Luz – Urgent Call to Conversion

The Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on February 9, 2022:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart: United in the Cross of my Son, I bless you. The Cross of my Son is a sign of Redemption, although this does not come to the human creature without each person desiring it from the heart and being aware of what they must do in order to be a child of my Divine Son. I call you once again to conversion in this moment of spiritual danger in which the Devil not only prowls (cf. I Pet. 5:8) around my children but attacks them. Faith is the work and action of every moment, [giving off] the fragrance of […] the work and action of my Divine Son.

This generation has gone backward spiritually…. They continually offer vinegar to my Divine Son (Ps 69:21). I often find that my own are envious of their brothers and sisters, carrying heavy grudges that bend them almost to the ground. My beloved, be humble, for humility gives wisdom (Prov. 11:2), growing like wheat.

Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: Conversion is necessary for you… As a Mother I protect you if you allow me to do so. The moments in which you live are not those of the past, but the present. The moments in which you live are not those of the future, but the ones in which you are living, and so you should live in the present, emerging as new creatures, renewed and thirsting for the love and forgiveness of my Divine Son offered in the Sacrament of Confession. People of my Son, you complain that you cannot see or feel my Son… Ask yourselves: are you worthy of it, or have you founded your faith on seeing and hearing? You have forgotten that he who has not seen but believes is blessed. (Jn 20:29). It is urgent for human beings to be more perceptive, deeper and more intuitive, but this is not a personal achievement, coming rather from union with the Most Holy Trinity. My children do not quieten themselves, living in the distraction of daily life and the agitation of the world. My Son responds to His children: my Son is the soul’s light, He is the soul’s fragrance, He is sound for the soul, He is wind for the soul, He is nourishment for the soul. My Son is present and yet you do not stop.

Cultivate faith, love, humility, charity and strengthen yourselves for what is to come for humanity. Man has forged his own suffering using the Devil’s weapon: disobedience, the root of all evil. As God’s People, prepare yourselves through fraternal love, discard what is sinful and proclaim that you are living through the Purification of the human race now.

I suffer as a Mother. My children are not converting, they do not change, they are not making an effort. You quickly forget that the sun and the moon influence the Earth and humanity. You forget that events are scourging humanity and you will continue to see human misery. What spiritual relief my Son will send you in the midst of the Great Purification! He will send His Angel of Peace [1] Revelations concerning the Angel of Peace… to strengthen you, or else it would be more difficult for you to bear the great pain that is approaching. But have my children converted?

Continue growing in faith; nourish yourselves with the Body and Blood of my Divine Son. Do not fear: with faith miracles are greater. Make haste: conversion is urgent. I bless you in the Name of my Son, I bless you with my Love.



Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin



Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters:

Our Mother of Divine Love makes herself definitively present to each of us with great goodness and mercy…. It is essential to pause at this time; this has always been the case, but more so now than previously. If you have not done so, brothers and sisters, stop and look within yourself! We carry so much inside ourselves and everyone knows themselves, but as Our Mother tells us, this is the time for inner revision. Perhaps this has been delayed, but we cannot continue putting off looking within ourselves and asking for repentance, asking for forgiveness in order to continue, as Our Mother says to us, as new creatures, thereby receiving the strength needed for the coming events, but above all, for saving the soul and helping our fellow men to find the way again.


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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.