Luz – As Prince Of The Heavenly Legions I Have To Tell You…

Message of Saint Michael The Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on April 17, 2024:

Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you with my word in order to share with you God’s Will. You are loved by the Most Holy Trinity and assisted by Our Queen and Mother. As prince of the heavenly legions, I have to tell you that you are very close to The Warning [1]About the Warning:. Each person will see in their conscience even the smallest of their errors, sins, acts of humiliation towards other brothers and sisters, contempt towards their brothers and sisters, with pride and arrogance in all its forms (cf. I Cor. 4, 3- 5). You will see your selfish interests, whims, infidelity, lies, denials, lack of love for your neighbour, wishing harm to your neighbour, the lack of charity (cf. Mt, 25, 31-45). You will see how many times you scorned God or stopped loving Him; you will feel the pain of denying the Most Holy Trinity. Above all, what you will see the most will be the lack of love for God and neighbour (cf. I Cor. 13).

Those who are loving possess a treasure from which every jewel comes; charity, forgiveness, the wisdom of understanding, and the wealth of hope. Love makes all things possible, achieves all things. It has the Law of God in its hands and draws near to what is good. You have forgotten about The Warning, and this is not how it should be! Keep in mind that during The Warning you will experience the pain of every act contrary to the Divine Will; the pain will be spiritual, but at some points you will feel that the pain is united to the flesh, being almost physical. There will be light on high and then darkness in the soul. Those who have confessed their sins, who have repented from the heart, have made a resolution to amend and have not committed the same sin, these human beings will feel to a lesser extent the pain of wrongful acts committed. (cf. I Jn. 1, 9) Humanity will experience suffering because of having made bad decisions, especially due to stubbornness and disobedience.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you are under the constant threat of war, turning pale due to the excessive attacks of some nations against others. War should not be an option; it is rather a form of madness in which many innocent children die. War is taking shape and pulling in other nations, involving those who do not want it, and chaos is increasing. Remain spiritually attentive! Do not allow evil to dominate you. You have the ability to discern between good and evil. From north to south and from east to west, you will see your brothers and sisters fall and will groan in great pain, such as this generation has never suffered before. Creaturely hands are marvelous at creating, and unfortunately they are marvelous for creating destruction.

Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the waters will flood the coasts in order to cleanse human wickedness, this being a form of purification. The wonders of the powerful hand of God the Father will be present in the moments of greatest difficulty for the human race. God will not allow the human race to destroy His creation! In the midst of the war, great miracles will occur – wonderful miracles among human beings of firm faith. Continue without fear. Divine Love is infinite and you will not be alone. My heavenly legions will defend you and hide you, if necessary, but prepare and remain within love, so that “hearts of flesh” would be preserved until the new dawn of peace among men. Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, without fear, anxiety, or despair, continue without turning back. The children of God will know how to distinguish between freedom and everything that is worldly and sinful.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ; pray regarding the suffering caused by the volcanoes that will erupt throughout the earth.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray; the earth will shake, strong earthquakes will occur in one place and another.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray; war will continue and will be fiercer. Pray for yourselves.

I bless you with the same sword with which I defend you. [2]Saint Michael the Archangel: downloadable booklet…

Saint Michael the Archangel

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, at this moment, Saint Michael the Archangel speaks to us about the danger in which we find ourselves as human beings involved in war. We will have to experience this bitter pill of the Third World War in a constant struggle for survival. God is great and never abandons his people; we have faith to ward off the words of evil, which want human creatures to be filled with fear over what is coming and what will have to be left behind.

Brothers and sisters, God is the Master of all things. We must seek spiritual growth – material things should be left behind: at decisive moments we will have to save our souls without material desires. Our Mother protects us and will appear publicly so that her children would carry on without being defeated: on the contrary, Our Most Holy Mother will nourish our faith.

Brothers and sisters, let us be creatures of good. Let us remember that divine mercy is always before us and that we must seize it in order to save our souls.


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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, The Warning, the Reprieve, the Miracle.