Luz – Famine is Looming

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on October 19th, 2021:

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: I bless you with the Love that is only to be found by being faithful to Our King.
You find yourselves at the point when, because of listening to voices other than those of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and Our Queen and Mother, you have allowed confusion, [1]About confusion disbelief and pride to enter into you, bringing out the worst in man when he rebels out of disbelief towards the Father’s House. You are heading towards the moment when man will fight against man, forgetting that he is a creature of God, faced with the famine that is looming over humanity and darkness so deep that you will not be able to see your hands — darkness similar to that which human beings are carrying in their souls due to the continuous sins in which they have immersed themselves as humanity.
This generation will experience technological regression, becoming people without the knowledge of how to live without the comfort of this moment. Continuing life without stopping to examine yourselves within causes you to be insensitive, making you think that everything is a fantasy, and therefore you do not convert.
Beloved of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: The word of the Most Holy Trinity is just and true. The word conveyed to you by our Queen and Mother is authentic. [2]The Queen and Mother of the End Times… Foolish creatures! Wicked generation, how you will suffer! Prepare yourselves: do not forget. The times are becoming harder. What you must suffer what is coming. Convert now! Look at the state of mankind…. Convert now!
I bless you, My Heavenly Legions protect you. The Love and protection of the Holy Trinity and of Our Queen and Mother remain upon you. Every Guardian Angel [3]About Guardian Angels… should be loved and invoked with greater faith at this time. I call you to continually pray the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: God’s unfathomable Love lets us be warned. Humanity is stubborn; let us leave the past behind, let us embrace obedience and prepare ourselves, not only materially but spiritually. Without waiting for the darkness provoked by man, or for the darkness announced to us by Heaven…. conversion, conversion! Amen.

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, The Labour Pains.