Luz – You must change now . . .

Our Lady to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 6th, 2022:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart:

I bless you with my love, I bless you with my Fiat. Children, I call you to convert. Some of you are asking yourselves: how do I convert?

You must decide to turn away from sin, from all that corrupts your spiritual and physical senses, your mind, your thoughts, and all that hardens your heart. You must make a firm decision, having a firm intention to make amends for your possible falls as regards detachment from worldliness, from what is sinful, and from inappropriate habits. The tyranny of the human self is strong when it has been allowed to take hold of the reins of the cravings of the flesh and the senses.

Convert by turning away from what corrupts you and causes you to be united to what is base and inferior, in which the Devil moves. Sin leads you to deprive yourselves of my Divine Son, and this is very serious, for the result is to deprive yourselves of eternal salvation, if you do not repent.

Sin means entering the dangerous territory of what is forbidden and inappropriate, where the soul suffers. You have free will, and I see so many of my children constantly falling into the same sin out of foolishness. They say, “I am free, freedom is mine,” and thus they sink into the putrid waters of sin, from which they do not come out due to pride, due to the misuse of free will. Convert! Reflect on how you are, what you do, how you react, how you are towards your brothers and sisters, how you work, and how you behave. (Ps. 50 (51): 4-6).

Children, humanity is in danger and without conversion you are easy prey for evil. Great changes are coming! Modern innovations are coming that destroy the spirituality of my children, causing them to betray my Son. There are so many who feel they are wise but who end up being foolish and falling into vileness. Humanity must change urgently in order for you not to be deceived. Human beings are in a constant process of conversion with an urgent need to be constantly washed of sin.

As I did the first time, I call you to strengthen yourselves as my Son’s people with fasting, prayer, the Eucharist, and fraternity. As a mother I would like to speak to you only of the grandeur of heaven, but at this moment I must speak of what is approaching and which can cause you to fall.

You must change now already and be willing to be totally new creatures. Violence is increasing due to human discord, creating chaos in one country and another. This is why I call you to adore my Divine Son, to pray and to be fraternal. You will not succeed in giving what you do not bear within you.

My children, you need to live in adoration of my Son so that you may pass this on to your brothers and sisters before it is too late. Beloved People of my Son, this is the time to raise your hearts up to my Son; separating yourselves from my Son prevents you from discerning.

More diseases are coming which are not the Divine Will, but are due to misused science. Pray and use what has been indicated to you.

Be fraternal and do not permit strife. Unity is urgent; those who live in strife will find themselves alone facing the danger of evil.

I bless you with my Love; come to my Womb. I remain with my Son’s people.  Do not fear: I am protecting you.

Mother Mary


Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters:

As the Mother of Christ, the Blessed Virgin is the fulfillment of motherly love for mankind. She blesses us with her Fiat, with her “Yes” to God’s will so that we, as her children, might repeat the works and actions of Our Blessed Mother.

She calls us to conversion from all that is sin, explaining to us the first steps for this. The response of each one of us to the call to conversion will also give us the strength to face all that is coming for humanity, as it is in the discernment given by the Holy Spirit that we as children of God can be more godly than evil.

This is a call to discern what surrender to Christ means in terms of renouncing the world and the flesh.


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Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla.