Luz – Pray for America and Russia . . .

Jesus to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on August 7th, 2022:

My beloved people, with My love, I constantly bless you and call you to love Me so that you might live in My love and give love to your brothers and sisters. Without love, you are like dry trees that do not bear fruit: their leaves fall off and they do not produce fruit. So it is with those who refuse My love, they are like the dry tree [1]Mt. 7:19. Therefore, I call you to conversion and to ask My Holy Spirit for the gift of love so that you may be that crystalline water, that fruit which is the testimony of those who work and act in My will. My children, the gift of life must be a constant act of gratitude toward Me, and for this reason, you must refuse to offend Me.

My children, looking at the daily events in which the tentacles of evil are advancing with great determination, among them being war, the persecution of My people, and disease, you must change your actions and collaborate with the plan of salvation, which is that all My children would be saved [2]1 Tim. 2,4.

How do you collaborate? By being lovers of My will, you will find joy in being My children, thereby being able to face whatever happens to you. My will is that all would be saved, but instead, My children are disinterestedly going away from Me more and more, not believing in what I tell them in advance, until they will face the events without having decided to grow spiritually, without obeying Me, and without deciding to enter into Sacred Scripture in order to know Me [3]Jn. 5:39-40.

This generation mocks Me, My Mother, My Cross, and My consecrated ones, who work and act in My will. This generation does not understand the time in which it is living because it does not love Me and does not believe. This generation rejects My peace, content to immerse itself in that which causes confrontations, rebellions, conflicts, and strife, because this is the environment in which Satan is to be found, and he envelops them in all that noise which does not allow peace, love, tranquility, discernment, self-giving, and My Love to reign within My children. Therefore, exposed to the storms of evil, they go down wrong paths that lead them to be unbelievers, to not love their neighbor, to taste pride and vanity, regarding their brothers and sisters as so small that they do not take them into account.

My beloved people, how proudly you are living! How much pride you carry with you, not obeying as a result! I have tasked many of My own with working in My vineyard, and yet they do not accept it, or they scorn Me again and again, leading Me to knock on other doors where humility and love for Me reign. I offer Myself and yet am scorned… I knock at the door of My children’s hearts [4]Rev. 3:20, and yet I must withdraw without being heeded until they need Me for human reasons and seek Me out of necessity.  

My people, hasten, come to My Heart! Humanity has become indifferent to its own brothers and sisters and reacts violently to the slightest problem. Humanity is burning with intolerance and lovelessness, and Satan is taking advantage of this to graft his poison into you, multiplying this indifference, mockery, and violence.

Convert: do not be afraid of conversion! In this way, you will find peace, and you will look fearlessly at all that happens in the certainty that I am with My people. War is spread out in various hotbeds of tension. This is the strategy of the powerful for attacking without warning, without being seen. Food and medicines are becoming more expensive throughout the Earth. The powerful nations believe they possess what the rest of humanity will lack, but it is not so. The great nations have been plundered before. My people, you will hear the roar of war in the Balkans: treachery and death are coming to these lands. The struggles now and later will be for water, which will become exceedingly scarce. The human race has not appreciated it, and the high temperatures will cause it to evaporate.

Pray for India, My children: it will suffer from invasion and because of nature.

Pray, My children, pray: Argentina will fall and her people rebel.

Pray My children, pray for Chile: it will suffer due to nature.

Pray, My children, Indonesia will be shaken and will be diminished by water.

Pray, My children, pray for America and Russia: they are spreading conflicts.

My beloved people, wake up: it is necessary for you to be cautious. Strife will flare up without warning, and My children will be strangers in foreign lands. Be cautious. Pray: it is necessary to pray from the heart. I protect you, I ask you to convert, I bless you. Each one of My children must reflect. Do not be afraid, My people: increase your faith.  Do not fear, I am with you.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin 

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: with His Divine love, Our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to be love, He invites us to work and act like Him.  He tells us very clearly that he who does not love God and his neighbor is like a dry tree, he does not bear fruit… dying spiritually. We are shown the importance of love from which the gifts and virtues are derived, the way in which each one of us should work and act. This is the teaching of Our Lord, the inheritance that He gives to us, His children: divine love. Let us be experts in love, and the rest will be given to us in addition. It is easy to do that which everyone likes and which makes our way easier, but what we need to do, brothers and sisters, is to be charitable toward our neighbor and to take on our brothers’ spiritual and material difficulties.  

Divine love is sublime; it wants humanity to look inside itself so that it would progress and make its ego to set aside actions that make it regress, although this is difficult while constantly keeping Christ in the state of His Sorrowful Passion, because the human race is actualizing the Sorrowful Passion, with humanity crowning Him again with thorns and crucifying Him anew. That is why He tells us: you My People, offer up, make reparation, sacrifice yourselves… This is My sorrow over the scorn of humanity, the rejections, the denials, heresies, sacrileges and works and acts contrary to divine love. Brothers and sisters, at the present time, we are living closer to war than we have experienced in our generation. It is sad, hard, and unthinkable that man should want to destroy himself knowing the magnitude of the weapons that we now possess through technological progress.

Let us pray and offer ourselves, brothers and sisters: prayer can do everything when this prayer is born of the heart and the Sacrament of Reconciliation has been sought previously. The final struggles will be due to the scarcity of water on the planet, this will motivate the human race to look for different ways to collect some water for its survival. Brothers and sisters, life will not go back to being as it was.  In God, I can do all things.


Luz de Maria 

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1 Mt. 7:19
2 1 Tim. 2,4
3 Jn. 5:39-40
4 Rev. 3:20
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.