Luz – You Will Be Heard

The Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla  on February 18th, 2023:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart:

I keep you on my lap so that you would be safe. Take my hands. I will lead you to my Divine Son. Take the love of my Divine Son so that you would witness by working and acting in His likeness. Be fraternal. Do not be like the Pharisees who, as great teachers, speak so easily in the name of God while being whitened sepulchers [1]cf. Mt. 23:27-32. This time of urgency and conversion is a sign of the speed with which the most serious events of the fulfillment of my prophecies are coming. How you will regret having wasted every second of your life without entering into true unity with the Father’s House, without delving into the Sacred Scriptures and discovering in every word the divine love to which you are called at every moment!

Beloved children, spiritual growth must be a priority; it is necessary for you to be converted, convinced children, living in faith and fraternity. This is an urgent time for humanity, prior to the arrival of natural events of great force, not seen before, although they have been announced by this Mother. This is an urgent time given the constant threats of war between powers.

Pestilence will come again. You must keep what you have received by Divine Will for facing diseases. For the skin, have calendula. It is necessary that you do not forget it at the slightest sign on the skin – use it. Apply a small amount of the Oil of the Good Samaritan daily [2] “…use the oil of the Good Samaritan as protection against a case of highly contagious disease where you live; using the tip of a pin on the earlobes is good; if the number of those contaminated increases you should put it on both sides of the neck and on the wrists of both hands.” The Blessed Virgin Mary, 01.28.2020.[3]Read about Medicinal Plants:.

Various countries will witness signs on high that will shake humanity. Some will seek to reconcile with my Divine Son out of fear, then turn away. In the countries where these signs will be seen, there will be suffering due to nature or directly from war. Humanity is involved in social, religious, and political upheavals, struggling for subsistence. Being immersed in the things of the world, you are rushing toward the precipice and this Mother suffers great pain.

The densest and subtlest of fogs have penetrated within the Church of my Divine Son at the same time in order to confuse God’s people, causing division until schism is reached. 

Beloved children of my Heart, convert without waiting: the shortened days will show the severity of my revelations, in order that you would commit to being more like my Divine Son and less worldly. Children, you will experience the fiercest scarcity: prepare spiritually and then prepare materially. Mercy, repentance, forgiveness, will be the plea of the human race. And in the end you will be heard. Infinite mercy will welcome you, and then on Earth you will see food germinate again. Beloved children, come to the celebration of the feast of the imposition of ashes, entering into the time of Lent. Come in a special way this Ash Wednesday. 

Pray, children, pray for Finland: it will be shaken.

Pray, children, pray for Panama: it will shake.

Pray, children, pray for Mexico: this land will shake

Pray, children, pray, Heaven sends signals to its children.

Pray, children, pray for Chile: it will suffer an earthquake.

Pray, children, pray regarding news coming out of the Church: I call you to prayer.

Beloved children of my Heart: Pray with a contrite and humbled heart. I do not forsake you. Be creatures of goodness. I bless you, I remain with you.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary by Luz de María

Brothers and sisters, let us meditate this Lent on this penitential psalm so that it may move us to conversion of the heart: Psalm 50 (51).

The following messages, previously revealed by Heaven, will help us to better understand the words of Our Blessed Mother.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, 06.26.2011

Beloved, I will give signs in the heavens and on earth: this is the time. The sun will become dim and My children will remember Me in brief prayers, but afterwards they will turn away again.

 Our Lord Jesus Christ 12.04.2016

You will see signs in the sky so that you would not forget that I am present and dominate everything.

St. Michael the Archangel, 10.19.2021

You are heading towards the time when man will fight against man, forgetting that he is a creature of God, faced with the famine that is looming over mankind and darkness so deep that you will be unable to see each other’s hands. Darkness such as that which the human race carries in its soul because of the continuous sins in which you have immersed yourselves as humanity.

St. Michael the Archangel, 15.12.2020

Prepare, children, for the fall of the economy; do not maintain false hopes – humanity will experience the worst famine ever seen. International organizations will not react to this and many of you will be lost if you do not convert and allow yourselves to be “fed by Heaven”.

St. Michael the Archangel, 01.06.2020 

Do not squander any longer the opportunity to raise a prayer to our King and Lord Jesus Christ, so that the Holy Spirit would assist you with your spiritual growth.

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1 cf. Mt. 23:27-32
2  “…use the oil of the Good Samaritan as protection against a case of highly contagious disease where you live; using the tip of a pin on the earlobes is good; if the number of those contaminated increases you should put it on both sides of the neck and on the wrists of both hands.” The Blessed Virgin Mary, 01.28.2020.
3 Read about Medicinal Plants:
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.