Luz de Maria – The Virus is Only a Prelude

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 20th, 2020:

Beloved People of God:

You are children of God the Father, greatly loved by Him.

The Divine Word is infallible, therefore humanity continues on its path in the direction of every word that has come out of the Divine mouth.(cf. Ps 19:9; II Peter 1:20-21).

You are a People walking in the midst of the adversities of this time to which humanity has been led. The transformation through which you are living had never been thought of by the man of this Age.

Our Queen and Mother had forewarned you that the great enemies of God would make themselves felt by all humanity, but this generation did not believe it. Those who were believers in the past and have now deserted from the Faith form part of the catastrophic state of humanity, which has been called to conversion so often and yet has not obeyed, as they did not obey in Sodom and Gomorrah (cf. Gen 19).

I have come again to ask you for Conversion, faced by hardened hearts that have not softened.

I have come for these hearts of stone that do not allow the Word coming from above to touch them in order to sensitize them.

The word Sacrifice has been eliminated:  it has been exchanged for the word Indifference – a word that resonates in people who adapt to what the majority want, without analyzing the consequences for souls of contempt for the Divine Will.

In churches, the aroma of the sacred, reverence for the sacred, respect for the sacred, have been lost, just as some of those Consecrated to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ have gone astray by becoming worldly and giving themselves up to vainglory.

Humanity is punishing itself, passing judgment on itself and drawing upon itself grave and great calamities resulting from contempt towards our and your King and Lord Jesus Christ, present, real and true in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar..

The Divine Word of Sacred Scripture has been profaned; the Commandments of God’s Law are easily forgotten and very easily falsified. The result of this is suffering for humanity.

Beloveds of God, One and Three, the House of God is being desecrated and this does not stop; God’s faithful children do not know where to go. The People of God find themselves in Gethsemane in a long night with their Lord and King Jesus Christ – troubled, hurting and hungry. Knowing that they are heading towards a still more difficult and tempestuous time when there will be confrontation within the divided Mystical Body of Christ, and apostasy will gain ground.

People of God, the virus that is keeping humanity in suspense has come as a prelude to the great trial that will befall all humanity: the unravelling of the shame of this generation that mourns those who suffer, those who die from this virus, but ignores the innocent who are continually sacrificed through abortion.

This virus is not just another virus, it is not a psychological disorder: this virus causes people’s deaths in greater numbers than you are being told about, as this has become one more means by which the devil can deform and misinform humanity.

Large hospitals have been constructed within a few days with a purpose different from that which was apparent at the time; soon they will be used. The virus spreads across the Earth, taking the world by surprise; humanity will suffer from hunger, impoverished nations will descend into strife.

The Father’s House has forewarned you about one of the goals of the World Order (1): reducing the global population, yet you are letting this go unnoticed.

Another virus is coming and it will devastate people blindly, therefore do not forget that you must stay prepared without dismissing that which leads you to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: use the sacramentals!

Trust in Our Queen and Mother, pray with your actions so that you would testify to her Maternal Love; pray the Holy Rosary and pray with your work and acts.

Evil is becoming manifest in the world; do not take lightly this Call that I bring to you. It is an urgent call: the demonic hosts cling to those who welcome them, renouncing God.

The moments to come are ones of great suffering for humanity, all the more so for those who rejected the faith.

I am warning you of the scourging of humanity by the Devil.

Pray, children of God, pray. The earth will be forcefully shaken.

 Pray, children of God, pray. Man’s violence will increase.                                                                                                                   

Children of God, from the start of your day you should worship God, One and Three, in union with the ranks of angels. Man is being tested to the core, while people of Faith are being helped in the midst of tribulation in this period prior to the Great Warning. (2) God allows His Revelations to be fulfilled in a way that man does not expect or manage to anticipate, as you have recently been experiencing within the Church.

Do not fear, hold to the assurance of being children of God, children of Our Queen and Mother, children of Divine Love.

Do not be afraid of the truth that I bring you from Heaven so that you would be aware of God’s faithfulness towards his People. Do not fear: you have been warned in advance. Remain true to God and His Commandments, and the rest will be given to you besides.

Be true children of God.

Who is like God?

There is none like God!   

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


(1) Revelations about the Great Warning: read…

(2) Revelations about the New World Order: read…

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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.