Luz – Thermometer of the Interior Life

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 12th, 2021:

Beloved People of God: I bless you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity and of our Queen and Mother. This People of God must remain under the protection of the Most Sacred Heart of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. In order to reach such a great goal, humanity’s authenticity is indispensable — instead of the hypocrisy of blanched sepulchers. [1]cf. Matt 23:27 Few human beings truly examine themselves, seeing their flaws…Few undertake the path of true conversion… Hypocrites abound among the People of God… Authentic conversion is urgent, which human beings refuse when they view themselves as “gods” of non-existent virtues and gifts, being puffed up by the falsehood of their human ego. Personal works and behavior are the thermometer that, without any concealment, shouts aloud to you regarding a true interior life that has been infected with the spiritual blindness covering the Earth.

My Celestial Legions are constantly watching over these human beings who refuse to see themselves truthfully and to take responsibility for their faults… These children of God should pause on their way; otherwise, they will proceed to deliver their brothers and sisters into the hands of the Antichrist.

People of God, cast off the thirst for revenge that you are holding in your minds, the resentment and envy in your thinking, and the hatred in your hearts. People of God, do not only look at the good in which you believe you that you are working and behaving: this is arrogance and pride. This is how ungrateful servants behave: they do not know the King and Lord of Heaven and Earth, due to the gangrene with which their souls have been infected. Because of this, the elements will purify humanity, and the human race, oppressed by its own evil, will see itself from within, by the great Mercy of our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

People of God, the Devil is not an invention: he exists, he robs you of your peace, he leads you to fight against one another, and he rejoices over this. O foolish creatures, you are making the Devil rejoice!

Beloved People of God, disease will continue to drag humanity towards ever greater pain. The elite are undermining your health, death is making haste, the earth is unstable, earthquakes are arriving rapidly. Be on alert, humanity – on alert! I have called the People of God to prayer so that every human being would ask for discernment regarding their personal works and behavior, given the proximity of the Warning and the urgency of saving your souls. Beseech the Holy Spirit for the strength necessary in order to continue in faith, given the severe and imminent events that will befall the earth and therefore humanity.

Give thanks to God, One and Three, the protector of the innocent. Without panicking or falling into despair, the People of God are faithful to God; they walk where God has called them, trusting in Divine protection and Divine provision. My Legions are guarding you so that you would not falter. Be on alert, humanity! Be alert: convert! Do not fear: I am sent by the Most Holy Trinity to protect you for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin



1 cf. Matt 23:27
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.