A Priest – Revolution is Coming

St. Thérèse de Lisieux to a priest in Michigan, 2008:

(Spoken in a dream): Just as my country [France], which was the eldest daughter of the Church, killed her priests and faithful, so will the persecution of the Church take place in your own country. In a short time, the clergy will go into exile and will be unable to enter the churches openly. They will minister to the faithful in clandestine places. The faithful will be deprived of the “kiss of Jesus” [Holy Communion]. The laity will bring Jesus to them in the absence of the priests.

In January 2009, while saying Mass, the priest audibly heard St. Thérèse repeat her message with more urgency:

In a short time, what took place in my native country, will take place in yours. The persecution of the Church is imminent. Prepare yourself.

Note: this priest is known personally by Mark Mallett who describes him as an incredibly holy man who prays constantly and is visited by the souls in purgatory every night.

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Posted in Messages, Other Souls.