Luz – Communism is Advancing

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on January 1st, 2022:

People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: As Prince of the Armies of Heaven and sent by the Most Holy Trinity, I bless you.  I convey to you the Divine Will for this people who continue to rebel, not believing in what is approaching for everyone, and refusing to work and act according to the Divine Requests. You are continuously quarrelling, living without peace, each person being their brother’s torment. Humanity is in permanent chaos.

Attention, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ! The churches will increasingly be plundered due to man’s rebellion against what reminds him of law, obedience, love, peace, faith and morality. Pay attention! Communism [1]Read prophecies of Communism to Luz here is advancing: it has not retreated but advances at this time with greater freedom, which humanity itself has granted to it. You are acting like senseless, unreasoning creatures, who later will need one another. 
Woe to those who, because of the coming famine, because of sickness, in order to maintain the appearance of security, will reject the Divine Seal and replace it with the seal and distinctive mark of the Antichrist! [2]Read prophecies given to Luz of the “mark of the beast” in the form of a microchip here. In Sweden, 6000 have been microchipped so far while many others are lining up for it, as vaccine passports are being rolled out; cf. and Note: The World Economic Forum who is engineering the “Great Reset”, which is simply Communism with a green hat, has promoted the microchip as being a “Passport for everything”: cf. In April 2021, the Pentagon revealed that scientists have developed a chip to monitor health. And tech startup Epicenter, who is developing a chip to scan for vaccines says, “Right now it is very convenient to have a COVID passport always accessible on your implant.” Will this ultimately take the form, or one of the forms, of the “mark”? Watch and pray!
Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: the Church will suffer due to changes that will suddenly arise.
Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray for the institution of the Church, plunged into confusion — the sceptre will pass from one side to the other.
Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: a new disease will be announced. Do not panic, Divine Protection remains over its People.
Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: Central America will suffer, Costa Rica will be shaken.
As Prince of the Heavenly Legions, I am the bearer of the Divine Will: you must change into creatures of good, of prudence, of firm and strong faith, convinced of the protection of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. How many, being aware of the approaching darkness, increase their errors, evoking the rebels and persecutors! You need to grow spiritually, to unite with the Most Holy Trinity, with our Queen and Mother of the End Times, [3]Read about the Queen and Mother of the End Times… being sheltered by my Heavenly Legions. Receive Our King and Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, nourish yourselves with the Eucharistic Meal (Mt. 26:26c). Be love, give love, live in Divine Love, transmit Divine Love so that the peace coming from love might bear witness on the part of each one of you.
This is the moment for you to reflect: Evil wants to snatch the Ark of the New Covenant from you and leave you orphans in this world of iniquity. Be wise, lest your tongue be a fire that sets everything aflame, lest it be a poison that kills your brother. Keep in mind that it is with the same tongue that kills your brother or sister, that you pray to, bless and venerate the Triune God or Our Queen and Mother of the End Times.
I bless you, we protect you: you have been entrusted to Our Custody. Remain unafraid: My legions are watching over each of you with constant attention. I bless you. Without fear, walk in faith.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin 


Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: As Captain of the Heavenly Host, St. Michael the Archangel is decisive in the strength and power given to him by the Most Holy Trinity. He calls us at this time of transition for humanity as it goes from captivity to captivity, but human beings carry on without wanting to look. Peace has been broken everywhere: quarrels have become normal for humanity. Evil and its institutions, having spread everywhere through their great tentacles, want the People of God to have no churches, to not receive Jesus in the Eucharist and to be a people without a Mother. He calls us to measure our words towards and against our neighbor.
“He who has ears, let him hear” (Mt 13, 9).

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1 Read prophecies of Communism to Luz here
2 Read prophecies given to Luz of the “mark of the beast” in the form of a microchip here. In Sweden, 6000 have been microchipped so far while many others are lining up for it, as vaccine passports are being rolled out; cf. and Note: The World Economic Forum who is engineering the “Great Reset”, which is simply Communism with a green hat, has promoted the microchip as being a “Passport for everything”: cf. In April 2021, the Pentagon revealed that scientists have developed a chip to monitor health. And tech startup Epicenter, who is developing a chip to scan for vaccines says, “Right now it is very convenient to have a COVID passport always accessible on your implant.” Will this ultimately take the form, or one of the forms, of the “mark”? Watch and pray!
3 Read about the Queen and Mother of the End Times…
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.