Manuela – Do as I Say!

Jesus to Manuela Strack on August 30, 2023 during Mass: 

After receiving the Holy Eucharist, the Sacred Host beat ten times in my mouth like a heart. I heard the Lord’s voice: I am the Lord, your God, and I want you to keep My Commandments. Whoever loves Me keeps My Commandments. My heart beat ten times – once for each Commandment.

The Infant Jesus to Manuela Strack on August 25, 2023 above the “Maria Annuntiata” well in Sievernich (Germany) with many children present.

I see a large golden ball of light, accompanied by two smaller balls of light. They float above us in the sky and a wonderful light reaches us. We are as if immersed in a fan of luminous rays. The King of Mercy emerges from this light. He is wearing a great golden crown and the robe and mantle of His Precious Blood. The robe and mantle are embroidered with open golden lilies. The Lord has curly black and brown hair and blue eyes. In His right hand He is carrying a large golden scepter. In His left hand is the Vulgate, shining magnificently. The two balls now open and two angels in simple white robes emerge.

They kneel before the Infant Jesus, King of Mercy, and sing: Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo. [I will sing of the Lord’s mercy for all eternity] (3 times) Meanwhile, the royal mantle is spread over us like a tent. The King of Mercy approaches and says:

Dear friends, rejoice! I am with you and bless you: in the name of the Father and of the Son – I am He – and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

I especially greet the children! [1]Personal note: there were many children by the well. My Most Sacred Heart is with them. Are you not also children of the Eternal Father? It is so important that you love and respect children. Particularly respect the unborn. Do not deny them the right to life! Children are not only the fruit of man. They are also the fruit of Heaven!”

The Lord offers us an instruction regarding the House of Mercy [2]Requested by Heaven in November 2021 for welcoming mothers and children rejected by society.. Now the Vulgate opens and I see today’s Gospel: Mt. 22:36-37: Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the law?” He said to him [3]Deuteronomy 6:5: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.

The Vulgate’s pages continue to turn and the Lord says: Love for Me, your Lord and Savior, love for the Eternal Father, is so important. See how much the Father loves you, how much I love you. Am I not coming to My sheep? I want to comfort you and cradle you in My Most Sacred Heart, as you cradle your children.

Now, I see in the Vulgate the passage Job 24:1: Are not times of punishment set by the Almighty? Do not His faithful see the days of His judgment? The Heavenly King says: I give you My Word, and I do so piece by piece [bit by bit], for I am the Lord. Since I am the Lord, no one will be able to fathom Me completely! This is given to you for your humility. I love you with all My Heart, with all My Most Holy Heart! The King of Mercy puts His scepter to His Heart, and it becomes the instrument for sprinkling His Precious Blood. He blesses us with His Precious Blood and sprinkles us: In the name of the Father and of the Son – I am He – and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

His blessing goes over us all, as well as over the letters at the well containing prayer intentions and especially those thinking of Him from far away. The Lord comes closer to Manuela.

M: “Please come closer, Lord.”

The Lord comes a little closer to M. again, holds out His hand to her and says: The Eternal Father loves it when you call out to Him as His children and pray to Him in reparation. With love and humility you can mitigate the chastisement. Do as I say! A personal communication follows concerning the crowning of the statue of St. Michael the Archangel this coming September.

The King of Mercy says: I would now like to speak to My successors, My priests, the beloved sons of My Most Holy Mother. Bless people in this time of tribulation! Bless [with] My love in this time! My blessing banishes evil in this time, for when you bless, I bless! Therefore do good and bless, so that evil will not be able to spread in this time. Remain faithful to Me! All of you say “Serviam” [I will serve]!

We all cry out, “Serviam!”

The Divine Infant Jesus speaks:

See, it is I myself in the sacraments! They are holy because I am holy. They were given to you by Me so that I could meet you in Heaven, in My Father’s kingdom.

M: “Serviam, Lord, Serviam!”

The King of Mercy says: Pray much that the earth, the world would be preserved from evil! Rejoice, for I am with you! Amen!

The Heavenly King wants us to pray: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Your mercy. Amen. The Divine Child then bids us farewell, saying Adieu!

M: “Farewell, Lord!”

The King of Mercy goes back into the light. As the angels go back into the light, they sing:


St. Michael the Archangel to Manuela Strack on August 15, 2023: 

In the sky, a large golden ball of light and a smaller ball of light hover above us. A wonderful light shines down upon us. The large ball of light opens and I see St. Michael the Archangel emerging from the light and coming down towards us. Saint Michael the Archangel is dressed in white and golden armor. The smaller ball of light does not open, however. Saint Michael raises his sword to the sky and says: Quis ut Deus! [Who is like God?] May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen.

On his shield can be seen a red cross.

I come to you in friendship! Carry the love of my Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts. Do not allow Satan to darken your hearts. Stand firm! Carry the Word of God in your hearts, not only on your lips.

St. Michael the Archangel tells me to greet a priest. A personal communication ensues. Above the Archangel Michael’s sword, the Holy Scripture, the Vulgate, appears in a brilliant light. It shines down upon us. Above the Vulgate is a golden cross with the living Lord upon it. It too shines down upon us.

Manuela: “St. Michael, I pray to you for all the sick, for peace in the world, for all our intentions here. You also know that I have brought some intentions with me.”

The Holy Scriptures open and I see a little text, Ezekiel 7:22-24: I will avert my face from them, so that they may profane my treasured place; the violent shall enter it, they shall profane it. Make a chain! For the land is full of bloody crimes; the city is full of violence. I will bring the worst of the nations to take possession of their houses. I will put an end to the arrogance of the strong, and their holy places shall be profaned.

St. Michael the Archangel approaches me with his sword. Then he puts his sword on my shoulder.

M: “Dear St. Michael the Archangel, what is this? You know that I am a woman.”

St. Michael the Archangel performs a full act of knighting and says: This is a heavenly knighting. You receive it for all those who pray with all their heart for the Holy Church, through the Precious Blood of my Lord Jesus Christ. Remain firm and faithful! The Precious Blood of My Lord is your salvation. You know that I am the warrior of the Precious Blood. A warrior of God’s love!

Now the smaller ball of light opens up. St. Michael says: I am not alone!

Now a very young woman dressed in armor emerges from this smaller ball of light.

M: “Lord, You who are at the top of the Cross in the sky, who is it? Who is it, St. Michael the Archangel?”

St. Michael says: This is [St.] Joan of Orleans.

M: “She is so young!”

St. Michael the Archangel says: The Lord has placed her at your side. You will understand this in times to come. In France, I was with her. She will be your advocate. Especially during the distress of the Holy Church.

M: “St. Michael the Archangel, please bless our rosaries! Joan, be so good as to bless our rosaries!”

Our rosaries are blessed by the Archangel Michael and St. Joan. St. Joan speaks in French and wants to tell me something. Unfortunately, I cannot fully understand her. What I do understand is “… toi, fleur de lys rouge, …” [“you red lily”]. St. Michael the Archangel says that St. Joan will speak to me again later. She will appear again.

M: “Saint Michael the Archangel, preserve us from war, evil and distress, I beseech you.”

St. Michael the Archangel looks at me intensely and says: The times are becoming serious. Pray a great deal! Pray to the Precious Blood of my Lord. Ask for reparation before the Eternal Father. Quis ut Deus? [Who is like God?] The Lord loves you [plural] so much! Be certain of this! Goodbye!

St. Michael the Archangel returns into the light, along with little Joan. They disappear.

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1 Personal note: there were many children by the well.
2 Requested by Heaven in November 2021 for welcoming mothers and children rejected by society.
3 Deuteronomy 6:5
Posted in Messages.