Luisa – Christ’s Incomplete Mission, Our Purpose

Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta on May 4, 1925:

I enclosed in you my Will, and with It I enclosed Myself. I enclosed in you Its knowledges, Its secrets, Its light. I filled your soul up to the brim; so much so, that what you write is nothing other than the outpouring of what you contain of my Will. And even though it now serves you alone, and a few glimmers of light serve some other souls, I am content, because being light, it will make its way by itself, more than a second Sun, in order to illuminate the human generations and to bring about the fulfillment of Our works: that Our Will be known and loved, and that It reign as Life within the creatures.

This was the purpose of Creation — this was its beginning, this will be its means, and end. Therefore, be attentive, because this is about rescuing that Eternal Will which, with so much love, wants to dwell in the creatures. But It wants to be known, It does not want to be like a stranger; rather, It wants to give out Its goods and become life of each one, but It wants Its rights whole — Its place of honor. It wants the human will to be banished – the only enemy for It, and for man. The mission of my Will was the purpose of the creation of man. My Divinity did not depart from Heaven, from Its throne; my Will, instead, not only departed, but descended into all created things and formed Its Life in them. However, while all things recognized Me, and I dwell in them with majesty and decorum, man alone drove Me away. But I want to conquer him and win him; and this is why My mission is not finished. So I called you, entrusting to you my own mission, that you may place the one who drove Me away on the lap of my Will, and everything may return to Me, in my Will. Therefore, do not be surprised at the great and marvelous things I may tell you for the sake of this mission, or at the many graces I may give you; because this is not about making a saint, but about saving the generations. This is about rescuing a Divine Will, for which everything must return to the beginning, to the origin from which everything came, so that the purpose of my Will may have its complete fulfillment.

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Posted in Luisa Piccarreta, Messages.