Jennifer – You Are Living Out Revelation

Our Lord Jesus to Jennifer on April 7, 2023:

My child, who can I speak to? Who will listen to My voice, My words, when I am crying out? I have pleaded with My children, and yet, so many are far away that they do not recognize My voice that is intricately weaved into the soul of mankind.

I come to you in love, I come to you in warning that you must have greater vigilance at what is happening all around you. I tell My children it is time to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that you are able to discern all that comes in your path. My children, history is all around you while you are also living out Revelation. [1]cf. Living the Book of Revelation and Rethinking the End Times Take heed, take heed to the Gospel message and live it.

I have come to nurture and teach you as I am calling all of you to be counted amongst the saints in Heaven by living your life in witness and example. I tell My children that it is a time of reform. Come to the fountain of My Mercy and do not shackle yourself to your past errors, rather, embrace My Love, unite your suffering to Mine, and be My witness in this broken world. It is through your love, forgiveness, and obtaining the graces of heaven that will begin to heal this world. Recognize evil for what it is and do not take hold of it by complying out of fear. Do not allow the enemy to elevate himself through you, rather in greater humility you will defeat all of his deception. Go forth in prayer, go forth in adoration to your Heavenly Father, who through his Son, Jesus, gave you this life, this mission to one day be united with the Trinity for all eternity. Now go forth, for I Am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail. 


Posted in Jennifer, Messages.