Luz – Human Beings Will Be Completely Divided…

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on September 12, 2023:

Beloved of the Most Holy Trinity and of Our Queen and Mother, I come to you by divine order. You are a privileged generation. In spite of the quantity of evil deeds and bad behavior with which you offend the Heart of our Most Beloved King and Lord Jesus Christ, in spite of this, divine mercy overflows upon this sinful generation.

What is time for humanity is not time for God’s Will. You live thinking that nothing will happen and that you will continue looking at one another for a long time, but this is no longer the case, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Humanity is entering into a period when it will be continually surprised by the force of nature [1]About natural disasters, of the sun, and of the universe itself. The moon will make itself felt, exerting its force upon the tides. Evil is unleashing its anger against God’s children, causing you to take fright at the prophecies so that you would go on without wanting to convert.

There are so many children of God who disrespect God’s Law at every moment by indulging in what they consider venial sins, but they live by the base instincts of the flesh and do not commit to overcoming temptations. (cf. Rom. 8:5-8). You know that Holy Scripture exists, and you know it superficially, but you think yourselves wise in religion and on every subject; you live pointing your fingers at your brothers and sisters, you drift without committing yourselves, you live according to your whims and multiply your errors until you become unwelcome and a nuisance for your brothers and sisters.

This is the time for you to begin on the path of humility by acknowledging that you are sinners, before it is too late (cf. Ps. 51:50). Human beings have to recognize what they are – the humble are humble, the proud, proud – and then begin inner change. Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray without ceasing and do not respond to those who mock you because you pray. Be silent and pray for such brothers and sisters so that they might convert.

Children of Our Queen and Mother of the End Times, the time has come! The Father’s Arm is letting the last drops of His chalice fall, little by little, upon the earth, as His omnipotent Arm descends. Human beings will be completely divided – those who believe in the Holy Trinity and in Our Queen and Mother and those who do not believe, because there will be no room for the lukewarm (Rev. 3:15-16). The human race will have to make a decision – to be with God or against God, with our Queen and Mother or against our Queen and Mother.

Do not judge, for divine mercy persists at all times. Live in unity and fraternity, for both fraternity and obedience to the Divine Commands will make the devil groan with terror and fear. You have received the blessing of the Oil of the Good Samaritan and the oil that bears my name; use them – the time has come, they are protection for you [2]Preparation of the oils.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: humanity, wounded by disgusting sins, will be purified.

Pray, My children, pray: some human beings, finding themselves alone and confused in life, will commence the path of torture from now on at the hands of the minions of evil.

A great sign will occur in the sky, and our Queen and Mother of Guadalupe will astound humanity, showing what has not yet been revealed [3]Guadalupe, a miracle that will be made manifest.

Volcanoes [4]About volcanoes, water, earthquakes [5]About earthquakes and fires will continue to torture humanity; this is part of what you will be facing. This word is not for you to store away, but so that you would absorb and live it in spirit and truth. My celestial legions are attentive to divine orders.

Be love and “the rest will be added to you.” (cf. Mt. 6, 33)

I bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters:

Given such preaching by St. Michael the Archangel, I invite you to say with one voice:

“Fiat Voluntas Tua”



(1) About natural disasters:

(2) Preparation of the oils:

(3) Guadalupe, a miracle that will be made manifest:

(4) About volcanoes:

(5) About earthquakes:








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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.