Luz – You Are Living In The Midst Of Great Confusion…

Message of The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 20, 2024:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, I love you, I bless you. You are living in the midst of great confusion; God’s Law has been placed beneath the free will of my children. Some justify themselves by saying that they have become tired of waiting for the announcements from the Father’s House to be fulfilled; but these are errors, my children, great errors justified by my children who do not want to obey the Divine Commands.

My Son’s Church is in confusion. Treasure the Word of my Son, preach the truth, walk on the straight path. My children, my Son’s Church will find itself in desolation, and you must pray in order to make reparation for the lukewarmness of your brothers and sisters. My children, do not be confused, because the signs of the times and of current ones in particular speak clearly to you about how much will be fulfilled in a very short space of time. The signals and signs will continue and are meant to alert you, so that you would wake up and look at reality and stop looking from afar at the events that are continually occurring.

My children, my Son’s Church must remain united in prayer in and out of season, as the enemy of the soul is pouncing on humanity. During the time of purification, the despair into which my children who remain distant will fall, will drive them into confusion out of desperation, and they will be led by the devil into the great trap of a single religion. You are living in conformism, my children, and this cannot be the case in these moments when humanity will be shocked by a Third World War.

I invite you to pray, my children, to pray with your heart, to pray with your senses, with your conscience, with your soul, because as obedient children, you cannot settle for living in ignorance. You must live loving one another as brothers and sisters in this crucial moment for humanity when many souls are going to be lost. But my children, even to the lukewarm you must try to speak in the language of love, because the language of love succeeds in overcoming the hardest hearts that exist.

Go forth, my children, looking at what is happening around you, assisting one another, knowing that great suffering is approaching humanity as a consequence of war. But before calling you to prepare materially, I call you to prepare in spirit, my children! You must hurry, little children! I love you. Do not neglect my calls. Remain attentive to these loving pleas that are allowed by the Most Holy Trinity until, due to nature or man, you will no longer be able to hear my calls or those of my Divine Son. Remember that your life must focus on my Divine Son, on His teachings, on fulfilling the commandments, sacraments, and works of mercy; and pray. May you be nourished by prayer.

Protect my favoured sons, my obedient sons who are priests. Protect them and protect the instruments, thanks to whom, at this moment, by Divine Will, you are able to be warned about what is going to happen. Protect one another, my little children. I bless you, and at this moment, I bless the sacramentals that you are carrying with you. I bless you as the Mother of humanity, I bless you as the Mother of the Word, I bless you against the snares of the evil oppressor of souls, I bless you so that, being creatures of faith and love, you would retain the protection of the sacramentals. I bless you. I bless your bodies, your thoughts, your conscience, your mind, your senses, your whole being in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Mother Mary


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.