The Suffering Soul

Have you ever felt like this? 
I felt that Jesus wanted to talk to me, and I didn’t want to listen — I rejected Him. I fought for three days with Jesus, and many times I was so exhausted that I didn’t have the strength to reject Him; and then Jesus would speak and speak, and I, drawing strength from His speech, would say to Him: ‘I don’t want to hear anything.’ —Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, October 16, 1918
Ultimately, Luisa recognized that the Divine Will was her food — always, always, always. If we are upset with God because our suffering seems unjust, then tell Him how you feel, just as Jesus spoke frankly with the Father in Gethsemane… but then, listen to the Father, accept your cross if He does not remove it, and realize that Jesus did not promise a life without suffering. Rather, He promised to give us the strength we need to bear it, one day at a time: “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me,” wrote St. Paul.[1]Phil 4:13 The cross God gives us is actually the very path to our sanctification — and if we accept it, we will never regret the eternal rewards we will reap for what will amount to relatively “momentary” affliction.[2]cf. 2 Cor 4:17
When we surrender to God’s difficult and even perplexing will, therein lies the strength that St. Paul spoke of — a strength that actually gives the suffering soul true joy and true peace. It’s just that few persevere or humble themselves long enough to discover it…

—Mark Mallett,

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1 Phil 4:13
2 cf. 2 Cor 4:17
Posted in From Our Contributors, Messages.