Luz – Come to This Mother

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on December 11th, 2021:

Beloved people of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: Our Queen will crush the head of Satan. Our Queen, commanding the heavenly legions, causes Satan to fear. People of our Queen, this feast day [December 12th, Our Lady of Guadalupe] of your Queen and Mother is, at the same time, a day of Advent. During Advent, the people of Our King and Lord prepare themselves and the people of your Queen and Mother prepare themselves. The Son is not without the Mother; the Mother is not without the Son. It is during this time of waiting that the people of the Son are held by the hand of the Son’s Mother, as a refuge of salvation. How many people rest in the protection of the maternal mantle, the mantle that covered Our King and Lord Jesus Christ! I call you to present your whole being to your Queen and Mother so that she might keep you pure when you are faced by the insinuations of the devil.

Without declining in faith, as a faithful people, being faithful children of your Queen and Mother, heed the multiple calls that you receive, and strengthen your hope of a better tomorrow, where peace will be your food and Divine Love the sun that continually enlightens you.

Our Lady on December 11th, 2021:

Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart: Come to my Son: He awaits you with infinite love. On this date [December 12th Feast] when so many of my children come to me, I ask you to remain faithful to my Son, becoming better children all the time, remaining faithful to the true magisterium of the Church of my Son.

Beloved children, prepare the refuges requested of you by my Son, as well as the homes consecrated to Our Sacred Hearts to be refuges for those who dwell there. You must preserve what is necessary in order to subsist, without falling into confusion, always having peace in your hearts; for Our Sacred Hearts are the refuge where you must keep yourselves duly prepared as temples of the Holy Spirit. Prepare yourselves. Those of you who cannot gather what you know to be materially necessary should rest assured that my Son will send you what you need in order to subsist. Faith is indispensable on the paths of my Son, and even more so when humanity sees some darkness in everything it experiences. Children, do not be confused; do not allow any mistrust towards divine protection or my protection to enter into you; do not doubt that my beloved St. Michael the Archangel remains permanently over the people of my Son.

Pray, children, pray with deep faith. Do not falter: be aware of what is happening so that you might pray about it, [1]cf. Mark 14:38: “Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” and may my children minister to one another. This generation is experiencing what others of their own generation have not experienced, causing themselves more pain and greater loneliness. Rejecting my Son, it is difficult for them to understand the divine ways: their ears are closed, their eyes do not see, and their minds deny everything, leading them to enter into despair and uneasiness, into seemingly endless winter.

Come back, little children! Come to my Son who is waiting for you. Come to this Mother. Without doubting my maternal love, with confidence in this Mother, give me your hand and advance with a light and sure step. Beloved people:

You do not stand alone…
You do not stand alone…
You do not stand alone…

I bless you, I love you. Do not be afraid.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin


Related reading:

Luz on the prophetic message of Guadalupe

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1 cf. Mark 14:38: “Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
Posted in Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Messages.