Luz – Wake Up, Before It Is Too Late!

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 17th:

Beloved children of the Most Holy Trinity, I come to you to bring you the Divine Word. Accepting the Sacred Hearts is the means of protection by which humanity can fight the demons that tempt you. The Immaculate Heart of Mary calls you to willingly entrust yourselves to it, so that she might shelter you in her virginal womb, before which the demons are afraid. Darkness is coming, and you will have no means of communication… Grow in faith, be charitable, and do not refuse to help your brother in such difficult times. 

Children of the Most Holy Trinity, spiritual defenses are indispensable for you: defenses that you take up by your own free will in order to fight everything that leads you away from our King and Lord Jesus Christ. At this moment, already spiritually prepared through Confession before June 15, commit yourselves to a new life, without so much evil that keeps you away from our King and Lord Jesus Christ and our Queen and Mother. Good intentions must be a reality in each one of you. You must “arm yourselves with the breastplate of faith” [1]I Thess. 5:8 and commit to a life of combating personal sin.

Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for the United Kingdom, which will suffer excessively due to war and whose soil will shake: Aberdeen will suffer, Glasgow will suffer due to the earthquake, Ireland will suffer.

Children of the Most Holy Trinity, France will be shaken by the earthquake: Lyon will be severely shaken, Marseilles will suffer due to the war and the earthquake, Le Havre will be lashed by water and shaken.

Children of our Queen and Mother of the End Times: These are moments when you must be “as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves” [2]Mt. 10:16. Beloved People of the Most Holy Trinity: Wake up, before it is too late! Everything has been prepared by those who turn the wheels of humanity so that the moment will arrive [3]Read about the New World Order:. Look at what is happening in the world, and do not deny what is happening. Continue on the right path with faith, with love, charity, and with abundant love for your neighbor. May the Trinitarian blessing be salvation and forgiveness in each one of you.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters, let us keep in mind these messages given by heaven previously:


Conversion is urgent given the imminent fulfillment of what I have announced to you. I remain with you. Do not fear, I am your Mother; my Son entrusted you to me. I do not abandon you; come to me promptly. In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.


Communism advances without being stopped. It obstructs My people with an iron hand, persecutes and oppresses them. There will be an end to this, and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother will triumph.


I defended the Father’s Throne against the wiles of the Devil [4]Rev. 12:7-10; I will defend it again with my heavenly legions, and every human being will see the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of our Queen and Mother, “who will crush the head of the infernal serpent” [5]Gen. 3:15



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1 I Thess. 5:8
2 Mt. 10:16
3 Read about the New World Order:
4 Rev. 12:7-10
5 Gen. 3:15
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.