Luz – I Constantly Bless You…

Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on July 29th:

My beloved children, I offer you My Heart so that you may come to Me and take refuge within It. In My Heart you will find the divine love with which you can nourish yourselves, and from My Heart I offer you all the light that you need to work and act in My Will:

It is the light that does not go out because it is the Morning Star…

It is the light that enlightened and enlightens My disciples…

It is the delicate light that illuminates everything, yet without causing pain to the eyes…

It is the light of the mystical silence that welcomed all humanity…

This light is My Mother, whom I love and who lives within My Heart, interceding for humanity. It is the encounter with love that bears the fruit of eternal life. This is the time when humanity must embrace and not turn away from My Mother, because My Mother accomplished great miracles through obedience in the past [1]cf. Jn. 2:5-11, and at this moment, she is doing great miracles from My House, interceding for each of you.

My children, I constantly bless you, and you should do the same: bless one another. It is not necessary to exaggerate greetings or farewells: a “God bless you” or “blessings” is enough, not forgetting that “shows” or spectacles are the devil’s way of acting.

The moment when humanity will taste the pain and cruelty of the human race is very near. The moment in which humanity will turn pale at the fulfillment of the prophecies [2]On the fulfillment of prophecies: is very near, so much so that you will hear the lamentations of a humanity that has despised My Word, and you will hear the lamentations of those who have agreed to adulterate My Word and who find themselves before all My people. My children, it is very important that you strengthen one another, that you be discreet and observe every sign and signal as they unfold.

Pray, My children, pray, pray: a new disease is emerging for the skin and respiratory system; it is very aggressive and invasive and is transmitted in a short space of time. To combat this disease, take pineapple or “piña,” as it is known depending on where you live. [3]This is the same fruit – pineapple, known in Spanish as ananá (Argentina and Uruguay) or piña (Spain and the rest of Latin America). Translator’s note. Add three slices of the fruit and a leaf of the same plant to boiling water and drink a liter of this decoction, little by little, during the day for several days. The plant called Gordolobo [4]Everlasting or Pseudognaphallium obtusifolium – also called Spanish Mullein will also help you. [5]Medicinal plants (download):

Pray, My children, pray: war has ceased being a specter and has become a reality – the direst nightmare that the creature will face.

Pray, My children, pray: human beings will feel that they are collapsing due to the spiritual emptiness that will overwhelm them, and they will join what will lead them to not feel loneliness. My Heart suffers because of this.

Pray, children, pray for Mexico, for Ecuador, for Colombia, for Costa Rica, for Chile, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, and the United States: they will be shaken.

My children, keep in mind that it is very important at this time to pray purposefully from the heart, being loving. Draw near to Me, little children. I bless you, I call you to come to My Sacred Heart.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Receive blessings, brothers and sisters.

We are called by Our Lord Jesus Christ to take refuge in His Sacred Heart. For this, however, we need to be in unity and meet a series of conditions without which we cannot be within the Sacred Heart. One of these is the very important condition of living in spirituality and love.

Delicately and very harmoniously, He describes His Mother to us, whom Our Lord Jesus Christ loves so much, as do we her children, and about whom He says that we will receive great miracles through her intercession, because on earth she was obedient in everything and she intercedes for us now in heaven. Just like Our Mother, let us be obedient to the Divine Will.

With regard to blessing among brothers, I note that this blessing can be done internally; it is not a question of blessing for the sake of blessing but of doing so with the love that our King and Lord Jesus Christ asks of us – desiring the good, but without exaggerating.

Brothers and sisters, we need strength in the face of cruelty, but we will not have it if it does not come from Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and Our Mother. Therefore, let us be obedient and be love, in Our Lord’s likeness. Amen.

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1 cf. Jn. 2:5-11
2 On the fulfillment of prophecies:
3 This is the same fruit – pineapple, known in Spanish as ananá (Argentina and Uruguay) or piña (Spain and the rest of Latin America). Translator’s note.
4 Everlasting or Pseudognaphallium obtusifolium – also called Spanish Mullein
5 Medicinal plants (download):
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.