Luz – Prepare for the Warning

Jesus to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on September 15th, 2022:

My beloved people,

I love you, I bless you. You are the apple of My eye. I come in search of the conversion of My children. I come before each one of you as a beggar of love, and looking you in the eye, I want to pierce the eyes of those who will deny Me. Open the door of your human will to Me so that I may assist you and you might be transformed!

Children, who will open the door of their hearts to me so that they might be worthy shelters of Mine?

A change of life is necessary so that you might be directed by My angels to the physical refuges that are found throughout the Earth, where you will have to live in total fraternity. Our Sacred Hearts are a refuge for My people, where faith, hope, charity, steadfastness, and love are multiplied, so that My people might continue in the midst of intense and surprising events for humanity during the time of the Great Tribulation.

My people, the harmful progress of scientific knowledge used to destroy man himself by means of nuclear energy was, and is, the condemnation of those powers. The gift of life given by My Father to man is the greatest gift, and it is not for humanity to dispose of.

People are living in war and in constant danger due to the arrogance and thoughtlessness of those who lead governments. My children wish to stop the war, while they continue to suffer innocently. Those who serve the Devil have greater interests and will not allow the cessation of the war, even if it means taking the lives of their own people in order to pit the rest of the nations against the nation that they will indicate. This is how they are leading humanity. Like sheep to the slaughter, they lead them to suffer, and they open My side again (Jn. 19:34) with the lance of pride. 

My people, My beloved people, listen to Me without ceasing: Prepare yourselves with whatever is possible. I will see to it that those who are unable to prepare themselves are provided with the means to survive. Prepare now without delay!

See how the sun assails the Earth, bringing serious events to the planet and to My children. Certain volcanoes, feared by My children, will begin to erupt. The earth will shake more forcefully; heat and cold will become extreme. Convert! Cease rivalries and strife among those who claim to stand with Me. Be more of Me than of the Devil: you cannot serve two masters [1]Mt 6:24-34. Be My children.

Prayers please Me if they are sincere, if they are proclaimed by repentant children who wish to grow spiritually in order to be able to merge with the Divine Will. Do not worry about what is happening to you; worry if trials do not come to you. Trials are a sign that you are walking toward Me.

Pray, My children, pray. The crown in England will quickly make the news; the people will desire independence.

Pray, My children, pray for Central America. It will be shaken. Chile, France and Italy will be shaken.

Pray, My children, pray. The great corporations that produce food for humanity are in decline. The routes of foodstuffs will be diverted.

Pray, My children, pray. The elite are growing stronger and the economy declines. They are steering humanity toward their goals.

You will return to unleavened bread and to feeding yourselves sparingly. Keep water stocked. Be human beings of steadfast faith and be attentive. Live attentively so that you are not deceived.

Pray the Holy Rosary and receive Me in My Body and Blood in the Eucharist, properly prepared. Be experts in love.

Prepare for the Warning [2]Revelations about the Great Warning of God to humanity…, My children. Be aware that you will be confronted with your actions and deeds. Repent!

My people: In the face of discouragement, uncertainty, and the fear that you may have, be creatures of faith in My love for My children. I will not give you stones for bread. Do not fear, My Mother is protecting you. Do not fear, I remain with each one of you. I bless you and send you My angels to go before you and open the way for you.

I bless you, My children. May My peace inundate you. Your Jesus.


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary by Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: Blessing us with all His love and protection, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ says to us: “Fear not, I am with you.” What greatness is poured out over all mankind for divine glory and the salvation of souls!

How can we refuse so much love standing before us–love that leads God Himself to come before us at different moments of our lives? And yet we do not recognize Him. That is why He tells us that He comes to us as a beggar of love so that we would convert, given the urgency of the moment. We need to remain on the path of conversion so that faith would not be something temporary, but would be firm within us.

He speaks to us of “being a spiritual refuge” for HIM and speaks to us of the refuges that exist on earth so that those who must stay there would do so. Let us remember that homes consecrated to the Sacred Hearts and where the love of God is lived will be refuges. However, we above all need to know that the refuges prepared on earth are for the most critical times of persecution.

Brothers and sisters, let us recognize the signs of the times, and above all, let us trust in God, let us pray and say: Amen, Amen, Amen.

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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages, Physical Protection and Preparation, The Time of Tribulation, The Warning, the Reprieve, the Miracle, Time of Refuges.