no more hatred, only love, only peace. —Message 317. February, 2003.

“On the seventh day, he rested.” My children, this holy day, the seventh, which corresponds to the number of perfection, has not yet been accomplished.* The earth in its full development, was to give Adam and Eve its fruits. But their sin stopped this plan of love. My children, My Father has given His Son so that this day, the seventh, may be accomplished, when all will be only joy, only peace. Father, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” This is the reminder of the promise made to Abraham, that all would populate the earth in joy and where all would be in Him, almighty God. This day which my Father created during Adam and Eve’s time is coming. May time be accomplished in each one of you!… The time is coming when all will be accomplished in each of you in My holy Presence. The Holy Spirit will descend upon you. You will be permeated with His Presence, which will fill you with the love of the risen Jesus. He is living, He is present in each of you. —April 23, 2001

My children, I love you. Understand carefully that this time, which is and is coming, is for you. It is the one I announced to My apostles. My Father’s Kingdom is for you. …There will be no more tears, only laughter. Diseases will no longer exist, for your bodies will be sound. I will eliminate all that which has been capable of destroying My Father’s work, the work in all its beauty: the creation of Adam and Eve. You will regain the health of the soul, the heart and the body. Joy will be everywhere. No one will suffer due to children who are not love. Any child who will not pronounce his “yes” will be removed forever, away from My children of love. You will be in a matchless happiness because hatred will have disappeared from the hearts of those who will have said “yes” to the Love. You will all experience moments of endless pleasure, which will warm your hearts, the hearts of God’s children. My children, I am not predicting the end of the world to you. This is false! This will be the era of love, the time for My sacred glory when I, the Resurrected One, will be amongst you. All my children who will say “yes” to the Love will recognize their Saviour Jesus. [4]This is to be understood as Christ’s Presence “within” the faithful, not Jesus reigning “in the flesh”, as the following sentence confirms: “the Love will reign within you….” Jesus revealed to Venerable Conchita the nature of this union as such: “It is a union of the same nature as that of the union of heaven, except that in paradise the veil which conceals the Divinity disappears…” —Jesus to Venerable Conchita, Ronda Chervin, Walk With Me Jesus; cited in The Crown and Completion of All Sanctities, Daniel O’Connor, p. 12; cf. 1 John 3:2-3 The Love will reign within you for a time determined by the Father. All will live in joy in order to return to the Father the love which is due Him. This time which I am announcing has arrived. Several of My chosen ones live in My Divine Will. I am the living Jesus. I offered Myself so that you may have life within you. I cannot continue leaving you in the silence of My Will, silent for such a long time. The era of love is for now and forever. —July 11, 2001


* The Early Church Fathers taught of this “sabbath rest” for the Church, the “seventh day” before the “eighth” eternal day:

But when The Antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign for three years and six months, and sit in the temple at Jerusalem; and then the Lord will come from Heaven in the clouds… sending this man and those who follow him into the lake of fire; but bringing in for the righteous the times of the kingdom, that is, the rest, the hallowed seventh day… These are to take place in the times of the kingdom, that is, upon the seventh day… the true Sabbath of the righteous… Those who saw John, the Lord’s disciple, [tell us] that they heard from him how the Lord taught and spoke about these times… —St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Church Father (140–202 A.D.); Adversus Haereses, Irenaeus of Lyons, V.33.3.4, The Fathers of the Church, CIMA Publishing Co.

…when His Son will come and destroy the time of the lawless one and judge the godless, and change the sun and the moon and the stars—then He shall indeed rest on the seventh day… after giving rest to all things, I will make the beginning of the eighth day, that is, the beginning of another world. —Letter of Barnabas (70-79 A.D.), written by a second century Apostolic Father

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1 Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.” —n. 675
2 this is distinct from the Illumination and presumably corresponds to the Chastisement mentioned in Garabandal.
3 i.e. non-Christians as well as Christians
4 This is to be understood as Christ’s Presence “within” the faithful, not Jesus reigning “in the flesh”, as the following sentence confirms: “the Love will reign within you….” Jesus revealed to Venerable Conchita the nature of this union as such: “It is a union of the same nature as that of the union of heaven, except that in paradise the veil which conceals the Divinity disappears…” —Jesus to Venerable Conchita, Ronda Chervin, Walk With Me Jesus; cited in The Crown and Completion of All Sanctities, Daniel O’Connor, p. 12; cf. 1 John 3:2-3
Posted in Messages, Other Souls.