Luz – The Hunter Will Act . . .

Jesus to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on October 10th, 2022:

My people, I love you… How much I love you! My people, you are loved by Me.  I come so that you would examine yourselves, so that you would look at your works and actions. Therefore, continue with conversion. So much rebellion by My people is the cause of the disasters on earth, and yet some of My children do not want to see what is happening. They are more foolish than foolishness itself – until they find themselves drowning in lamentation, when they will cry out to Me.

At this moment, they do not wish to pray or to visit Me. They reject Me, they live without needing Me. Humanity has thrown itself over the precipice and will reap the fruit of its folly, of its distance from My House. My people, blood is life, but the blood reflected in the moon is the announcement of the suffering of humanity. [1]Joel 2:31. The blood moons [2]Revelations concerning the “blood moons”: have been regarded as a spectacle, yet I must tell you that the past blood moons and the one that you are still to see foreshadow the terrible suffering that humanity will face at this climactic time. The red moon came dressed as a hunter, thus pertinent to the very painful event of the use of nuclear energy. The hunter will act without hesitation at the moment you least expect.

My beloved people, starting from this blood moon called “the hunter”, the war is taking a different path. Pray, work, and act, desiring good for your brothers and sisters; you must, however, first change yourselves so that you may give what you carry within you. My people, the world economy will suffer a serious fall. I call you to prayer so that inner peace would bring you clarity concerning what is happening. You will not attain inner peace without My presence within you [3]Jn 14:27; Jn 16:33. Hunters know where to hunt, which is why they draw up their plans in advance.

My children, My people: Use will be made of nuclear power [4]Revelations about nuclear energy:, and once these devices of the Devil himself have been used, silence will overcome you; fear will take hold of you upon facing the arrival of events foretold. Natural resources will be contaminated… Food will be contaminated… Winter will strike, and My people, confronting one another, becoming worse than rapacious animals, will make the life of My children a constant challenge. Attention, My children! The threat of war is no longer a threat, and My people will suffer. I call you to prepare and to help those who cannot prepare. My House will provide for those who have nothing.

Pray, My children, pray. Pay attention to China: it will take an unexpected leap.

Pray, My children, pray for Taiwan.

Pray, My children, pray for the leaders of Russia.

Pray, My children, pray for the leaders of the United States.

Pray, My children, pray for the leaders of Ukraine.

As humanity, you are in grave danger, and to those who have not believed My Words – as I have told you in advance what would happen – I call you to believe at this time and to convert. I await you as a loving Father. The human race is under domination. This is My final call for you to prepare materially. I will provide for those who cannot prepare.  The demons are lying in wait, and St. Michael is fighting them.

Be attentive, My children, be attentive! Be children worthy of Me. Pray, cry out, come to Me. My blessings be with you.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary by Luz de María

Brothers and sisters: 

Our Lord’s emphasis is on war and on preparing now! Our Lord calls us to be fraternal, to love Him and to be observers of God’s Law. Brothers and sisters, man does not want to see clearly what is happening in the world, thinking that everything will remain the same, even though we are under constant threat. As God’s people, let us be creatures of adoration, of greater closeness to Our Lord Jesus Christ and to Our Blessed Mother; let us seek closeness and reciprocal love.

What Our Lord announces to us is not a game, nor is what is happening among various nations a game. We have to act and look in our homes for the best place to face a situation of great danger. We have been through the blood moon called the “Hunter” and on November 8, we will have another blood moon to which we must pay great attention.

Let us keep printed copies of prayers and other messages that we wish to have. Let us pay attention and give thanks to God.

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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.