Luz – Confusion Will Be Widespread

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla  on January 23rd, 2023:

Beloved children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ:

As prince of the heavenly legions, by Divine Will, I urge you to be obedient and to look with clarity at what is happening in the world and among the great powers. Each one of you, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, should keep your faith growing constantly in order for it not to diminish. 

There are so many human beings walking in darkness that your guardian angels are constantly suffering, due to the foolishness, the disobedience, the lack of love for neighbor on the part of those who are increasingly joining false ideologies. You are receiving invitations to live a spirituality that is supposedly more convenient and suited to these times of modernism –  calls coming from those who are orchestrating the platform of the Antichrist.

Everything will change! …You must be prepared spiritually and materially – now! Very serious changes will occur at the hands of the oppressors, and humanity will undergo great tribulation. The Church of our Lord and King Jesus Christ is becoming even more divided, accepting forms of modernisms that alienate the faithful. The churches will cease to be places of prayer, of communion with our King and Lord Jesus Christ, and places where you gather to venerate our Queen and Mother. Churches will be for holding worldly events, prayers will not be heard, and the schism of the church will be latent.

Confusion will be widespread. A number of souls will remain faithful and will march to the end being faithful. Our Queen and Mother is protecting you, intent on guarding you in the final battle. 

Do you want to be saved? Turn away from what is worldly, comfortable, easy, from what harms the soul, so that the effort made would bear fruits of Eternal Life. Measures against humanity are intensifying: confusion is taking hold of human beings, and the signs and signals that are appearing warn of the purification. As a humanity, you are walking into the hands of evil, being subject to it. Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, continue without fear, not forgetting that you can repent up to the last moment.

Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Vatican City: suffering is fast approaching.

Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray that the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, would be faithful to our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the Pacific coast of Latin America.

Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray and act in peace; the Will of God has arranged everything.

Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Indonesia; it will be strongly shaken.

Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray and keep in mind that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church (Mt. 16:18).

Pray, children, pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: nature continues its advance.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, continue without fear: our Queen and Mother of the End Times protects you from evil. Be worthy children of the King, be worthy of motherly love.

Pray with your heart, bear in mind that we protect you and will not forsake you.

Be human beings of sincere heart; work and act in peace. Do not be hasty, for the Most Holy Trinity hold everything that happens in Their Hand. Love the Divine Will. (Mt. 7:21) My legions protect you. I bless you, beloved children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, with my sword held high.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary by Luz de María

Brothers and sisters:

Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel created by Pope Leo XIII

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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.