Luz – A Crown Will Roll

St Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 29th, 2022:

I come in the name of our King and Lord Jesus Christ.  I am sent to give you the Word of our King. Humanity will know what spiritual battle means [1]Eph. 6:12 and will regret not having believed [2](Revelations about spiritual warfare…). My Angelic Legions are over every human being in order to assist, help and guard you if you ask us to.

At this moment humanity does not see, does not hear, does not believe… Minds are occupied with worldly things and hearts have been usurped by idols, fanaticism and principally by the conceited ego that you have. You do not love life, God’s sacred gift to humanity. All will be astonished at the continuous atmospheric phenomena that will increase over the whole Earth. The bear will awaken fiercely, without the rest of humanity expecting it; it will make a lunge and a crown will roll. Humanity will receive one sign after another; without paying attention, it will continue in its pleasures until fire rains down from Heaven and it understands that the warnings are not in vain. 

People of God, it seems that you are continuing to live as usual, but this is not the case. Prepare yourselves! I will ask this of you again and again, ad nauseam.  The horsemen of the Apocalypse [3]Rev 6:2-8 will sweep across the heavens and their roar will be heard over all the Earth. Humanity will not know what it is, but will hear them without knowing from where the trumpet sounds are coming.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Canada: it will be scourged.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, London will be attacked with the intention of conquering it.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, Brazil will be scourged heavily by the rains before it becomes a land of provision. 

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, Argentina will taste the gall of pain.

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: famine will advance mercilessly, war will expand, disease will run throughout the Earth and will soon reach My beloved children. The People of God will migrate to South America; they will migrate to Central America in search of a place to dwell in the midst of war.

Beloved of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: humanity will lose control… and new rules will come from the Church; some will approve of them, others not. Schism is drawing nearer and nearer. Creation is humanity’s home, and you must restore it to the order in which it was created. The animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the mineral kingdom need their home to be restored as God created it. People of our King and Lord, you must not fear: on the contrary, faith must abound in each one of you. My heavenly legions will come to your aid. You are children of the Creator of Heaven and Earth… do not forget it! Call upon Our Queen and Mother: Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin. Have a blessed palm branch: do not forget. [4]Leaves of a plant that is blessed on Palm Sunday to begin Holy Week.

I bless you together with my heavenly legions.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin 


Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters, our faith needs to grow constantly and this is the responsibility of each of us, but fear of what is to come must not overcome our faith in God’s power to protect His people. We will be purified and we must offer it up in God’s Will. St. Michael the Archangel presents us with three realities:

A first scenario concerns the famine that is progressing, i.e. spreading throughout the Earth….

A second scenario that he presents to us is that of war involving other nations, i.e. the majority…

A third scenario is a new disease about which we have already been told and which will be cured with marigold.

St. Michael the Archangel calls us as humanity to know that the crucible is not only coming for some and not for others; just as the sun is given to sinners and non-sinners, so too will humanity be purified.  It is very important that faith does not waver, so as not to fall prey to Satan.

Let us live adoring the Most Holy Trinity and loving our Blessed Mother. Let us be one People.


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1 Eph. 6:12
2 (Revelations about spiritual warfare…
3 Rev 6:2-8
4 Leaves of a plant that is blessed on Palm Sunday to begin Holy Week.
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.