Our Lord Jesus to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta on July 2, 8, 1926:
As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus showed Divine Justice in the act of unloading Itself over the earth, commanding the elements to rage against creatures. I trembled in seeing that somewhere there were waters inundating towns almost to bury them; somewhere the wind transported and eradicated plants, trees and houses with a mighty power, to the point of making a heap of them, leaving various regions in the most squalid misery; somewhere else there were earthquakes crawling with considerable damage. But who can say all the evils that are about to swoop down on earth? In addition to this, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen in my interior as suffering in a harrowing way because of the many offenses that creatures were giving Him, especially because of the many hypocrisies…

“My daughter, the scale of my Justice is full [1]cf. 11:11 and is overflowing upon creatures. As daughter of my Will, do you want me to place you in the reflections of my Justice, that you may share in Its blows? Indeed, It is about to make a heap of the earth, and while satisfying Justice, with your suffering you will spare your brothers. One who lives in the high Kingdom of the Supreme Will must defend and help those who are down below…

“My daughter, what human perfidy! But it is right — it is necessary that after so much tolerance I free Myself of so many old things that occupy Creation, which, being infected, bring the infection to the new things, to the new little plants. I am tired of the fact that Creation, my dwelling given to man — but still mine, because preserved and vivified by Me continuously — is occupied by servants, by ungrateful ones, by enemies, and even by those who don’t even recognize Me. Therefore I want to move on by destroying entire regions and what serves as their nourishment. The ministers of Justice will be the elements which, investing them, will make them feel the divine power over them. I want to purify the earth in order to prepare the dwelling place for my children…” [2]cf. The Day of Justice

↑1 | cf. 11:11 |
↑2 | cf. The Day of Justice |