Luz – Money Makes You Great On Earth…

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 9, 2024:

My beloved children, receive My blessing. My Sacred Heart loves you and awaits you with everlasting love. Little children, each new dawn is a new opportunity for you to correct the direction in which you are going. You are My children, and you continue to not acknowledge it; I am a king whose kingdom you usurp, and you continue to usurp what belongs to Me. You have observed the danger in which humanity is living throughout the earth; there is no safe place at this time of spiritual confusion[1]Read about the great confusion:, of social[2]Social conflicts:, educational, moral and civil turmoil in the nations. Countries are contaminated by civil wars. Most countries will enter into this contamination.

Beloved children, food shortages[3]Hunger: are approaching by leaps and bounds, as well as the crisis in the world economy.[4]The collapse of the economy: You know that when they go into economic panic, human beings forget the Commandments, and everyone fights for their survival. The economy will suffer the collapse that I have announced to you, leaving My children in economic poverty. Time has passed, and you are facing serious crises. Water will continue to be a scourge for man, as it was in the past with the Great Flood, except that at this present time, this scourge is going from country to country, leaving pain in its wake, trying to wash away the sin that My children have let fall upon the earth.

My beloved children, great danger is lying in wait for humanity, so great that all human beings of all beliefs will recall that “I Am who I Am” (cf. Jn. 8:58; Ex. 3:14). You will enter into the great darkness that I have announced to you in the face of the struggle for power. Be prepared—you will not be able to communicate. I call you to keep in print the books you use for prayer. Do not despair, My children, the light of My Holy Spirit, the light of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will illuminate you, and the innocent will not lose the light which they carry in their souls.

Pray, My children, pray with your hearts. Pray and adore Me. I need creatures who adore Me in spirit and truth. Attend the celebration of the Eucharist. Be aware that you need to receive Me in the Eucharist from which I emanate with strength to nourish you. How many people live in spiritual emptiness, and the devil sets them against those who are Mine! You do not yet understand that without accepting Me completely, without true conversion, you will not attain eternal life. Positions in great institutions do not give you eternal life. Intelligence is not intelligence without conversion and will not give you eternal life. Money makes you great on earth, but it will not give you eternal life.

Whoever does not cleanse the eye of the heart (cf. Mt. 6:22-23) will not reach eternal life, since stability leads to what is eternal; and whoever goes from one belief to another, jumping from one place to another, lacks faith. Whoever looks at his fellow men and considers them small in faith because they fail to express themselves and think eloquently will be surprised by the wisdom which My Holy Spirit instills within those of My children who truly surrender to Me.

“Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest. For My yoke is easy and My burden light” (Mt. 11:28-30).

I love you, My children, with eternal love.

Your Jesus


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ is the light that goes before us, illuminating the most intense darkness. Our Lord calls us, and it is up to each one of us to follow Him or not. Perhaps there is a desire to achieve greatness without obeying God’s call, but one does not follow Our Lord in this way, rather through humility. It is necessary to recognize one’s own weakness so that the Holy Divine Spirit would give us the clarity we need, and so that, united to Him, He would share with us the certainty and the charity to understand and share the Divine Word. We do not grow through reason alone, but through humility, we reach clarity and go from clarity to charity, which leads us to be more of Christ and less of the world. Yes, what is to come has been prophesied, but so has divine assistance, and with humility we possess the certainty that it will be so, because God is God and we are His children.


Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.