Valeria- I Cannot Leave My Children

“Mary, Mother of Jesus and your Mother” to Valeria Copponi on June 23rd, 2021:

My little children, there are times when you are unable to stand your fellow men, and then you decide that “I am done with you!” For Me this is not how it is: I cannot leave my children precisely at the moment when they most need my help. I ask you to do the same: your brothers and sisters, just like yourselves, are in greater need of help at this moment. These times cannot go on: the majority of you no longer believe in Jesus and are therefore unable to overcome the trials of Satan. The devil is completing his period of conquest and is therefore becoming more active each day in conquering your souls. I ask you to bear the most difficult people patiently: try to understand their difficulties and help them to overcome all the obstacles appearing in front of them. Jesus is always near to you: ask and you will be heard – He is your salvation together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. I am always near to you; I beseech you to help one another, then you will be rewarded for all your good deeds. Never as in these times have you been in such need of one another. May prayer be your strength; do not let the smile fade from your lips; encourage those who are falling into depression and soon you will receive recompense for your good deeds.
I love you: I will not leave you lacking my presence; seek me and I will pray to the good Lord for you. Fearlessly defend the true Church against the devil and you will be rewarded. I love you, I bless you, and long for you like the dearest of mothers.
Posted in Messages, Valeria Copponi.