Luz – Love is the Greatest Reality…

The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on April 6th, 2023:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, Divine Love shows Its obedience. This is the day of the great lesson about love for one’s neighbor: an experiential love, a love born in actions toward others, a love that does not hold back in giving itself to those in need, a love that my children embody within themselves in order to work and act in the likeness of my Son.

Who will refuse love for the needy, the love that helps, that goes out to meet, that alleviates pain, that gives itself for one’s brother and helps him to carry his daily cross – the love that says “yes” when it is within its reach and shares words of help, of closeness, of fraternity?

With His “Yes” to the Father, my Divine Son gave Himself for the sins of humanity and bore them. It is a great mystery of love that is commemorated this Holy Thursday. Without regard for whom, how, or when, love is the greatest reality in the midst of the crosses of each one of my children. In the washing of feet, my Divine Son shows you what it is to become small in order that your loved ones would then be living testimonies of Divine Love.

Beloved children, my Divine Son gives you the testimony of His love, a love of renunciation. Human beings must renounce what they want, their preferences. Whoever renounces their tastes and human desires enters into the fullness of love: the more you give yourself to your brothers and sisters, the greater you are. The love that my Divine Son teaches is the love of sharing and of helping one’s brother to carry his cross when it is too heavy; it is loving one’s neighbor at all times and even more so when they are suffering.

Love means freedom for one’s neighbor to choose and to say when to stop, when they wish for help or the love that is offered to them. Therefore, pray, my children! The moment will come when the heart of stone will break, and love.

Beloved children of my Heart, my Divine Son gives Himself to His beloved apostles, thereby giving birth to the institution of the Holy Priesthood, as a remembrance of His atonement, not only for the apostles, but so that in this present time each one of His children may participate in this memorable Holy Supper. Breaking the bread, He blessed it and gave it to His apostles and said to them: “Take, eat, this is My Body.” Then He took the cup with the wine, blessed it and gave it to His apostles, saying to them: “This is in remembrance of My Blood, which is poured out for the remission of your sins.” (cf. Mt. 26:26-28)

Beloved children, this Holy Supper is celebrated with very great solemnity for the sacrament of the Eucharist, but at the same time with feelings of sadness for the imprisonment of my Divine Son. What does a mother say to her son before leaving?

We look into each other’s eyes and speak to each other without words. Fused together in the Father’s Will, our hearts embrace and, more than at any other time, become one. We embrace and live events in the space of a moment that will last until the end of time. With that embrace, souls will be encouraged in their moments of suffering, of joy, of hope, of charity, and of faith. Nothing remains without fruit. My blessing to my Divine Son should be repeated by mothers to their children, and my blessing carries, at the same time, the blessing of Joseph, His putative father.

My Divine Son departs, but I am not alone: I go with Him mystically. I share His self-giving so that, later, He may give me to humanity, thereby becoming the Mother of humanity.

Beloved children, fulfill the fourth Commandment; parents, love your children. Keep in mind the law of love: love one another as I have loved you (Jn.13:34-38).

I carry you in my maternal Heart. 

Mother Mary

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary by Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, united in infinite love, let us pray with our hearts:

Courageous Mother,

humble as a little flower of the field,

you hide within you

the Father’s favorite rose,

upon whom He has looked

to accomplish His Will out of love.

Today I accompany you at every moment;

you appear to be far from your Son, 

but you are closer

than any creature can imagine,

since you live fused to Him in a single heart. 

Coredemptrix, Sorrowful Mother,

Your suffering makes me faint.

You looked upon me,

surrendering the one to whom you gave birth.

How can I not love you!

How can I not thank you!

How can I not praise You,

if You have given your Most Holy Son

so that I might be free!

I know well that there is no son without a mother;

Blessed Heart, Virgin most pure, the Father’s Chosen, 

I want to be by your side,

not so that you may clasp me to your bosom,

but to clasp you to mine,

which, though unworthy of you,

acknowledges you as Queen. 

Today I wish to be the one for whom you wait

to keep you company,

the one who approaches your Son in repentance

and acknowledges Him as Lord and Master of his/her life.

As you love Him, help me to love Him, 

that I may not be the torturer

who scourges your beloved Son.

Give me your love in order to love Him,

give me your hands to wipe His Divine Face,

give me, Mother, your eyes to see as He sees, 

give me your faith to deny Him no more. 

Mystical Rose, Help of Christians,

you are the essence of love,

who today in front of me says:

“Look, this is my Son: I give Him up for you –

this is how I love you, this is how I love you,

with my Son’s own love; this is how we love you.”

Let us pray:

I am not moved, my God, to love You

by the heaven You have promised me,

nor is it the hell that I so dread

that moves me to stop offending You because of it.

You move me, Lord! It moves me to see You

nailed to a cross and mocked,

I am moved by the sight of your wounded body,

I am moved by the affronts against You and by your death.

Ultimately, it is your love that moves me,

and in such a way,

that even if there were no heaven, I would love You,

and even if there were no hell, I would fear You.

You do not have to give me anything for me to love you,

For even if I did not hope for what I hope for,

I would love you just as I love you.

(Sonnet to Christ Crucified, Anonymous Spanish, formerly attributed to St. Teresa of Avila)



Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.