Luz – Be True Children Of My Will And Do Not Allow Fear To Enter Into You…

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on March 14, 2024:

(The following Message is being published today, but was received on the 14th in a prayer group)


My beloved children, I bless you. I come to you as a loving father to give Myself to each one of you, to give you My love so that you would live it. I do not want you to stop due to your free will. I do not want you to have a wrong understanding of human respect. I want you to love and respect the Divine Will so that it would not be replaced at any time by your desires or whims. My children, beloved of My Heart, at this moment misused free will is obliging Me to act as a Just Judge regarding the human will that is rising up against My Will.

My Church is on Her way, children, but on Her way while tasting the bitter chalice. I am alerting and warning you so that you would not experience greater pain than you can bear, but although I warn you, you are not obedient, and you will be sorry later under the shadow of death on earth. You will be sorry for not having obeyed when the earth shakes, when you see the flames on the earth, seeing an earth burning in the midst of the combat of nations; a humanity that the great powers of the earth want to extinguish through war. My House shows you mercy, but the human race knows no limits and continues to offend Me constantly; and yet I continue to forgive and love, loving and forgiving the human race until I come to you without warning, and you will be surprised at all the evil that you have committed.

This generation, children of My Heart, will take part in fighting, in fighting born of free will (cf. James 1:13-15; Gal. 5:13), a product of violence and a product of the human lack of awareness. You do not see “Goliath”, who is arising with ever greater strength and more power over humanity, intimidating everyone with the shadow of death; and this “Goliath” is nuclear energy [[The primary connotation here is that of nuclear weapons, but the dangers of their civilian counterpart, nuclear power, cannot be excluded in terms of the potential targeting of a nuclear facility during a war.]], beloved children.

There will be those who will celebrate the defeat of their brothers in great and fateful acts of violence. My Mercy, however, desires that those who remain by My Side, who maintain their faith in Me, who do not go into their burrows because they have faith in Me, would bear witness to that faith. Not by confronting their brothers who come to scourge one country after another, but with prayer and action, helping those who may have denied Me until that moment. Yet you should never forget that I forgive and love, I love and forgive, and I want you to do so as well. My children, so much, so much will be altered and affected by radioactivity! Yet this is precisely why there are so many threats at this moment, coming from some powerful countries towards others, because none of them wants history to point to them as the one that started the massacre of humanity.

Trust in Me; be true children of My Will and do not allow fear to enter into you, for I, My children, will never forsake you. (cf. Jn 14:1-2) I take your requests and place them within My heart, as I come to My children so that they would not be afraid, in order to warn them and so that they would not fall into the temptations of evil. My little children, if you see some or many of your brothers and sisters running from one place to another, keep the faith, retain your composure and do not run like creatures without faith, because wherever you are, My legions of angels will arrive and protect you. In exchange, however, I need you to be in a state of grace, and if you are not, let Me find you striving to have grace in you, My children.

I love you and do not want to make you afraid, but I want you to take the right course and strengthen your faith. I want you to banish selfishness and to live according to My Way rather than the way of the world. I help you by bringing you the strength for you to work and act in My Will, and if you have nothing to eat, My children, I will send, if necessary, Manna from Heaven to feed My faithful, to feed My children; all My children, absolutely all of My children. You have the certitude that this Jesus of yours, He who walked with the Cross, who was nailed to a Cross, allowed all this and accepted it with great Love precisely so that at this moment you would continue walking within My Love and with the assurance that I am not going to leave you on your own, but that I always listen to those who cry out with a sincere heart.

You will face terrible scourging, but if you maintain your faith, if you are convinced, you will be able to move a mountain from one place to another (cf. Mt. 17:20-21). Save your souls, My children, wake up, My children; do not stay lying on the ground; exalt My Name, which is above every name, and I will continue to protect your path. Little children of My Heart, I Myself will take you to the Immaculate Heart of My beloved Mother because the Immaculate Heart of My Mother is the Ark of Salvation for My children. You need to pray and to be obedient, being creatures of good.

My little children, I bless the sacramentals that each one of you is carrying at this moment [[Concerning the blessing of sacramentals, this locution was received in the context of a prayer group and addressed to those participating in it. During her apparitions, Our Lady will sometimes bless religious objects, but the normal procedure is for sacramentals to be blessed by a priest.]]. I seal them with My Precious Blood and bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Your Jesus

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, we have received a message filled with love, such as only Christ knows how to do. We are happy because heaven guides us and encourages us to continue, assured of divine protection. We the human race have led Our Lord Jesus Christ to start using His justice in the face of human misconduct. Disobedience is the beginning of all evil. Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ is the same as yesterday, today and forever, and He does not change, no matter how hard the times may be; it is our generation that has to change in order to achieve the desired goal. May a change of attitude mark the start of attaining eternal life.


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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.