Luz – Hear the Divine Message!

The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 28th:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, as the Queen and Mother of the End Times, I impart to you my blessing [1]Downloadable booklet about the Queen and Mother of the End Times:, that which a mother gives to her children so that they would take safe steps, entrusting them to God’s Will. 

Children, you are loved, very loved by this Mother. I see you every moment, I anticipate your works and actions in order to invite you to live rightly, then each person makes their own decision.

Beloved ones of my divine Son, time is passing without your perceiving it. Everything is happening in the blink of an eye, even though my children are too immersed in material things and those of the world to realize that everything has been changed: look at the weather, the sun, nature, violence… 

Illnesses due to solar storms [2]About solar activity: will affect you until you experience what will be a geomagnetic storm following a coronal mass ejection that will lead to the failure of so many electronic inventions. This will cause serious fires, so you must be prepared to be without electric power.

Consider, hear the divine message! Consider, children, that every call is a “yes” to life… Reforms are coming in the Church [3]About prophecies for the Church: of my Son, which will shock the world. Many of my children will be confused by this. You are living in tumultuous times… Therefore, do not turn away from my divine Son. Persevere, resist, be strong and trust in divine protection.

Beloved children, without forgetting the wave of illness [4]About diseases: that you lived through, I must tell you that you will be tested again, not by the Will of God, but by human wills. Have what I have recommended to you so that you would have relief during illnesses [5]About medicinal plants given by heaven:.

Beloved children, in the depths of the earth, as the tectonic plates rub against each other – some deeper than those you know – they will cause loud noises and make the marine animals leave where they live in search of survival.

Pray, my children, pray concerning what is happening that is not God’s Will.

Pray, my children, pray for one another.

Pray, my children, pray for America: the earth will move.

Pray, my children, pray: in Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, and Brazil, there will be earthquakes of great intensity.

Pray, my children, pray for Spain, which will be attacked; France will be invaded, Russia will suffer, and the Ukraine will be surprised.

Prayer elevates the soul [6]cf. Rom. 8:26-27; prayer with the heart prepares human beings for eternal adoration of the Most Holy Trinity in heaven.

I bless you with all my love.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters,

In the face of so much human turmoil, I invite you to consecrate ourselves to the Queen and Mother of the End Times on the celebration of the fifth anniversary [of this title, granted the Imprimatur by Msgr. Juan Abelardo Mata, Bishop of the Diocese of Esteril on August 3, 2018.Translator’s note.]

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.