Luz – Not a Time for Entertainment

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 5th, 2021:

Beloved People of God, I bless you. Children of God, One and Three: I call you to unity! Unity and fraternal love are a stumbling block for the human race due to disobedience, because human beings continue to put their human ego above obedience, meaning that their lives are full of dissatisfaction. At this time the human race has bound itself to the wretchedness of pleasing its own ego. The great and continual error of the People of God has been and is its submission to human reasoning, which, considering itself perfect, does not allow itself to be illuminated by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, reaching the depths of the most deadly and wretched imperfection that human beings can face. People of God, you are walking in the savagery of the human ego, constantly struggling between vices that you are incapable of eradicating, and the Call to humility, to which few submit. Pride is not a good counsellor; the legions of evil are inflaming humanity in order to inject it with the poison of disunity wherever they are allowed to do so.

Now is the time! … and it is progressing without being noticed. It is necessary for humanity to maintain spiritual peace. The Sacred Hearts bleed for so many souls who are submitting to evil without realizing it, due to their habitual and errant daily behavior. People of God: This time is not like previous times… This time is decisive: it is time to raise faith towards the heights, above your own selves.
The presence of the Devil is taking hold on Earth, continuously spreading pain. Humanity is going from suffering to suffering, and so it will continue until it kneels and duly obeys the Teachings of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. The Earth, contaminated by sin, is being purified. The whole Earth is being purified.
Pray, People of God, pray for Hungary; it will suffer severely.
Pray, People of God, pray for Indonesia; it will bring purification for humanity.
Pray, People of God, pray, confusion will lead to confrontation. [1]Read about human confusionsocial and racial conflicts
This is not the time for entertainment; this is the time for contemplation. Not everything is pain or sorrow. Peace will arrive afterwards: you will experience Heaven in advance. Continue to grow in Faith, persist in continual conversion. Be messengers of peace.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary by Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: Our beloved Saint Michael the Archangel calls us to unity, and it is only in unity that the People of God will understand that it is time to grow spiritually, so that the Divine Light would penetrate the depths of the soul. Unity and equanimity are required so that confrontations due to diverse criteria would not lead the People of God into the tragedy of strife. Amen.

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.