Luz – It Is Urgent That You Turn … From Works And Acts That Offend…

Message of The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on May 20, 2024:

Dearest children, my maternal mantle covers you at all times to deliver you from evil. You are loved by my divine Son, and I call you to conversion at this moment—to true conversion so that you would be transformed and be closer to my divine Son. It is urgent that you turn your gaze away from works and acts that offend the Most Holy Trinity. The human race wants to surpass God the Father (cf. Gen. 11:1-9), causing greater suffering for humanity.

Beloved children, you must prepare for major transformations that will lead this generation to continuous purification. The health of humanity will decline due to the other disease about which I have told you, a disease caused by the mutation of a previous one. This disease is caused by the hand of man in the desire to control you, my little children. For this reason, my divine Son has allowed them [i.e. the perpetrators] to test your faith, so that you yourselves would uncover this evil work and action. All humanity will be tested in one form or another, and in this way, divine love calls you to acknowledge your God and Lord. (cf. Ps. 103:19-22) Like a ship adrift, too many of my children surrender to every pleasure, despising Trinitarian mercy and forgetting that my divine Son is a just Judge. (cf. Jn. 5:30; II Cor. 5:10) You have seen how diseases have increased this month, and at the same time, some cities have been devastated by water. Unite and pray about the smallest things, children, as behind what seems harmless, there is a tentacle of evil preparing to destroy you.

Pray, my children; pray for all humanity.

Pray, my children, pray; the plans of evil seek to empty you spiritually. Resist, for God is God.

Pray, my children, pray; the new disease will be launched with force so that it would spread and in order to call it a pandemic.

Pray, my children, pray; France will be attacked.

Pray, my children, pray; misused science wants to dominate humanity by applying its force against the human race, denying it everything it that it needs and which is of prime necessity.

Pray, my children, pray; Mexico will suffer and its soil will move very forcefully.

Pray, children, pray; Spain will suffer and its soil will shake.

This month, nature has struck the earth hard. My children have ignored the suffering of their brothers and sisters, although soon you will all suffer.I love you, little children, I love you. I am warning you out of love so that you would prepare.

Mother Mary


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

*[Note from translator]: It is difficult to know at this stage what this means, as it is referring to circumstances as yet unknown to us, but it would seem that for heaven, the fact of having to discern and unearth this crime ourselves will be beneficial for our faith. This makes sense to the extent that there has never been anything stopping heaven from simply revealing the names of the Antichrist and his henchmen… and yet they have not been revealed; instead, what we get (e.g. with Pedro Regis) are riddles.

“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.” (Proverbs 25:2)

Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, humanity is going through moments of confusion in every area of life. Our Most Holy Mother warns us and asks us to prepare in this great scenario of the struggle for total leadership of humanity. She calls us, as God’s children, to conversion so that, as part of the Mystical Body of Christ, we would work and act in the way of Christ and be good children of Our Mother and teacher. We are called to conversion so that the Holy Spirit would enlighten us in moments of confusion.

And at this moment we must ask ourselves: How is my conversion on the stormy sea where we find ourselves? Whereabouts am I in my conversion?

Knowing that the time is now, conversion should not wait, as it is personal and does not depend on anyone else but on each one of us. Let us take the word of Our Mother with faith, not becoming upset or afraid, because the enemy of the soul implants fear of what is to come within the human race, so that it would stop trusting and would stumble in faith. Let us not take a single step backwards, brothers and sisters. In faith we continue taking steps towards eternal life.


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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.